The Monk

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Everything posted by The Monk

  1. Lately, I didn't get amazing results, during my Economics exam, and didn't study very hard, and now me teacher has begun doubting me and saying it would be easier to quit, feeling down any suggestions?
  2. I've heard that many very successful people, such as CEOs and major business owners try to wake up amazingly early to get a head start on the world, whilst everyone else sleeps they work. They usually wake around 4am to 7am. I was just wondering what time do you believe is the most effective time to wake up to truly benefit from this time available, if you wake up ?
  3. @Walker @Extreme Z7@Chew211 @Progress @Bubba66 @IndependantKouhai Thanks for the suggestions guys! Really appreciate them.
  4. @spicy_pickles I believe that some people may also not solve their problems or difficult situations, as they may be proud of them, and like having them around as it gives them a lower sense of purpose, and therefore the lower self of ones mind may inevitably be holding on to these issues, instead of resolving them. But, I would say the best things to do is to help to tackle the problem, as you will gain a deeper sense of fulfilment and satisfaction within yourself when the task or problem is complete, and will feel lighter and more happy, even if it's not you experiencing the problem. Try help in any way you can, but if can't and the problem is out of your hands, I would advise the person experiencing the problems or problem to see a specialist, as that may be the best possible solution.
  5. Hi guys, recently I changed my crappy diet (Western Culture) to an amazing mainly vegan diet, but started having some issues after a few days. After I mustered up the motivation to make the rapid change my body after a few days began to hurt. I was large amounts of stomach pains, constipation, you name it. Then because of this I went back to my super crappy diet(Mainly consisting of fast food) and my body returned to normal. I heard it takes time for your body to adjust, but the pain was unbearable and stopped my from doing the work I was supposed to. Any suggestions on how to easily get through this to finally and permanently change my diet?
  6. I'm initially scared of letting go of video games. I have tried many things to change other things such as, my diet, my work ethic, my internet browsing addiction etc. But, the fact is I'm scared of letting go of Video Games. As, I would consider myself a strategic motherducker (quack! it had to be done) I think into the future a lot contemplating what I want before my untimely death; but as a high school student I see everyone around me playing video games and don't see what to replace this bad habit with. And, I have the feeling that if I do replace it I will feel empty and not having an exciting and fulfilling life, by the time of my death and that's why I have made it an 'exception' to not get rid of or try to get rid of on purpose. Help?
  7. @selva Then motivate your self and just do it!
  8. @popi I strongly agree with what @Elton but I'm going to stay here until my untimely death, as it's one of the best forums ever created I think personally. But, you can do what you want and leave, I'm not stopping you and neither is anyone else, but that's up to you.
  9. @selva I personally think the best thing to do in order to kickstart your life for an amazing future, would be to firstly find your life purpose, and once that's done you'll be on your way to an amazing life, with outstanding amounts of motivation and determination to meet goals and objectives. Which can be bought on Leo's Website.
  10. @Siim Land How many days does it usually take to adjust to the new diet, when the hurting begins to stop?
  11. @Siim Land I switched from eating fries and milkshakes and eggs with toast with some chocolate, with usually a lot of snacks, such as crisps, but not having too many sugary drinks and products. To having a cup of water and fruit for breakfast or eggs with cucumbers and tomatoes, and later having eggs tomatoes and cucumber for lunch mainly the vegetables, however, then having mainly nothing for dinner or sometimes having a fruit snack, such as a banana or orange.
  12. @comp13I think that it is probably sensory deprivation that is causing this. Personally I would say it is homeostasis (resistance from your body) , as your mind and body has become rotten because of Western Culture. But, if this become severe consult a doctor, as it may be something otherwise
  13. @Voltman If I were in your position, which I am, I would push myself and initially use repetition over and over in order to produce results and push and motivate myself in order to revise and get good grades, thus increasing my chance of going to a top Uni, such as Harvard or Cambridge. Which is what you should do, as it opens up more possibilities in life; and since you're taking Leo's course you don't need to worry about happiness, as you can create your own no matter the situation, if you become enlightened. So, be a what ever you want. But, I would be a Big fish in a small pond.
  14. @Ross be what you want to be don't let anybody define you. And also, have a rich life, this is what Leo says, have good health, good hygiene, look after yourself, have some nice friends to hang out with, take breaks and overall enjoy life, and live as you see fit.
  15. Central London, England.
  16. @Matth here it is use it well, and replace it with the time that you have to browse porn, as that will leave you no time to masturbate, thus eliminating your craving also.
  17. @Matth I would also similar to Tariq would advise you to try using Leo's addiction removal method. As, I know that it had helped with my own life, and now because of that have eliminated masturbation. Another technique I would suggest is writing down what steps you do before watching porn, in order to actually help you identity what's happening and when to discipline yourself. And if that doesn't work in the moment you should simply allow yourself to feel the feeling to your full ability feel the sensation in your body then ask yourself 'can I let go of this?' Then answer yes or no. If no it's simply still fine, your mind will inevitably become confused and let go of it no matter the answer.
  18. Leo in one of his recent videos 'how to get enlightened' addressed a 'voice' one which appears and evidently seems to conflict with the opinions of reality. Whilst working today I was confronted by the voice continuously as it was trying to make me procrastinate and do others tasks etc. But that made me wonder what is the voice? Is it the Ego? Is it my brain thinking? Is it my lower half, e.g. the bad side of me? Any Ideas?
  19. Thanks guys! @The Obedient Listner @Frogfucius
  20. @The Obedient Listner Ah ok, thanks for the insight. But I also partly have my life purpose making both activities fun, but making me still want to be lazy and play games.
  21. Hi guys, I have started to go back to university recently and wish to produce outstanding results, hard work ethic, etc. But I always seem to fall off track or backslide, and yes I have seen Leo's videos on addiction and procrastination and how to stop backsliding, and have begun reading a numerous amount of his 140 self help books, and yes to some extent they have helped. But, what I'm struggling with most is making flashcards and revision notes, as I have no interest in them and just wish to spend hours on them to create amazing results I just do it for about 1 hour-30 minutes then procrastinate, and get lazy, due to the fact that I believe making flashcards and notes is boring, but do however tell myself that this will lead me to my initial life purpose and goal to impact the world through business, and inspire others through my hard work ethic. But, I just simply can't stay on track I always wish that I could have a hard work ethic similar to that of people that lived almost 100 years ago, e.g. Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, or everyday Prime Minster; And to do this I have also tried hard determination sitting, but I fell off track and am struggling to get back on, to truly accept the void and be happy with the present moment. Any suggestions about how I can develop a hard work ethic to create amazing results, to stop backsliding, and to eliminate addiction to internet, and gaming, alongside procrastination? To truly be happy with the present moment rather than games, to enjoy life no matter the circumstances or consequences.
  22. So, recently I have become lazy. I have been doing some school work and have been doing 'days off', which is where I usually take a day off, but do however do some work e.g. make revision notes. I have partially found my life purpose and am heading towards that, however I am experiencing short term laziness, and I have only been making notes for 5 days in a row, and now feel lazy, and also feel like internal motivation is no longer working. Any suggestions?
  23. Thanks, I'll try it out. @Christian
  24. @Eelco1981 Does it work for everyone, and what if you can't attain due to educational, economic, or social reasons?