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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. I don't see the point of this at all. If you start sharing your experiences with other people you will set yourself up for trouble. You will hear about experiences you didn't have etc. You will start to wonder and think, especially newbies. You have a chance to speak with the teacher once everyday, and you have a contact person for practical stuff. This is enough, imo.
  2. @ardacigin Very good and interesting post. Though while I agree with many of your points, I am someone who dove into the spiritual path starting with a 10 day Vipassana almost 3 years ago now. And I got free flow (scanning, Goenka) on my first retreat, and though it was hellish at times being there, it motivated me tremendously. I was the typical atheist type (though it had begun to shift prior to that) so when I actually felt the energy it was like discovering magic. So for me personally, it really helped me in that sense. I can see the problems, though. I mean l actually am quite amazed so many complete newbies stick with the program. And also, though my energy sky rocketed, it didn't actually help me the first 2 years. The energy and stuff happening in my body motivated me and I knew I was doing something right, it didn't feel like the actual Vipassana practice helped me, I just stuck with it because what else to do? Hoping my investment would pay off. I see the fruits now, and things are happening very rapidly and truly I feel blessed today. It also depends on what people are there. Many people are there because they heard it was helpful "and the wife thinks I am too stressed out so I should do it", that kinda thing. The majority attending are not hardcore seekers or even know what enlightenment is. I think these centers do way more good than harm though.
  3. I'd say 150-200mg plugged is not a problem physically if you are healthy in general. Now, how you're gonna handle it and why'd take that much is another question.
  4. @Leo Gura So how do you view the paradox of Ralston? You've said, that in your opinion, he is perhaps one of the most woke people on the planet. Yet it seems he has not grasped the love facet of the absolute.
  5. Yeah that one was hard
  6. You never know what you are gonna get with Rogan either. If you look at his 2 pods with Wim Hof for example, on the first he was respectful and nice and on the other he was really rude and condesending.
  7. @peanutspathtotruth I have not smoked DPT so I can't comment on that. I've only snorted DPT and yeah, it smells bad and it has a bad drip but it gets the job done. I've snorted 100mg+ and it is not pleasant and if you get a drip down your throat it will sometimes feel numbing and swelling, it's not something you want to get paranoid about with DPT about to take you in. So breath it in slowly and gently and sit so you prevent it from getting down there. I've never felt any real restriction to my breathing though, but just so you know. Today I would definitely plug it.
  8. There really is no other option than snorting it then. Unless you IV or shoot it in the muscle and that is NOT recommended when you don't know the exact purity of it. Or look up a guide on how to convert the fumerate to freebase and smoke it.
  9. Yes. I don't know if my years with DPT helped activate this area for me but it has been, and it expands as you say or creates space. Since a year, or little less, back I have been able to stay centered there. Yogananda said if you keep your gaze centered there at all times it will haste spiritual progress. And the more you pay attention to the spot the more it will deepen and the easier it will be to rest there.
  10. It is a great technique. I have done the breathing in periods and it really makes you more alert yet calm at the same time. I want to do it consistently for a year and see the effects.
  11. @Leo Gura With tapping into the collective of a certain species it makes me think of that banned TED talk from Rupert Sheldrake. His morphic resonance theory where his hypothesis is that for example rats in London learns a trick and then rats in New York learns it way faster because it gets remembered in the collective of the species. Does your direct experience say it is so? So I am God right, and I am centered here and everything I see is imaginery. So if I look at "you", also centered, we are looking at "eachother" from the same center but will have a different visual field obviously? Is this what you mean? I hope that made sense Your latest videos have really blown my mind, 5-meo-dmt (omniscience), dpt and the reality one. I've gotten many insights from them. It's great that you share so much in various forms and I am grateful that you do.
  12. @ardacigin Very cool. Thanks for sharing and for the effort you put into this. I incorporate some of Shinzen's techniques in my everyday life, like "hear in, feel in, see in". I had such a flow with that technique for many days straight that my ego backlashed for months. He is great. Never heard of Culadasa actually. Will definitely check him out. Sounds like he is a consciousness nerd just like Shinzen
  13. Thanks for sharing. Fascinating stuff. There are many paths towards the Divine. This may be frowned upon but that's part of their work, to break social taboos. The dark and more violent parts of humanity has to be acknowledged and accepted to. The west has taken parts of this (Tantra, left-handed/vimachara) and from it comes satanism and all of those paths basically, but much less sophisticated. So that's what the west does with parts of eastern traditions often. They take parts that are alluring and exciting, sometimes steal the name right from it and have an absurdly watered down version of it.
  14. @John Iverson Can you link the video you are talking about?
  15. @okulele Thanks! Interesting read I might do some edibles towards the end. I am thinking about if I should have a timer so I know which day I am at.
  16. Correct
  17. I have done retreats yes. Never in the dark. I expect it to be challenging. I will bring in my zafu cushion, a pillow and blanket yes. I don't plan to eat that much so fruits and nuts be fine. Thank you
  18. I've had this happen to me maybe 5 times. Though never by tripping. It happens when I wake up in the middle of the night and I just get this shock and wave of energy. First time I was rather shocked and wondered what was going on. But when you surrender to it it starts to feel amazing and you feel it in your heart center, or I do.
  19. @Leo Gura Thanks
  20. But even if you become deeply enlightened, let's say like Ralston. Why can't you get access to do the creation aspect of God? Like materializing things through will, you think? Or you probably can, but do you think that is on the deepest levels of enlightenment?