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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. 52:50 They discuss Shinzen Young. Of course Rogan is pretty ignorant when it comes to this stuff but he has an opened mind to let people like this on which is great. Would be awesome to see Shinzen Young on Rogan. Tweet the shit out of him!
  2. This is part of why you have anxiety. You're trying to feel complete by "external objects"
  3. @Jordan94 Thank you very much. I have seen his name and a lot of people seem to like him. Will check this out
  4. So I just started using this app. It has a variety of different breathing techniques and you get guided with sound when to breath in, breath out, sustain and retain breath. If you pay (worth every penny) you can also customize it yourself. It's amazing. Most people do not breath properly and this is a great app to have when you're commuting to work or standing in line or whatever you're doing. For Android, not sure about Apple phones. Just wanted to share this gem.
  5. @see_on_see Thanks. Are the books structured like KSR with step by step instructions? You do "this" for x amount of time and then move on to "that" or is it different?
  6. So I have been following Steven's KSR. I've seen some critique of it here and there though, and some of the techniques are not that well explained IMO. What is the best book to follow in your opinion and why?
  7. @blazed Have you tried psychedelics? You say you are not here to demonize psychedelics, but by your responses you clearly have an agenda with this thread, are you willing to admit that? Back in the day Muhammed married a child because it was the cultural norm. All the enlightened masters 1000+ years ago were running on beliefs. Just like all enlightened gurus today are running on beliefs to some extent. Just because you get realized doesn't mean you act as a divine God with no cultural baggage. We know very little about enlightenment still and maybe we will look back at this period as primitive because we were still scared by psychedelics since there is a lot of baggage attached to it still. You think Muhammed and Jesus thought gay people could "become divine"? My guess would be not. Try to be open. Maybe psychedelics will have a role in our awakening, maybe they won't. And yeah I love psychedelics so I am biased here. Wouldn't be on the path if it wasn't for them and they have helped my spiritual growth, I dare say, enormously. What was it about your use of them that you didn't like them? Share your experiences so we can have a good discussion about it. Peace. “LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have NOT taken it.” - Timothy Leary
  8. What do you mean by "normal meditation"? You should be commited to a Yoga practice if you want to do Kriya Pranayama. Build yourself up to it, it doesn't take long. Otherwise you are just wasting precious time imo.
  9. Don't worry, man. It can take awhile to get some sleep. I have been there many times.
  10. Thanks for your response. I am not talking about labeling, I am talking about just focusing on the sensations appearing in the specific area. I was a little unclear.
  11. @egoless People have been using both 5-meo-dmt and n,n-DMT for thousands of years in shamanic traditions. These are not new substances. Besides, tryptamines and phenetylamines are generally safe to use. Alexander Shulgin synthesized a staggering amount of these substances and tested them on himself for many decades. The dude easily had over 4000 trips. He became 88 years old and lived a good life. Maybe you should focus more on your own path? If it upsets you that Leo says things you don't want him to say then maybe you should take a look at your own process? Just saying.
  12. Is it "ok" to focus on the third eye during regular mindfulness meditation as well? Meaning that you pick this as an object and focus on it? The thing is I have felt this area develop in sensitivity during years of Vipassana meditation and now when I have done Kriya Yoga a couple of weeks my focus naturally wants to go and rest there even during day to day activities. What are some opinions on this? Wouldn't it be worse to not allow my focus to go there when it is drawn to it I mean? Thanks.
  13. Conor McGregor said he would finish Floyd in the 4th round (or one of the early rounds) and he got finished himself. He said he would finish Nate Diaz (their first fight) in the 2nd round but got submitted himself. I guess it only works sometimes, right?
  14. @Uberverse How can the separate self have free will? The separate self doesn't even exist.
  15. So I think Jordan is an interesting figure. Obviously really intelligent with a great verbal ability and a lot of knowledge when it comes to psychology, mythology etc. A good role model for a lot of lost men out there. Though, I was surprised to see his stance on mindfulness, saying it is just a fad. Also linking a study on his facebook page that says that mindfulness helps women but not men ( Now for that study, it appears that the people are rookies and are signing up to a 12 week class. So obviously it can be rough in the beginning to see any results. It can take months or even years before you truly reap the benefits of it. Though I am surprised that a very spiritual and intelligent person like Peterson didn't take that into consideration. What are your thoughts about this? Discuss.
  16. It was actually Jim Carrey who introduced me to non-duality back in like 2009. I was very curious about DMT and saw a clickbait video on youtube that said something like "Jim Carrey talks about DMT". Of course he didn't, but he talked about a guy called Eckhart Tolle (you may have heard of him), and that day on I never let it go. But I never really got deep into it all those years until I once again came across a guy about a year ago called Leo Gura (you may have heard of him) who kicked me in the butt. And now every day this is what matters the most to me.. Thanks for sharing.
  17. I have periods where I get little sleep. Like you, I wake up during the night. Shinzen Young had a good tip that I followed. He recommended the "See rest" technique. So you just lie down, close your eyes and try to objectively just see whatever comes up. This will rest your mind and still recover you. The acceptance that you may not get any sleep that night will actually help you to remove the stress of not getting any sleep which will then actually make you go to sleep. Try and see if it helps.
  18. Well I don't know how familiar you are with Peterson, but a big part of what he wants to achieve with his lectures is to bring back healthy masculinity into the western culture. Hence why I said that. Doesn't mean I necessarily agree with him (I disagree with him on a lot of things). Yeah, I get what you are saying. Again, I was just surprised by it, because he does talk about mystics and artists in a positive light. He also talks a fair bit about shamanism and psychedelics with an open mind, so for him to say mindfulness is a fad and that he links to a flawed study is just surprising because he does not come across as ignorant and usually has a lot of knowledge before tackling a specific topic.
  19. Well if it can influence millions of people to not start meditating then maybe you should care about this? Also, he doesn't come off as narrow-minded to me, that's why it is surprising to see his stance on this. Sure he have some arrogance and can be a bit judge-y here and there. Maybe he thinks it feminizes men or something.
  20. "Most of the enlightened people in the world have died almost immediately after enlightenment - the shock is too much. The body may not be able to take it, unless the body is specially prepared to take it." Thoughts about that statement? I have never heard of anything like that before. I haven't listened or read Osho much. I know he is respected in some circles while others view him as a spiritual fraud.
  21. @BeginnerActualizer I was struggling with the same confusion you did awhile ago. I was torn between practicing on objects (like breath and body sensations) to increase concentration while I was still very fond of just sitting in acceptance, and I found that (for me) combining the two works really great. That's the beauty of the spiritual path, that you will have to find what works for you on an individual level. So maybe try to have periods where you focus on objects, and have periods where you let go. Both develop concentration, so don't worry too much about it.
  22. @Kazman Yeah, I read that book some years ago. It is really a shallow self-help book portrayed as a spiritual book. What I remember that caught my attention is the exercise where you look for negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. It's really not getting down to the core of things.
  23. J.S. Bach never wrote any symphonies. "Air" is the second movement of his 3rd Orchestral Suite