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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. I have tried 5-MeO-MiPT and it's a good substance. Can be a bit heavy on the body. NOTHING like 5-MeO-DMT. Not even in the same ball-park. Just because they have a similar structure on a molecular level doesn't mean they share the same effects.
  2. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." - Jesus "You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger." - Buddha "Dude you look like you are 12 years old LOL" - Athene/Schulzy
  3. I have experienced electric impulses over the body, some minor impulses other more powerful. What you experienced in the head sounds like a "brain zap". They are fairly common on psychedelics, when going off certains meds or other times just caused by anxiety. I have had them sometimes on 4-aco-dmt, they can feel pretty unpleasant, but are nothing to worry about.
  4. If you are gonna copy someone completely at least have the decency to quote and cite the source. You often recite Osho (or other sources) in whatever topic. Whether it is Vipassana at night and not being able to sleep for days (which is bullshit), physical ramifications of full enlightenment, use of psychedelics etc etc. Do you actually have any opinions yourself or do you just blindly follow and buy everything someone you admire says without actually having any experience of it yourself? Do you understand how this is misleading to a lot of new people looking for info here?
  5. @Schuchti11 Yeah, there will be a lot of bumps on the road on this path. Sometimes you will lose flow in your practice and that is normal. Next week you may have the most profound week of your life. That's how it goes. Don't listen to your ego and keep up your practice is my advice. What I do when motivation drops is watch some videos of teachers I enjoy, take a walk in nature or do a psychedelic substance. Just keep in mind that some periods are going to be shittier than others. Hell, I've been having days where one meditation session is complete shit and agitation while the next session on that same day is very smooth and tranquil.
  6. @carlos flores From Shinzen's Five Ways To Know Yourself system. Full book can be acquired for free here:
  7. Glad you found them useful!
  8. It's too soon to tell since these kriyas are rather fresh experiences for me. But Shinzen knows his stuff so I'd just trust what he says in the videos, and don't worry about it. Try both to let the movements happen and also try and and be still and see if it helps to pinpoint where the movement arises in the body.
  9. I've been having the same thing regarding the energy. It started a month ago where I felt my body starts moving without my intention, like rocking back and forth, right to left, vibrations in the base of spine etc. I did some research on it and in India it is called Kriyas. Shinzen Young has good and informal video about movements in the body
  10. Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I too struggle with that you start judging yourself because you judge others. It's like an ongoing battle with your ego and how it should behave. Intellectually I know I should just accept my every judgement and negative behaviour and be aware of it, but sometimes it's not so easy. I think it's a good sign that you are at least acknowledging the fact that you are judging and noticing it. If you keep being aware of that and try to work on not judging yourself for it but instead noticing it and accepting it, eventually the behaviour will correct itself I think. I have noticed that I can't be an angel all the time, I can't behave the way that I "should". And I have been progressing well the last few months. Just be patient. Have you tried the "Do Nothing" technique? I have found it has worked great for me, since it teaches you to just accept everything as it is over time.
  11. I'd say see that you are judging people and just be aware of it. Don't try to guilt yourself for doing it, or try and deny that you are doing it. Just witness the behaviour. I find myself judging people alot, but I have gotten better at noticing when I do it.
  12. I recommend the band Om and their album Advaitic Songs. Really good spiritual music started by Al Cisneros from the legendary stoner band Sleep.
  13. Goddamnit, does this really mean I have to start working out again? Really though, for me it doesn't matter if the body dies. Self realization will always be the ultimate goal and the number one priority, I had just never heard of that the body may die soon after and wanted to check if it others had heard about it. Honestly though, I got really frustrated and agitated (it's that period for me) during meditation yesterday and was thinking like "Fucking Osho, what does he know. Spreading fear in people. Probably just a spiritual troll". Now today I just feel like it doesn't matter at all. Ego is a funny thing.
  14. Well a significant amount. Just looking at my family, a huge majority of the elders have died from cancer. The point was how you can make the assumption that being fully realized eventually caused the cancer?
  15. @Prabhaker Also Oshi's claim was that most of the enlightened people in the world have died almost immediately after enlightenment
  16. Yeah Ramana died of cancer, but then most people die of cancer when they get old. You have no foundation to say it was realization that caused it in him or any other sage who has died. Ramana was still 70 when he died, and was realized at age 16. Maharaj was 84. They grew to be pretty old. And even if the Buddha was often sick (who the hell knows), and Mahavira had stomach aches, how can you make the claim that it is because of realization? You have presented no reason whatsoever that make that assumption. People get sick, no matter what awareness they have attained. And looking at modern sages/teachers like Spira, Mooji, Ralston, Young they come off as healthy and vibrant, and some of them are getting up there in age.
  17. Yeah, it makes sense that you can forget your physical needs such as hydration and nutrition. That is what also almost happened to Ramana Maharshi when he went to that mountain after realization. Osho wrote that it happens like a shock to the body which causes it to die because it physically can't handle it, and also that it happens to "most of the enlightened people". I just found that part really weird.
  18. Dude, I am not saying I will learn about chakras to "attain enlightenment". I am saying I have become aware of chakras spontaneously through meditation and I want to learn more about how they work and have some knowledge about them if anything comes up. Makes sense to me. No need to preach. Also Shinzen Young talks about his experiences with Japanese Vajrayana quite a bit, which is was a positive experience for him. Rupert Spira incorporates and talks quite a bit about Tantra in his teachings. Maybe you don't view them as "quality spiritual gurus", but I certainly do. Probably a handful of others as well.
  19. After my retreat I have been doing Vipassana for 1-3 hours a day with great results. If you want to learn Goenka style Vipassana you should look into visiting a retreat to fully learn the technique. But you can also just do scans yourself paying attention to all body parts starting with the head, going to the neck, then shoulders, then arms etc etc. Just being aware of them, seeing if any sensation is there. Also check out Jon-Kabat Zinn. I remember some years ago I listened to his guided body-scan meditation. It was 45 minutes and he guides you through the whole body. Try something like that, and see if it resonates with you
  20. Well by that definition vipassana, mindfulness or any meditation technique focusing on an object such as breath would also be "anti-spiritual" since you are not the breath or any activity in your body.
  21. Well I didn't interpret it as such since in the next paragraph he writes that Mahavira and Buddha were both strong warriors with strong bodies hence didn't physically die from the experience
  22. @Green Warrior I had blockages in my head. What removed it for me was actually a Vipassana retreat (body sweeping). Now, I don't know 100% what removed the blockage, but my guess is that I started focusing on the body as a whole, forcing to pay attention to the whole body for hours every day for several days. Prior I had done a lot of "Do Nothing" technique so my attention automatically was going towards my head area since the sensations was by far loudest there. So maybe try to sweep/scan the body, giving equal attention to it for awhile, and see if it helps? I got curious about chakras because of those blockages. I wasn't actually worried about the blockages though, I figured it was just a phase, and I have read a lot of people saying you do get those pressure thingies happening and eventually they will disappear. So yeah, I dunno exactly what is the right approach, but thought I'd share my experience and what helped me.
  23. Thanks! I will check that book out.
  24. You seem knowledgeable when it comes to chakras and how to work with them, and I have been growing more and more curious about working with the chakra system, but I don't want to explore it fully without a great deal of knowledge and how to work with it in a responsible and beneficial manner. Do you know any websites, articles, books etc. that gives a good overview on how to start?