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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. @ardacigin Hey. I've started reading Culadasa's book. Very good so far. One of those books you wished you read at the beginning of your path. I am going HARD on concentration right now. I also mix in Leo's concentration video. So I came up with the idea of using a vibration wrist clock. So you can set the timer for how many minutes you can focus and increase when you have mastered your set time. So you can use it out in public and work (and at home where there are no distractions of course) and when it's done it just vibrates on your arm without drawing attention. I recommend this for people. It makes it a lot of fun. I see great improvements already and you get used to being centered even in chaotic environments.
  2. @Leo Gura Yeah I noticed that as well. I was seriously so tired from nuts and fruits by the 3rd day that I had to go to the grocery store and buy some real food. You live and learn. If I am going to try solo darkroom again I will do some serious planning way in advance.
  3. @mkrksms Lol, it didn't go as planned at all. I was moving out of this apartment at July 31st. So I had the intention of using the whole apartment instead of just the bathroom. So me and my brother cleaned the whole place as you do when moving out. I left just a matress and a pillow in the place that. Bought dried fruits and nuts and made 6 bags for each day. 22-28th of July was my plan. After my brother left I went and bought ducktape and black garbage bags. But they didn't stick to the walls around the windows! It was like slippery surface, if you know what I mean. It was poor planning. So I did a regular solo retreat in those days. And it was for the best. I had the worst headache the 23th due to quitting caffeine. I had no idea I had built up such an addiction. So I really wasn't ready for a dark room retreat. I should be way more prepared. Was for the best. I will probably go to Germany at some point and do it under professional settings with people helping you. Haven't found any here. You thinking about doing one?
  4. Yup ^^ It is like a different substance almost. Once you get over a certain amount (this varies for people, I start to go non-dual at 75mg. I've seen some people that can't seem to break through at all) it drastically changes in intensity and character.
  5. "I started drinking alcohol and noticed my happiness increased" ?
  6. Pretty obvious and very common. You're being tricked by the devil. Keep doing it and let's see how stable your happiness will be.
  7. @ardacigin Thank you very much for a great answer. Also, if it wasn't clear, I am EXTREMELY grateful for my boring job. I was not ironic when I said it was a privilege. I have applied techniques and can read books on that job, and my progress has been very good. Whenever I see someone complain about a boring cubicle job I get sad at the wasted potential. I am 3 years in on my path so I will definitely make stable attention a top priority. I WILL master this in the coming years. Gonna start reading his book tonight probably. Thanks again
  8. @ardacigin Focusing my attention on an object for longer periods of time has always been my problem. I have had the privilige to have the most boring job on earth basically. I work as a receptionist, the only reason they made the position is because they had a problem with someone unauthorized came in to the building and stole some computers. So I just basically watch a door 8 hours a day. I get interrupted by chit-chat or guests every once in awhile. I have had a job like that for over 2 years now. I have built a great habit of always returning to the present. Like throughout the day. The problem is I cannot keep my attention stable there for longer periods of time. I can get distracted for some seconds only, and then return to the present. But keeping it stable is damn hard for me. So I really relate to what you write about what a struggle it can be. It gets frustrating and tiresome. I bought Culadasa's book. Have yet to read it. I am a Kriya Yoga practitioner mainly, and my intention is not to integrate Culadasa's whole system. But is it worth a read just to pick up knowledge about concentration in particular? It really is time to build that for me now. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks
  9. @Hermetics First of all, he has no trouble with English whatsoever. Show me where he struggles with it? Just because you have an accent doesn't mean you struggle with the language. Your example is very poor. Second of all, Mooji speaks with authenticity and authority. No matter what you believe he has done. No matter what you think about the dangers of devotion. If you look at that video and see someone who is faking it then get to fucking work.
  10. Lol. I made a post about DPT almost 3 years ago. I think the trip I was referring to was one of the last I did on it before it was banned. Now that I look at it, it is very possible that the thing I wrote about humans was my own projections. I had a very bleak look on humanity then I guess.. But who the hell knows? I will try and get my hands on it again. I took it before diving into the path fully. Would be interesting to take it now 3 years later and see how different it'd be.
  11. @Truth Addict Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Have a nice day.
  12. @pluto Of course you can't. If I wrote a book and you bought it doesn't mean you could distribute it freely on the internet (in a legal sense)
  13. @Truth Addict I just do, I trust my intuition. Intuition is something that has been a very important thing for me in the last year. Intuition goes way beyond culture. Being open and dropping the person continously whenever you get reminded to do so will show you that. That's how the beauty unfolds. It's the identification with the body that gets you into trouble, I can verify this in my direct experience. And hey, it's great you value open-mindedness. Being open is key. But there is a difference with being open and giving every retarded sect a chance (investing time) and working smart. You don't want to waste time. Whenever I see someone talking to Mooji or Spira for example about how they have been searching for decades and gotten basically no progress.. that is scary shit.
  14. @Truth Addict The retarded part was more of a joke. Obviously there are very intelligent people in ISIS. As for me not wanting to spend 5 years with ISIS to see if they deliver the truth, that is not about a lack of open-mindedness or following a moral compass. I got better stuff to focus on with the time I have. I intuitively feel that raping women and killing non-believers will not bring me growth or self-understanding.
  15. @Milan Who am I? Beyond Shiva: The Absolute Truth Tao Te Ching Kriya Yoga - Synthesis of a Personal Experience
  16. Yes, I agree. It runs deep. But the leap from that to teachings that has no problem raping women and killing "infidels" is pretty huge. If that starts making sense then you (not you personally) are just a blind puppet. Some people want to give up their mind to shit like that. So it is a very broad statement to say it will start making sense. People are very different.
  17. @Truth Addict Someone who starts getting involved with ISIS wants to get tricked. To be part of something greater. Call to adventure. If you take on everything Leo says with blind faith then that's your problem.
  18. Yeah well, that's just, like, you know, your opinion, man Have you watched his latest videos, including the ones on his blog? Hardly a rehash of older stuff. I think they are getting deeper and more interesting. But to each their own
  19. @ardacigin You can talk privetely with the teacher once a day. And buddhism in general is a little autistic. Especially Vipassana. That's the impression I got anyway. The centers are very sterile, devoid of any decoration of even Buddhist art. This I found a little bleak tbh. Zen seems a lot more warm in comparison. I agree with the length of the sits. 1 hour is a long time to sit, it'd be better if it was 30-45 mins.