The Monk

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Everything posted by The Monk

  1. Habit streak (8th December 2016) Meditation 3 movements Did do h/w. Did inspire myself Objectives to meet by the end of today Meditation 30 mins Revision 1 hour and 30 mins. Inspire myself
  2. 6 Days have gone so far since the beginning of the positive thinking challenge. It still seems like I'm going strong.
  3. Self- Development. Just because someone says they're bad or a waste of money doesn't mean they are. If someone says you're a cat doesn't mean you become a cat. You don't need the approval of others in order to do what's correct, just figure it out by yourself. Which is what you can do by using your intuition aka your gut feeling, rather than seemingly being pressured to buy Beletristic books. Just buy which is seems of more value TO YOU! Not to others.
  4. Habit Streak Meditation done, 3 movements. Did inspire myself. Did any remaining h/w. Objectives to meet by the end of today Meditation no movements 30 mins. Inspire myself. Do any remaining h/w.
  5. 5 Days have gone so far since the beginning of the positive thinking challenge. It still seems like I'm going strong.
  6. @Elisabeth Don't worry I've figured out how to do 40 hours a week only. In order to ensure I stay productive and don't burn out . Besides, I don't get stressed working, I love it, as long as it's not heaped upon me, and its fun to learn.
  7. Habit streak (6th December 2016) Did meditation for 30 mins (1 movement). Did inspire myself. Did plan for the rest of the week. Didn't do h/w. Objectives to meet by the end of today Do any remaining h/w. Inspire myself (10 mins) Meditation 30 mins No movements.
  8. 4 Days have gone so far since the beginning of the positive thinking challenge. It still seems like I'm going strong.
  9. Is self actualisation work also considering as work? @Leo Gura If so I might have to give up my meditation habit. Barrack Obama used to work 91 hours a week? He seems amazingly productive.
  10. @Leo Gura Chinese students who academically achieve the highest nationally usually do 50-60 hours a week of studying. Can't I do that?
  11. wait a second, calculated that wrong I'm already doing 30 hours a week by going to school
  12. @Leo Gura Leo, I'm already doing 42 hours a week, just by going to school. Does this mean I don't have time to study for exams when I get home? What do I do? I definitely need to work more in order to improve my grades.
  13. Habit streak Did do meditation, but 16 movements. did organise notes Went for a walk. watched actualised. org videos. Inspired myself. Organised my bad Did any existing h/w. Objectives to meet by the end of today Do mediation for 30 mins Inspire myself. Do h/w. Plan for the rest of the week.
  14. 3 Days have gone so far since the beginning of the positive thinking challenge. It still seems like I'm going strong.
  15. @OhHiMark Holy crap, you're overthinking talking way too much. Just, talk when you feel like it and see how it goes, and just do what's emotionally hard e.g. talking the truth, as it has amazing benefits, but is costly. Continue this, and meditate. Simple. Stop overthinking, the best thing you can do is under think. Just do it if it feels natural, if you feel like talking talk, there is nothing to be scared about, your mind is simply creating pictures in your head , mine does the same thing, but in reality its not so bad, its actually pleasant, as long as your not using it as an emotional crutch for your problems. Enjoy this amazing life man! And Relax.
  16. Hey guys, I've just recently finished doing my hard determination sitting (a form of meditation with no movement), but I ended up doing weird things today. E.g. I started twitching and moving a hell of a lot. Was that my ego manipulating me to prevent me from looking inward? By the way I don't twitch naturally. E.g. now that I've finished my hard determination sitting I realised I moved a total of 16 times, which was extremely weird, as I usually have 3 movements or less. Any reason for this?
  17. @Leo Gura Ah ok thanks, will this disappear overtime, or rise?
  18. Don't have any meaningful one liners, but I found this funny.
  19. @George Paul Becoming a sage, implies you have a vast amount of knowledge of everything, in order to aid humanity. As well as the knowledge of how to best interpret meditation, and therefore because you this you are a master of all things. Enlightenment, life purpose, you name it. As, for the importance of it, I'm sure depends on whether or not you are accurately perceiving it. As to me it seems tremendously important. As for Osho, I don't know, but I want to be a damn sage, that's for sure.
  20. @Martin123 I used to watch it ahah
  21. Damn it! I've realised, I'm doing way too much way too fast. If I continue to do this I will have no habits, as I'm incorporating too many into my life at once, therefore I'm going to limit the amount of things I do to 2/3 for 90 days. Then, after 90 days is over then I will incorporate another 2 in order to ensure I don't do too much at once, or else the mountain of habits will just fall upon me, then I will have to start from scratch, meaning I would essentially be wasting my time. So, then two habits I'm going to be focusing on building, which are the most important for me are: Meditation, and School work( Note creation, organisation, studying, h/w). Also, inspiring myself. For the first 90 days. so that's what I'm going to be doing from now on. (ONLY) In order to ensure I have immensely strong habits, that won't break off easily, similarly to before.
  22. 2 Days have gone so far since the beginning of the positive thinking challenge. It still seems like I'm going strong.
  23. Habit streak (4th December 2016) Did meditation made 5 movements. Did affirmations Didn't organise notes. Did relax Did read over notes Did inspire myself. Did go for a walk Objectives to meet by the end of today Do meditation 30 mins no movements. Do affirmations 5 mins. Organise notes 2-3 hours. Watch new video Inspire myself. (10 mins) Go for relaxing walk. (10 mins) Organise my bag (1 hour) Do any remaining h/w. (2 hours)