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About bowie

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  1. Hey, everybody! Folks who practice affirmation, please share your thoughts on this: Besides a goal of being a great guitarist I want to become an awesome singer, but have issues with pitch and especially with muscle tension in the neck and body, also lack of confidence due to negative attitude of parents to my goals. What sould my affirmations sound like if I want to focus on specific issues listed above? "Singing well is easy for me, it comes naturally for me, I have great pitch and my vocal muscles are relaxed" - sounds too long and doesn't go to my identity directly as Leo said in the video. Should I just use something like "I'm amazing singer\I'm rockstar" instead? I just don't feel it adresses the actual issues in comparison with the 1st example. Or should it work? And one more thing - if I want to work on erasing my ego, should I use affirmations somehow differently, like "There's amazing voice within me" or it's better not to think about getting rid of ego so much if I want to handle my career at first? Is there a practical way to do both? Maybe some video\article? Thank you guys for help in advance!