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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. @Leo Gura Ok, I have to post and share my thoughts on this. I rarely make posts here anymore and this will be my last. Your videos helped me a lot years ago when I was in a bad place, for that I will always be grateful. I am saying this as someone who wishes you the best truly. Take the advice or not, it's your life. You seriously need to take a break from substances and this forum, and being a public figure in general, imo. You complained some days ago that the criticism posted was too much on your psyche and now you are a bliss bunny and likely you will crash again. You are too ungrounded and have worked way too little on embodiment practices. The balance between major ungrounded psychedelic experiences and embodied practices and integration are drifting further and further apart, and from someone who is looking at this from a distance it is becoming blatantly obvious. Please relax, take a break, and work on embodiment, because that is your biggest blind spot. People that are cheering you on about this are not your friends, and likewise, you people that are cheering Leo on are not in a good trajectory spiritually speaking. This is turning into a potentially very harmful thing. My 2 cents, call me close-minded if you want. Be well, Leo. Thanks for everything.
  2. If it is such a big deal for you then look up Yogananda's Self Realization Fellowship, and learn his Kriya Yoga, also Kriyananda, a disciple, started an off shot called Ananda. Both incorporate Jesus in their teachings. Though if you really connected with the spirit of Christ you would know that doing Yoga would be totally fine. Maybe some church groups would mind, but what do you value more? I met a devout Christian at a Vipassana retreat. His church encouraged him to do Zen and Vipassana retreats. Find a church like that.
  3. @SQAAD @Regan Spira believes there are other people with their unique vantage points and sense perceptions. Still one consciousness according to his view. If you don't think your family has their unique and active vantage point right now he would call that a form of madness. There is no doubt Ramana Maharshi thought other people were imaginary and did NOT have a vantage point. Yet Spira raises him as a gold standard, and that he was like a white dot on a white piece of paper. At the same time, if he knew his philosophy, he would have to say he had succumbed to a form of madness.
  4. Good share. Adyashanti is a true gem of a teacher. Interestingly he was a teacher to Christopher "Hareesh" Wallis, who is the author of Tantra Illuminated. In Non-Dual Tantrik Shaivism these 3 are referred to as power centers and have more significance than the chakras when it comes to awakening, these 3 points are called Bindus and are on a more deep and fundamental level than the chakras. Adyashanti didn't know anything about this teaching when he had his awakenings. He first woke up on the level of the mind and intuitively knew he needed to awaken in the heart and gut. So for practices and more info regarding these 3 centers check out Tantrik Shaivism. The book Recognition Sutras by Hareesh gives techniques for this aswell.
  5. @Schahin If you check out Tantrika Institute you can definitely learn through the video lectures presented there and make serious advancements if you are serious. No, it is not Kriya Yoga, it's Tantrik Yoga which Kriya Yoga has its foundations in. So if you are interested in working with the nadis, sushumna, chakras and kundalini (and other types of meditation and material as well), that learning portal has the potential to take you as far as you want.
  6. So the Tantrika Online portal has launched and looks absolutely beautiful and is high quality stuff. So far you can do the Awareness Cultivation, Mantra Science and The View tracks with the other facets being worked on as we speak. Other than the main facets there are recordings from workshops, lectures, guided meditations, mantras, historical lectures from a well-read scholar practioner(The Real Story of Yoga as an example) and much more. Everything from Hareesh's Patreon page is being slowly migrated to the portal, which means webinars on various ancient Tantrik scriptures like Tantrasara, Spanda-karikas (teaching on the pulsation of consciousness) etc. Subscription based so pick and choose what you like and end it whenever you like, or do it sequentially which means that you can eventually get a teacher certificate if you want to.
  7. This is a free foundation course in Tantrik Yoga led by practitioner, Tantra and Sanskrit schoolar Christopher Wallis. Tantrik Yoga is an internal yoga originating from the Tantrik Shaivism movement that arose in India over a millenia ago. It emphases embodied awakening and is a path suitable for householders. There will be a 4 year curriculum starting at the end of summer (that is the plan anyway) that will contain 7 facets: Philosophy and View, Awareness Cultivation, Energy body practices, Yogic Lifestyle, Deity Yoga, Mantra Science and Living in the World. This will be a subscription based membership and you pick and choose what you want to work on. So for example, if you just want simply practical teachings and are not interested in Non-dual Shaiva Tantra Philosophy you simply skip the View teachings. It's very cool to see a curriculum being built on this very rich and beautiful tradition.
  8. HAHAHAHA. You are basically completely driven by ideology. You think you can contact Elon Musk with your ideas about how life should be. Do you understand the hybris and the egomania in that? Your view of how the planet should run is correct and as a shining white knight you will rise up and save humanity. If you sit and put more energy in to these grand ideas I smell a Breivik in the making. You are just a less extreme version of that idealogue.
  9. @Leo Nordin Alright, I just know that I always wanted to get away from every town, job or country I was in. It was a comforting thought to leave everything behind when in truth I wanted to leave my relentless mind. And some environments are indeed very toxic and you should definitely get away. But some harsh environments can be very useful to be in. You can learn to deal with people, projections, attacks etc. With the intention of growing and building a stronger energy body that can deal with most environments while being perfectly centered. I am glad I didn't abandon my life and fled because my progress wouldn't be NEARLY as beneficial as it is today. You can always do consciousness work. Everything can empower you. To want the perfect environment for your enlightenment to take place can be a trap. Maybe that isn't the case for you, but be aware how cunning the ego can be and what it will convince you of to stay in command. In the end only you can know of course. Good luck.
  10. @Leo Nordin You are just deluding yourself. Your posts are full of fear and what you're really interested in is holding on to pleasure and ecstacy and try to escape from pain and suffering instead of embracing and accepting those states as an expression of consciousness. Add to that a developing spiritual ego who feels special that it had an awakening and now wants to elevate itself and feel special. Also going homeless in a privileged society and expecting it to come in and feed you and shelter when needed is called being a parasite. That attitude will backfire on you. Question what it is you want to escape from? But hey, I was probably more naive and retarded than you when I was 17
  11. A part of me is. But if you look at the case from a strictly technical POV it seems they were falsely judged, imo. But who the hell knows.
  12. I read his first book during my period of shopping in the spiritual supermarket and was invested in western mysticism/occultism, which was helpful at the time. I did have a somewhat sinister and very vivid dream about him though which left an impression. Whether it was to put me in another direction and finding my main tradition or if there is something off I can't really say. His story is interesting nevertheless.
  13. There's a fine line between love and hatred. I'd say some people that actually commit to violent acts of that magnitude have the potential to go the other direction and become a beam of light to your surrounding. A fine line. You either get fed up with the years of pain and abuse by others and decide to kill and lash out or let yourself be obliterated (in the good sense). Of course many people are just full blood psychopaths. Maybe if we change a few minor details in Matt Kahn's history he would've been on a killing spree shooting up a workplace.
  14. The human population has EXPLODED in the last centuries. So there's gonna be a lot more of everything. Doesn't mean there is a special shift happening. It means a lot more people are awakening because there's a lot more people on earth.
  15. Yes he moved to Portugal to the newly built retreat center there. Christopher is a great teacher indeed and is making a wonderful job of making these sophisticated teachings accessible to our time and culture. He also has a great Patreon page where he has webinars on (part of) his translation of Abhinavagupta's Tantrasara and works by Utpaladeva and other great sages of the tradition. It's really mindblowing how deep and profound these teachings are when you start to go deeper. Yes, we definitely have our own unique path, I agree. These teachings which have been a huge blessing in my life might be complete dogshit for someone else and vice versa. People have a tendency to want to impose what has worked for them and take for granted it has the same effect on others. But if someone finds this stuff valuable then great!
  16. I never picked up that book. I remember reading reviews on it and something rubbed me the wrong away. I think it was something about the author taking chunks from online sources and putting it in the book.
  17. @Leo Gura Sorry Leo, will find a more suitable thread.
  18. @modmyth I remember seeing a documentary on youtube about DCD and the influence of that Bulgarian choir was mentioned. If I remember correctly she had just began learning that technique and tested it out on The Host of Seraphim and apparently they weren't happy with the result at first and almost scratched it from the album. Which is funny considering it is their most well known track. I had never heard the choir before so thanks for sharing that! That was really good, I will check more of that out. The influence it had on Lisa is really obvious listening to it! Haha, I have never heard his voice being described as a darkwave/goth-ish Frank Sinatra before but that is exactly what his voice sounds like! I could see him playing Frank in a slightly twisted darkened parallel universe kinda movie Zappa is great! I was also the only weirdo being into that stuff as a teenager. Of course, you also take pride in standing out at that age so I used to love wearing the famous t-shirt image of him sitting on toilet taking a crap lol. He was such a gifted musician and so ahead of his time. And seeing old interviews with him on Letterman and whatnot he came across as really clever and good dude. There is this guy on Youtube called Smalin that does visual representations of Bach (and others) music that I have been really into lately. There are a bunch of them now but he was the pioneer and started doing stuff like this in the 70's I believe. It's really interesting to see visually how he constructed his music.
  19. @modmyth That's awesome! Aion is a great album. But I mean every album is. Within the Realm of a Dying Sun is really special to me. Brendan is amazing, very underrated indeed. I mostly resonated with songs where Lisa was at the forefront in the beginning but that quickly changed. But I mean Lisa, wow.. She channels something. I have never heard a voice like that. I love how they mix things up with soundscapes from different eras and cultures to just really well-crafted pop songs. Yeah, Danny is an amazing drummer. But everything in Tool feels just right. You can tell they have a lot of respect for each other as musicians and for the songs in that they let everything breathe naturally and invite each other to do what is best for the song and the composition as a whole. I have two older half-brothers, 7 and 10 years older. The younger of them was into metal and rock. Guns 'n Roses and Metallica and stuff like that. So I always had that around me growing up. The other was into Frank Zappa, Nick Cave, Bob Dylan, stuff like that. Some of which I started appreciated when I got older. Nowadays I mostly listen to classical music. Especially Bach (which is Baroque but nowadays falls into the classical category), imo, the most accomplished musical genius and composer ever. Everything aligned just right with Bach. He had naturally gifted musical abilities, was raised in a dynasty of high-level musicians, he was very intelligent AND he was devoted to God which is very apparent in his music. It's just perfect. His violin concertos led me to other composers violin concertos like Tchaikovsky, Sibelius and Brahms which led me to their other works and on it goes
  20. @modmyth Yeah. Whenever I think of Agalloch I think of that passage you posted. It's a beautiful one. Haha no, progressive metal is usually non-aggressive, and when it tries to be it just sounds out of place. Dream Theater was actually the first band I really got into back in 6th or 7th grade. I loved them. For me they haven't held up at all though (except for some songs, like Space Dye Vest, but that is more Kevin Moore's creativity than DT as a band). Progressive metal did get me into Tool though, and that is probably my favorite band (maybe tied with Dead Can Dance). Those 2 bands are great examples of bands that transcends genres, like you said. Even their earliest material still sounds fresh and relevant, and I think that's a testament of truly good artists. Danny Carey is also into the Enochian material, and their work together with Alex Grey is just a perfect marriage. What a great band.
  21. You're absolutely right. Thanks for the input, Carl.
  22. @modmyth I used to listen to Agalloch alot back in the day. Both Ashes Against the Grain and The Mantle are great albums. Yeah that have a gloomy feel to them, as an angst ridden teenager it was very cleansing for me as well. Isis I still adore (to the CIA; the band, not the terror sect). Panopticon is a masterpiece IMO. Cult of Luna is a great band. Salvation and Eternal Kingdom are very good albums that I still play on occassion. For me it vibes very well, bit on the dark side but in a very beautiful way. It is a big music collective with 7-9 members I think. Yeah the bands that has been mentioned are pretty much it for me when it comes to Post-Metal so it is not a huge genre and I haven't really followed it enough to see if there's something new on that scene. It was an introduction for me to Post-rock - Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky and God is an Astronaut I especially like.
  23. Yeah, post-metal is the metal genre I go to nowadays. Pelican, Russian Circles and Cult of Luna is high quality metal I completely agree. There is low and high quality stuff in every genre. In classical, in jazz, in pop, in metal. It is more fair to put it it like that than saying a whole genre is a lower art-form.