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Everything posted by Grue

  1. Hi everyone! This'll be my first post. Um, I'm reluctant to even bring this up but I don't know where to go for answers. I watched one of Leo's videos in which he discussed psychedelics and how marijuana isn't considered in that class. Well, kind of - for me at least. I had a wonderful experience where I was lying there stoned and going through my problems and finding wise-minded solutions and answers to them. I then got a little deeper into relaxation and a voice came through. Not like a schizophrenic voice but *my* voice, the voice of my higher self. I pleaded with myself to believe that I love myself and that I am a good person. I then put the symptoms of being high and/stoned (there's a difference) together like; how I feel like I'm looking through a window as if I was a pilot of this meat machine that I have to take care of to keep it operating and comfortable and the emotional inventory that I sometimes do - the sorting stuff out and finding wise-mind solutions. I feel like I'm a soul or that my higher mind is my soul. I would really like to know what happened to me and if it'll happen again. (a lot of that may seem strange or confusing. I think it's my wording or where I put the words. I just have a hard time expressing myself in text like this)
  2. Maybe. But it's helped me in a lot of ways. For example; I don't get migraines anymore. I feel like we have cannabinoid receptors for a reason. I think we should all be taking THC and other cannabinoids as a daily supplement. I've argued before that weed is good, I should be on it as a medication other than every other anti-depressant and ADHD medication they could have me on. I need to be on an even keel. Weed does that for me. I don't feel as though I'm addicted. Just feel as though I am a better person on it than without it. It helps. It really does. Me at least.
  3. Thank you for your replies. I like the term, "higher self" and will probably continue to use it. I've done a lot of really positive stuff since I've become a regular marijuana consumer; I've lost about 30 lbs., I quit smoking, soda, ice cream. I'll get half a slice of pizza when we're out and my 9 y.o. daughter gets the other half. I'm taking care of my body to make up for decades of neglect. I don't think I would have made those lifestyle choices were it not for cannabis. Oh, I quit TV too. I really want to get in touch with my higher self again. I'm contemplating shrooms or yage.