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Everything posted by Lawrence

  1. Thanks for putting it in this perspective... I definitely agree! =)
  2. I found this video very touching =)
  3. Thank you very much for sharing this video - very inspiring! =)
  4. I couldn't agree more! =) Thanks
  5. Wherever you go, there you are by Jon Kabit Zinn The untethered soul by Michael Singer Waking up by Sam Harris Before I am by Mooji I am that by Sri Nisargdatta Maharaj Presence: the art of peace and happiness by Rupert Spira
  6. Okay, I will also check out that book! =)
  7. It's impossible to know we "experienced" nothingness. We really have no idea what we experienced before we were born - it's completely pointless to try comprehend because we never will. The video below is worth watching but also take it with a pinch of salt because it is just a viewpoint. However, I find it to be pretty accurate.
  8. Hello @Frode =) This seems to be an awesome book, I recently watched Jim Rohn and was intrigued by his wisdom/philosophy. Very clear and helpful video, thanks.
  9. When I started perceiving the "outside" world without adding any labels to it, from a place of no-thought... I realized everything is the same. Nothing exists in isolation. I get the "WE ARE ALL ONE" concept now.
  10. Awareness is your true essence. It isn't something that contains different levels and you can never lose it. It's like the sun being obscured by the passing clouds, it seems as if the sun has gone, but it is still there, ever present. Sure others seem to be more aware and that's because they haven't got as much noise in their minds or they are just aware that they are aware (conscious) and they dwell there. Just notice your own sense of existence, the evidence that you exist and focus your attention there. Ask yourself these question. Who am I without this body and mind? Or say to yourself I AM and add nothing to it. That's what you are before you added concepts to I AM, for example; "I am a boy, I am a footballer, I am a student etc. It's great that you meditate every day. Also ask yourself this question frequently throughout the day; "I wonder what my next thought is going to be?" With continued application, this will create more gaps in the stream of mind and that stillness will emerge. I trust I've helped you in some way, if you have any more questions then please reply and I'll get back to you, that's if another member of this forum hasn't already =)
  11. "The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure but to avoid pain" - Aristotle
  12. Hey there! I was just wondering how many activities should we have on our positive routine? At the moment I have 12, what would you say is the maximum number of habits on a routine before overwhelm kicks in? I understand that there is no right or wrong answer here but I would appreciate what you think. Some might like having lots, others less... I guess it's just about doing the 'main' ones right? Thanks =)
  13. Okay, that's fine =)
  14. That's only like 2 hours in that, so there's still plenty of time to do that.
  15. I guess external successes will always be short lived, however I think a big success for me was implementing an anxiety elimination program which helped me recondition my mind to be non-anxious. I also get an amazing feeling of fulfillment when I help others.
  16. I guess external successes will always be short lived, however I think a big success for me was implementing an anxiety elimination program which helped me recondition my mind to be non-anxious. I also get an amazing feeling of fulfillment when I help others.
  17. I think this is true =) I know from my own experience that I cannot help the world without helping myself first. Why would I want to help the world if I couldn't help myself? I would just be contaminating other peoples energy fields if I was "trying" to help them from a place of self inflicted suffering. I honestly think that are bodies are just vehicles for the universe to experience/express "itself" and we only can control our own experience and no one else's, so it wouldn't be right to call it selfish as we've been created this way. I think in my opinion, the best way is this... Help yourself first and then go out of your way to help others because helping others in the world can intensify our happiness and we will also make a major difference to their lives = Win - Win.
  18. Success without happiness is the worst kind of failure. I mean, what does it even mean to be successful without happiness? It's completely pointless.
  19. Yes I agree @Christian Thanks for sharing!
  20. Yeah I can also relate to this - It's that voice and power struggle it has by trying to control us, but the more you think about that thought, it just creates overwhelm and that can never be helpful.