Gabriel David Gomez

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Everything posted by Gabriel David Gomez

  1. If done properly, this exercise can increase your caliber of focus and help you to avoid exaggerating about everything. Often times the mind becomes wrapped up in its emotions and views of things, so what tends to happen is an exaggeration based on strong emotion which leads to responses to each of those emotions further resulting in chaos in the everyday life. So the exercise is to engage in physical movement during calmness, and to disengage physical movement during a more than fairly active mind. If you do not pay attention completely, you may find yourself confused. This is to demonstrate just how much work it takes to have a complete balance. Upon calmness, you must engage in physical movement. If, during your attempt to physically move during calmness, you respond almost immediately with much psychological activity... respond with physical rest. Also, if, during your attempt to become rest during much psychological activity, you respond with calmness (which is psychological) engage in physical movement. You will find how quickly this process works, so the best way to begin is to lay down or sit comfortably. Start with this as an exercise until you get the groove and then begin at more intense levels of activity. This is based on Miyamoto Musashi's advice, “Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. Even when your spirit is calm do not let your body relax, and when your body is relaxed do not let your spirit slacken. Do not let your spirit be influenced by your body, or your body be influenced by your spirit.”
  2. Yes, I chose to stay still. I acted against my instinct to keep moving without seeking to justify it. I simply became the dominant dog I experienced as a child toward my will. Just as I had once been given no explanation, I chose to stay still. Thus my experiences taught me probabilities which gave me an array of choices out of which I chose. I had to learn as a baby almost immediately that no one would ease the pain of not breathing when I came out of the womb, and I learned that pain was not profitable because of agony which was also not profitable. Thus I learned about profit and non-profit and loss almost as soon as I came out of the womb. By exercising and writhing about squirming and exercising my muscles, I learned to breathe which felt profitable. Thus I practiced this method of breathing. Recently, with myself I learned that people learn it one of two ways, to avoid danger thereby being at safety; or to seek safety thereby avoiding danger. Which is better? You decide. If you avoid danger you must have it in your sights, therefore you will not have time for long in safety. But if you seek safety you know what is not danger and therefore can be at safety longer. But perhaps even that isn't fully explored and they are indeed equal in effect. Nonetheless, experience reveals options, options are used according to preference, preference needs no explanation to be formed but explanations can be preferred. Now, the most deceptive concept I have ever heard is that someone can get to know someone's personality. People are always changing. The explanation of the baby is an example of that. This is why bruce lee said something along the lines of knowledge being a continuous thing in his book "The tao of jeet kune do"
  3. the fact is that, though you create a suffering which only continues if you engage in it, you can both edit and carry out what you will. You need not have the slightest reason to change what you will. You need only choose to do it. Most people wait until they have an emotional charge before they do something. Like hearing a speech from a motivational speaker who gets their emotions hyped so that they do what they dream. But at the end of the speech, they are still losers. I'll tell you where your choices comes from. So when you see someone who smiles, your brain (of your own will) scans the information form your senses and you use remembrance almost instantly to find what that has been associated with in the past. The result is a happiness you can literally see. That hallucination of being able to see an emotion, a psychological subject, embodied... that is to further stress to you not what the situation is... but what it "may" be. So that is probability. not actuality. We know this because someone can smile and yet be almost emotionless or without expression and yet happy. But here's the kicker, this animal instinct blends in so deeply and harmoniously to our will that our animal instinct is indeed the same will as that which we use to go against it. It just isn't used. That is why we can't help but still "see" the happiness in a smile we study further to see if they are really happy. We even consider our own experiences and actions to get a feel on what others are feeling. Therefore the sound you swear you can feel the emotion from is the same as the smile. You can hear the joy or the sadness in it but that is a suggestion. Now, based on these experiences from our senses, the emotions and information we take in is only something we use to build our will; at which point we use more experience (for instance the knowledge of rebellion and the rush we felt from observing it) to choose to either act against it to form a new will which is against the latter. So our experiences present us new options. Like a children hearing cuss words from their parents and making use of their will by action according to what at first exists. Their animal instincts. So the point is that free will can definitely exist because one can choose to alter what they will even without excuse or sane reasoning. In order to see this, you must first resist the looming feeling of embarrassment. YOu need only be embarassed if you are ashamed, and that if it is something to be ashamed of. Pick something you truly love and attempt to hate it and envision it as stupid as best you can without any excuse or reasoning. You find that your next action need not be one done politely toward it but that you don't even need emotional motivation to spring into action. But because at some point you must take notice of free will due to the fact that you must choose to finish by perseverance or continuance and following through with it after you have started and may not have noticed the free will you used then, free will exists. So, with choices, first we are introduced to experiences and probabilities. Instinct finds that which is useful, non-essential, or a danger to survival, and every other reaction is a disobedience to it, a conformity toward it, etc. But the point of emotion is to give an even more direction signal of somethings use. So a smile, being a sign of an alliance or a safety, quite obviously arouses pleasure just as safety arouses death. Now, stress is like psychological pain, this is why it is used for danger which causes damage and pain. The idea is for you to equate the psychological experience with the external experience so that you react to the external efficiently. This is why, any emotion, is only a suggestion of what something external or internal is all about. You must examine further to further develop a perspective and experience. This is why you felt and could literally see "danger" when Leo showed you the picture of the spider at first. But with experience, your mind learns it is only 2d and harmless. So the brain builds experience about danger and safety first, and other experiences are added to form character. Being cool is useful in the survival of the fittest because it gains allies and that is to outnumber your foes. Losing a loved one and feeling a sadness is actually due to a looming feeling that you have lost the pleasure they provide and it may sound selfish. However, to overcome that feeling just arouse a different emotion, such as saying to yourself that being sad for them does not mean that you love them because they would not want you to be sad. Thus you are pleased by the knowledge that you have pleased the dominant dog because fulfilling the will of something that brings you pleasure is a sure sign of safety and luxury in the survival of the fittest. So with choices, you either pay attention to the crowd (which leads most to follow holidays and build allies with those type of people, at which point you place a value on those things) or you build your own kingdom (going against the grain by abiding by what brings actual safety and prevents actual danger, such as teaching people to stop being dupes and believing everything an emotion makes them feel; this will cause some to break free from blindness and making choices according to what doesn't make them feel ashamed etc.) Of course their are other things also. But animal instinct is formed rather rapidly because pain or pleasure is of the first things a newborn develops. The brain is already thinking at that point whether it is profitable because the idea of profit had been introduced when learning to breathe etc. By breathing one could avoid pain which was indeed unprofitable. However, a person can please a crowd and make allies by going against that instinct and holding their breathe (which is pleasing if you can sit through a chokehold from the "dominant dog") But because you can choose to alter your will (which thus shapes your will; shaping which involves chopping of what is deemed non-essential which leaves what is non-essential) that alone is exercising the free will. All of this information is what I have learned on my own studies and it can be proven by actual practice and common sense. I recommend beginning by not immediately trusting and believing your emotions or assuming that strong emotion is as useful as a convincing fact. I recommend investigating many things (kind of like batman did) and gaining new experiences which will build your character and help you sharpen the accuracy of your emotions.
  4. This topic has nothing to do with mythical beings. I already looked up this "Kali" and I found nothing I didn't know already. It's a picture which represents something. You might as well just learn what it represents and forget "Kali" altogether. Please post appropriately.
  5. So the basics is that concepts have mass and are tangible, therefore their polar opposite (truth) being something which nature abides by, is also tangible. That being because Anything something physical abides by must itself have shape, and nothing conceptual has taken shape (existence) because only the idea of it is based on the logic of existence (that because a concept is an imagination type structure built by taking multiple images so to speak and forming a new one by copying and pasting). Therefore the truth is what physicality must abide by and, because even water slips through a solid, truth is obviously as tangible as its polar opposite. The truth is both the map and the foundation of the land itself. Therefore the land shares its pattern and basics in common. This is why you can find facts about all of existence using only a portion of it.
  6. Listen closely. When you smell you take in a piece of what is smelled for processing. Now, just as a movie is played by taking multiple pictures and playing them quickly and chronologically, the five senses are each done the same way. Even when you see, you cannot have sight of what you see without something of what you see or else you would logically be empty and could not see what you see. With sound, it is the same way. So, basically I have shown you the similarities between the five senses just as I showed you the similarities between reproduction and planting. This is by using my "map". The great thing about maps is that they are tangible. The great thing about concepts and thought in general is that, they too (despite popular belief) are tangible. A concept is merely a combination of images and ideas gathered from the external existence to form an image by "copying and pasting" so to speak. Therefore the image exists but not what it represents. That is why nothing is the thing it represents. But since though is tangible, and a concept is as much a form of thought as truth is, truth is also tangible. Therefore a map, having language by pictures (which is what a font is, only a picture with a fancy name like symbol), is tangible just as symbols are tangible. In fact, if you make a new alphabet and call the man the planter, the woman the earth and the baby the plant... you can display porn and gain wisdom from that situation to know how to plant. This means that everything is a map in a different language which shows information about all of existence. All of existence is guidance (a map) about all of existence. Therefore, all that existence has in common is that tangible (it may be hard to accept but its true) truth. This may be why the bible calls the christ (who is the truth) the firstborn of creation. In fact, I'll speak in a different manner to help you understand this much in a little amount of time. If you build a building on a lie, what it holds up is a contradiction. If you build building on the truth, what it holds up is logical and can therefore exist. Therefore it is truth which is the firm foundation (as the bible describes it). It has been to my knowledge that the bible is not a book of myths but of knowledge. Also, nothing is never truly nothing. Even the ink I type with (or whatever the computer uses) is actually something which displays the word "nothing". It is my thinking which suggests that the big bang theorists took the thought they contemplated about "nothing" with as though it were literally nothing. In doing so they errored. So, to answer your question, because a concept is the polar opposite of the truth and the truth (even by aforementioned statements) as well as concepts (because of the example of how concepts are formed) have tangibility... the truth is a map as well as land itself. But it is the foundation. So truth is separate from the land but the land is build on that foundation so that it must abide by it. This also explains ( and i have rediscovered something having rethought about this topic) why the messiah is the "way"... because a map is guidance. I have something to offer you by the way... if this isn't information which gets out to the public eye within the next five years... maybe you should expand upon it and write it better and place it where someone can see it. Cause this kind of thing will make creationists not feel so lonely.
  7. Do not attempt to control yourself, let yourself roam free and behold as you find yourself being no wild monster; you are level headed and logical. Thats something i just wrote.
  8. I researching his quotes right now. Also, I actually found that I "rediscovered" much of what ancient sages and philosophers found before I even heard their quotes. Like Aristotle and others. I actually found the answer to the question, "Do we live in the best of all possible worlds." Its quite simple, nothing impossible has ever happened, therefore every event is logical and nature itself favors logic. But since everything shares logic in common, that is what makes comparison possible. For instance, you can find any wisdom in the universe if you know enough about two things. Planting and reproduction. Everything in the universe is based off of them. Even they have something in common with each other. A man plants a seed into the womb who is the earth (mother earth), and out comes the fruit of the womb. This even reveals etymology (the study of how words developed). It reveals that there is a link to all things and that the foundation of creation is logic, or truth. This is absolute truth. That there is a connection between all of creation. Of course I have no idea how to submit my finds and win an award but I'm very close to publishing, I even posted it on a social media site and screenshotted it and saved it so that I could prove that the earliest date of its existence is with me.
  9. By the way I know this by experience. I have taken myself to the necessary and have ride myself of many former opinions, futile traditions, and concepts. it is of my methods to us thinking for action and tactic rather than concepts which place things on steady decline. Here's an activity I constructed. Most habitual actions are the result of addiction to action for the sake of action rather than usefulness and purpose. This is easily fixable if you keep track of every movement you make and discontinue the non-essential. The key is to do nothing that is of no use. Keep track of all your actions and to make sure that they are efficient responses and stimuluses which result in a beneficial response. Every response is a stimulus. Discontinue the non-essential. So, in essence, become very still and only move if it is for obvious purpose and reason. Subtract actions that are purposeless such as inducing pleasure for the sake of pleasure and habitual but purposeless stretching. You will find that most of the actions you thought were uselessly habitual are actually usefully habitual and that they were not sub conscious at all. This exercise is very precise, but begin when you are nearly motionless at first and graduate to more intense levels of action. Another method is to lay down and become as physically still as you are psychologically active. According to the amount of psychological activity you experience, become equally as physically still. Because you must endeavor to continue or else decide to quit, every moment of perseverance is an act of free will. This is why perseverance is proof of free will. One must venture past animal instinct to make something like an expectation which comes through pain, a reality.
  10. After experiencing much, I was surprised at how much I already knew. Many of the habits I thought were useless were actually useful. Many of the habits I thought were useful were actually useless. I would often stretch my arms and I thought it was a bad habit, I would often conform to society also, but I found that this is useful. I repositioned my body so the blood circulated by instinct when i stretched and I maintained allies in the position i was in when i conformed. I merely protected myself. But I only held the conformity on the exterior, the interior is completely intellectual. You need not become as you display.
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  14. I'm not sure if you researched enough about this topic. I didn't offer any spiritual advice. It's actually psychological advice. I mentioned information about the self because, if it is you you search for and to be... you shouldn't make the mistake millions are making by searching for something more complex than they are. The self is deeper than the limbs and the mind to the extent that it controls them. Limb may be amputated, but the self remains. Knowledge may be forgotten but the self remains. The fact of it all so the the self is the command center and free will (contrary to popular opinion, there is free will). The problem with most people is that they attempt to control the self, though the acting of controlling it implies that the self is already in use and indeed in control. This is why the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result. People blame the self when they fail to accomplish something so they try harder to direct it though even that act required the self, which remains in obvious working and functional order. Any action is based on the first movement of self. If you cannot control something, it is not of your tools (such as the body and the mind or a wrench). So, when being yourself, you're not that complex if you boil yourself down to the basics. Personality is pure entertainment and attraction in the survival of the fittest to gain allies etc. The mind is used for knowledge which acts as hands to guide the body in successful action. Knowledge is like map, the eyes of the mind read it and then the body acts it out. But the self continues to be without our effort. So the actual way of being yourself is not to attempt, but to allow and simply direct things intellectually toward the good of all in this world. Everything you are aware of is the past. By the time your brain finishes processing details of an event you experience, it will have already become the past. Therefore this is a vivid dream involving all of the senses, a present awareness of a former present (which is not the past). So, naturally, anything you are aware of yourself being is of the past also because you must first become aware that you are such a thing. Besides, letting yourself be and focusing on the task at hand leaves you without much to stand up for and a lot of open schedule. Don't define yourself if you can help it. Definitions, trends, fashions, etc. are limitations and strict perimeters. Bruce Lee said, "Set patterns, incapable of adaptability, of pliability, only offer a better cage." He also said to let no limitation be your limitation. So, by allowing yourself to be, you avoid caging yourself with something to stand for and to be defined by. Simply allow yourself to be. You are in constant change.
  15. Growing in skill with the martial arts takes work. But I'll show you a manner of developing a great skill. To increase in knowledge of tactic, for everything you accomplish, acquire the skill to throw it off; then find both how to throw off what compromised what you accomplished and a better approach than the first one which was compromised. In everything you will always find a more and more efficient manner of approach. Now, another aspect of the martial arts has been spoken by an old wise philosopher. That the idea of martial arts is to grow so much in them, that you would be able to use them in all that you do. One aspect is awareness You should not pay attention to one sense to the point that you are distracted from any of the others. This includes overexertion on a single thought or too much trust with an emotion. A big aspect with not paying attention to any one sense to the point that it distracts you from the other senses is that the mind begins to resort to its animal instincts. it says that comfort was where you were keyed into one because comfort had been associated with safety. But of course that is not the case. A big problem with people is their animal instincts aren't properly hones. They say the pain which is only momentary is danger yet it takes a struggle to gain muscle. This is why people often struggle with working out. You have to gain patience through struggle, and to direct your focus to all of your senses you must have patience and not have a mind which wanders off and is focused on one subject too much. By not focusing on one sense too much, your mind says that not enough focus where you feel vulnerable will allow the enemy. But the feeling of vulnerability is only a reminder of what a situation had resulted in in the past. So you must look at it as a suggestion rather than a proper description of the situation. You have to grow past the animal instincts as well as shame and embarrassment which are instincts to keep a reputation up in the survival of the fittest, so that your experience teaches your brain a new manner of approaching something not according to its classic result. Just like when Leo showed a picture of spider to which the brain responded towards as though danger were imminent, multiple views of it will lessen the old emotions reaction and teach the animal instinct that the thing is only a picture, it is inert. The danger your mind hallucinates so that you can actually see it is only an extremely vivid and visual suggestion about what the situation may bring. That is what emotion is; only animal instincts. YOu must dig past these to grow in awareness by not focusing too much on any one sense or thought. Another advice is not to assess every attack but simply assess useful attacks. This is part of the reason why people in arguments do not win so quickly before they are frowned upon. They attempt to assess everything that comes their way which results in the inference that they care and the others lose respect towards them. As a result the pack takes advantage of the one who is too defensive. Only assess the useful attacks and you will build in skills and in terms of observation you will gain more useful experience than that which is blinded by your own anger or defensiveness. This is also true in warfare. You should only avenge an opponent's useful attacks so that you are prepared with enough energy when his burst of energy should be quenched. Allowing his useless attacks may lead you to time a spot to dive in for a massive blow. A telegraph is the word used to describe something visual that makes it obvious that our opponent is going to step into attack or throw a certain weapon (such as muscle movement and other hints which are a guide for expectation). Now, if you are efficient to the point of perfection, every movement you use to establish a task will lead very quickly to the target. Getting out of bed in as few movements as possible is as simple as using the closest most convenient yet efficient weapon. Do nothing that is of no use and do nothing merely for style. Let that which you use for style be to attract people to gain in power which is for rather than against you. Style without tactic is useless. Use the next available, most efficient movement to establish every task throughout its stages; even if what you use is an unlikely tool. If you improvise most efficiently, you will notice the presence of martial arts in your every movement.
  16. Have equal attention to all of your emotions. Become distracted by one or more at first and gradually all of them. Forcibly induce an unconditionally calm and content state of mind during all of them; including happiness, so as to not act rash. This cocktail of emotions creates a seemingly impossible balance. Despite the differing emotions, they create a balance. The reason why is the same as how people are not as disturbed by the emotion they experience during movies. For instance, a scene about suicide from a brave teenager who takes the place of another and yet is the main character may induce anger, sadness, happiness, suffering, and also provide a burst of energy and inspiration. Try this exercise when you watch a well flavored movie or while you are going to sleep. Do not treat any emotion as poisonous. Instead, dive into what seems like fire only to find it to be light. This is why the differing emotions mix so well. It only seems like fire, but when you get past opinions and the futility of traditional and mainstream thought, it is light. This exercise can also be done with the five senses. Please leave comments about your own experiences.
  17. I actually constructed this method, it is to soon be published.
  18. With emotions, you find that the one which seemed so much like fire, is actually light when you do not create your own fire and observe it as it is.
  19. Forcibly conjure a content and calm state of mind. Do this despite your own suffering, anger, happiness (so as to not act rash), and sadness. The self is only known to the self because of the awareness of doing. The mind infers that the act of doing accentuates a doer (who is you). A limb may be separated, but the self remains. A portion of brain may die, but the self remains. All that is external to the self (brain, limbs, and external things such such as pencils and buttons) are potential tools of the self. The awareness of doing is a sort of mirror which allows the self to see itself just as the eyes require a mirror to see themselves. The doer needs a tool so as to have direct sight of itself because it only "sees" forward. Most habitual actions are the result of addiction to action for the sake of action rather than usefulness and purpose. This is easily fixable if you keep track of every movement you make and discontinue the non-essential. The key is to do nothing that is of no use. Keep track of all your actions and to make sure that they are efficient responses and stimuluses which result in a beneficial response. Every response is a stimulus. Discontinue the non-essential. Basically, let your actions be a response or result of the situation at hand unless the intention is to trigger a specific response. This exercise is very precise, but begin when you are nearly motionless at first and graduate to more intense levels of action. If you wish to have some down time, sit in a quiet room and do this meditation I constructed. Do not become so focused on one sense that you do not notice all of them. Have equal attention to all of your senses. Become distracted by one and distribute the attention you do have to all of them by allowing yourself to be distracted by each of them.The same should be done with emotion. Do not become so focused on one emotion that you do not notice all of them. Have equal attention to all of your emotions. Become distracted by one and distribute the attention you do have to all of them by allowing yourself to be distracted by each of them. Forcibly induce an unconditionally calm and content state of mind during suffering and behold as the cocktail of emotions combine to form a orderly mind despite their differences.
  20. React to your suffering with calmness. React to your sadness with calmness. React to your anger with calmness. React to your happiness with calmness. If you feel nothing at all, react with calmness. Forcibly acquire an unconditionally calm and content attitude. This advice is part of what I offer in my book.
  21. I've noticed that not many people know how to hold an argument or their own thoughts and emotions. So I took to the psychology of evil and good and brought something I expanded upon thanks to the help of ancient philosophy. These are techniques I found useful which I developed. It all sounds like ancient sage advice. Do not displease so as to not please. For example, if you cannot stand to witness the pleasure of your enemy, you need not pain him to prevent it. The answer is non-action because non-action is prevention without action. Do not please so as to not displease. For example, if you wish to announce your sin to your mate and do not wish to displease her, you need not rub her shoulders. That is why people do not always trust a smile and is the cause of much suspicion and uncomfortableness; "the news is bad but the sensation is good", it would seem that such a strange combination must be from an imposter; thus she cannot be comfortable with that. Also, if you fear a bully of a man, you need not please him so as to avoid displeasing him. Do not be a slave to preventing something you only fear will happen with wasted effort which only results in more suffering, the bully will come to expect the gifts. The thing you would wish to prevent is only feared, not a reality. The object to preventing displeasure is non-action. The answer is non-action because non-action is prevention without action. If you wish to stop hating, you need resort to loving. If you wish to stop loving, you need not resort to hating. Do not hate or love, you are not obligated to love or hate. If you do not love something, that does not deem it worthless or wicked. If you do not hate something, that does not deem it priceless or righteous. But if you do not love it, you need not hate it; and if you do not hate it, you need not love it. Also, merely because you love it does not prove it isn't wicked; and merely because you hate it does not prove it isn't righteous. Apply these advices and remember to cancel the competition you make of things. Lao Tzu once said, "The Way of the sage is to act but not to compete." This is possible because competition is of the mind and the physical action during competition is not competitive. The same physical actions done during competition can be done even more meaninglessly than keeping a score or tally. Remember their are other formats to apply these advices in than only the given examples. Do not displease so as to not please. Do not please so as to not displease. If you wish to stop hating, you need not resort to loving. If you wish to stop loving, you need not resort to hating.
  22. often times people, while eating and pleasuring themselves in general, they visualize something different than what is truly there. The problem begins partially during doing it ritually, which is a mindful practice. But when you do it habitually, it is no longer a mindful thing. You should become as logical with yourself as possible when you masturbate. To the extent that you use your imagination to conjure a women, you should focus on the reality of your hand and things in general just as much. Instead of considering what it feels "like" consider what it is and ignore the urge to visualize. You should be brutally honest (which is not brutal but rather impartial). Basically, Focus on the reality of things to the degree you desire to imagine what it obviously isn't. It may bring suffering at first, but suffering is only a temptation to make things bigger than they are. It is as simple as stopping and realizing that to masturbate makes things more complex than it is. You could as easily curb the craving and ease the suffering without it by eating ice cream and taking a semi cold shower, combing your hair or taking extra care of your face. Basically all the things you imagine women are doing when they aren't having sex. You may notice your appearance seems more presentable, your are happier and pleased with less instead of requiring much, and you will focus on those things that make you appear more orderly and mature. You'll be like a mature man who is masculine yet self-controlled.
  23. Okay, here is the simplification so get ready: "Construction cannot exist without deconstruction and deconstruction cannot exist without construction." -Gabriel David Gomez You were right, I definitely considered too much. Bruce Lee rightly said that simplification is the way to go. Better to say much in a little words. I will add that it is necessary to consider both construction and deconstruction before doing either. "Construction cannot exist without deconstruction and deconstruction cannot exist without construction. Consider both before either and for the benefit of all." -Gabriel David Gomez
  24. part of me is thinking that construction is nothing without destruction unless there is creation but that destruction can exist without construction because of obliteration.
  25. I think what you may have missed is that I didn't mention that the destruction during construction is also the mindset rather than merely external and physical. So that the thing destroyed which becomes only another form has been destroyed by one with a mindset to build that which it will become. Also, that the thing which is built and has become a structure only by destruction has been constructed by one with a mindset to destroy. The intent is to make all action "constructive" and less futile lol. Much of man's actions have resulted in more harm than benefit in the long run. But of course nature will nonetheless remain on its course.