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The fact that you broke up with your ex for the sole purpose of knowing how it feel to be the one to do it, makes me very doubtful of your knowledge in the matter. Come on, hurting someone just for knowing how it feels to do something ? Only neurotics people do that kind of things. You also say that all women are gold digger, and you use way too much CAPSLOCK, how I am supposed to take your comment seriously if it looks like a teenager wrote it ? You must realized how much childish you appear (at least in this post), you're very far from being as conscious as you think you are.
Yeah, it's very counter intuitive, you still need room to question your life purpose, because: 1: It's really difficult to find 2: You could be deceiving yourself without actually knowing it 3: It can change after some decades (you can have multiple life purpose in a single lifetime).
You don't think you can't be a better person, so you're jealous and express negative emotions about it, because deep down you know you can (there is a conflict between your conscious and your subconscious mind). I could be wrong, but the way you write, what you write, seems to point in that direction. The trick is to realize that you can be way more than you are, to accept yourself and to find a real and genuine goal for yourself (not for fame, money or sex). Consulting a shrink, working on your open-mindness and meditation session will help tremendously.
Destiny is the theme I was wondering myself about recently, I came to the conclusion that If you fight against your deepest wants, you live a life with no growth. What a life with no growth means ? It means you won't experience reality as you should do, it means you won't be truly fulfilled with your life, since you never accepted it. In my opinion, if you want to really go into the deepest wisdom and reality experiences, the only way to do that is to find your life purpose and ace the shit out of it. It makes sense right, I mean, if you don't trust your vision, you're not living your true life, if you aren't living your true life, you can't, and never will be truly alive. Don't you have that feeling that everything has a sour taste, even the good stuff ? I'm not talking about a depression here, I'm saying that everything, no matter how good it is, no matter how "happy" it makes you feel, doesn't last ? What if the only choice you can do in your life is to either live and fulfilling your destiny, or refusing it and live in a neurotic and disfonctional way of life ? Look around you, even the most successfull actors, the famous philanthropists, the best scientists, it doesn't matter, if they're not aligned with their life purpose, they all are disfonctional in a certain way, they all have problems in some sorts of way. You can't compare yourself to anyone, because most people don't live, they just exist, they are a shallow version of what they should be, humanity in itself is a disfonctional species, we think/conceptualized too much, our brain is too easily distracted, our model of society is not helping at all with that. When we talk about destiny, people think there is a god somewhere that arbitrarily decide if you or someone else should die, or be a commoner, or that you will never be happy, or have a disfonctional body or any other bad things (and good things) like that. That's not what I'm saying here, I'm saying that your life should be about pushing your comfort zone to do what you truly think you should do, nothing else, there is no predetermined futur to experience, just a path, a noble path that you must undertake. Every cells in your body has a function right ? What if you, as an human being was a cell of the planet earth ? What if you refuse to grow, you're also compromizing your host (aka Earth) ? Don't you think that would explain why you can't (and you really can't) be truly happy unless you undertake this journey ? Remember the last time you gave a present to someone, what was the feeling you had ? It was an intense one, especially if that person was someone close to you. Do you know what that feeling is in reality ? It's you doing something for the universe, it's you not thinking about "you", but for someone, something greater than you. How do you think you would feel if you lived as Gandhi ? Yeah, just 10 000 times more fulfilled, in "phase" with the universe, with reality, with everything. Did you, someday, had this feeling, maybe while you were hearing some epic music (I recommand to do that, daily), that you had a purpose ? Didn't you feel some really high and deep emotion, like you HAD TO DO IT ? You didn't necessarily had a clear objective, but still, you FELT IT right ? You felt that emotion, don't lie, everyone felt it at some point, but did you do something about it ? I guess not, the majority of you didn't, I didn't. I'm still wondering what I should do, where it will leads me. Will I suffer, will I die early, will I even be able to see a result in my lifetime ? I don't know, and you know what ? It doesn't matter, because I prefer to live 1 year fully alive rather than 50 years of lies and deceptions, AND YOU SHOULD TO !
Would explain every "supernatural" phenomenons. If "we" are everything, that also mean we can be everything. If we can be eveything, that also mean we can experience reality as we see fit, like a "god" ... That could explain why Jesus could turn water into wine, why some people can couch on spikes, why some people can talk to others with their mind/to "dead" people, and every other things that can't be explained (at least for now). For a very long time I thought all this was non-sense, but If you really think about it, why not ? You're not just this body/mind, you're the molecules of everything, you're the thoughts of everyone, you're alive, everywhere, anytime, and for all eternity (as in the past present and future).
I'm practicing this meditation technique for about 2 months and a half now. It's a very simple kind of meditation, you just close your eyes and listen without any judgment your surroundings. The huge benefit of this meditation technique is that it fucks in the ass your judgemental behaviors. I litterally can look at someone I don't know and have 0 thought popping in my head (90% of the time). It would be very nice to know the name of it (I searched, can't find the source where I pick it up), and the others possible effects it can have. I think I can remember it's supposed to make you more compassionate, but I could be completely wrong (and I didn't feel a change about that btw).
If you're scared about dropping gaming, it is a big red sign of "things that hold me back from greatness". You gotta be strategic about this though. Do you have huge unhealthy habits ? Smoking, junk food, no sport habit, anger/depression/anguish issues ? If yes, you gotta erase each one of them first (watch the "how to stop backsliding" and the "40 signs that you are neurotic" videos from Leo). Gaming isn't that bad, I mean, it is still a huge waste of time (the sole purpose of gaming is to be distracted after all ...), but getting rid of the other points are more important, because if you don't, you'll never EVER be able to be in a state to get rid of these "medium-unhealthy habits".
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- unfulfilment
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I was wondering lately, if I should drop my girlfriend. I'm considering this option because I don't want anything to hold me back from the greatness inside ! (which will all have !) There is two "reasons": I know I could find a girlfriend much sexier than her, with the same personality It would help me to get enlightenment faster, since it will free up a day per week. Now In order to put that decision into context, I will explain where I am, and where I was when starting dating her. When I started to talk to her, it was on a geek dating website, I was very needy back then (3 months from now), I really thought that having a girlfriend will change my life. I realized soon after that, it doesn't change shit, I was still very neurotic, in a lot of ways, I was still awkward with women, I cared too much of how people perceived me (mostly physically) and I still didn't have any clue on how my life were supposed to go. She's also my first real girlfriend. Now, I don't really care about what people think, and even when I do, I know it's silly and I rapidly move on in my mind. I prefer to be mindful of nature and reality rather than thinking about what people think of me, I see that as a waste of time. Concerning women, I don't care at all because I know that finding a woman as open-minded/caring and passionnate as her (in her work, and in life in general) will be very difficult. About my life purpose I started to watch one video of the course every day, I can't go all in though, because I have to finish a job (I would get a fine of 8000€ if I don't finish it), so I tempered my work on that to not feel too much frustration by the fact that I can't go all in for now. I'm very open about it, I was thinking about trying everything as soon as I can (drawing, music, pets, psychology, biology etc ...), I mean, If didn't found my life purpose yet, it's obviously something I never tried before. I was already doing 1 hour of walk every day before dating her, but now I do at least 30 minutes of swimming per week. I'm starting to feel proud of my body, which is weird because it didn't change at all. Maybe it's the meditation process, or maybe it's the mass of data I gained with books and Leos videos (probably both), but I feel like a completely different person now, and I know and will be a way better person than what I am now. I'm happy with her, not flashy happiness where I have huge burst of feelings through my body and my mind when I think of her, but she makes me feel proud of myself, I like to be with her, even when we do nothing. I think I love her, but not in the needy sense of the term, I mean that I want her to be happy, and I think about her several times a day, I feel calm and rest when she's near me, but I don't have to see her to feel complete. Now returning to the main questions: I know I could find a girlfriend much sexier than her, with the same personality: I could totally do that, but the thing is, I don't need a girlfriend right now, It just happens that I have one. I also think that I would always want a better looking girl anyway, just a basic primal instinct, so I logically think it would be useless and stupid to do that, but I would like some opinions about it. It's not like I see her as an ugly girl, I saw her as an average (perhaps a bit under) girl before dating her, now I see her as a cute girl and even sometimes very beautiful (when I look into her eyes after a hug/kiss) woman. It would help me to get enlightenment faster, since it will free up a day per week: It would help, for sure, but enlightenment is supposed to take time to achieve, A LOT of time. Does it really matter if I achieve it 14.29% faster ? (yeah I did the math and all :3). It's a question I'm still asking to myself, I'm not sure about what to think about that right now, but I would also like some opinions about it, it could clear my mind about it
A "normal" or a "bad" relationship is a pain in the ass in order to get enlightenment, since you'll likely have dramas most of the time. A good relationship will suck some of your time which you could use to get enlightenment faster, but you'll have nice sex + a shoulder to cry on + someone who will push/remind you to do the shit you have to do. It all depends of what you want the most, if you really want a good relationship if can be a positive thing, but you don't need it, at all. Maybe it's the most important thing to get a girlfriend now for some people, because they never had one. It is very important to fill all your needs and deal with all the traumas you had in your life BEFORE doing hardcore enlightenment stuff, otherwise they'll bit you on the ass later. I wouldn't want to be with someone if I was single, but now that I have a really nice, open-minded and non-needy girlfriend, I don't see any valid reason to ditch her, It will slow down the process a bit, yes, but I'm not in a hurry (and you shouldn't if you "pursue" enlightnenment).
What is/was the most beneficial habit you do/did besides Meditation/Enligthenment/Self-Inquiry ?
Hi everyone, I have currently cut off a lot of my bad habits, which leaves me with a lot of free-time. I'm wondering which kinds of hobbies are the most healthy, and what can they improve about ourself ?
I want to know if it's healthy or too much (it's not because it's normal that's it's necessarily healthy), thanks for the answer anyway
1 fap (without porn) before going to bed every day is over doing it or not ? ^^
The problem is, enlightenment could never happen, or in 40 years from now. It is also not a purpose, since you can achieve it, a purpose in life can't be achieved by definition.