How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. I’ve seen many people who were teaching Tier 2 material before they revealed they were supporting Trump. Arguably the most famous example is Don Beck, co-founder of Spiral Dynamics itself! Anyway, just today I came across another one. I’ve known Theo Von mostly for being a die hard Trump supporter. You would think this is your typical stage Blue Christian. Yet I was surprised to find him interviewing one of the most enlightened people of today, a name that no doubt you all know very well: Sadhguru. If Theo Von is hosting sadhguru, he must have at least some familiarity with spirituality and consciousness. Why would such people be Trump supporters?
  2. Sadhguru isn’t going to sit for 2 hours to talk about the Bible.
  3. @Leo Gura Theo Von: “The war zone is more inside of me; it’s not on the outside.” That sounds like typical spirituality to me.
  4. @Chadders I wouldn’t be so sure about Eckhart Tolle. He seemed to be on the same page as Russel Brand in an interview; Russel Brand endorsed Trump.
  5. @MsNobody I have the opposite problem. I’ve taught men my whole life, I could never teach a woman. One criticism and she will start crying.
  6. We’ve been asking that question for the last five years.
  7. @Emerald You’ve been here for quite a number of years, why haven’t you been a mod yet?
  8. @MsNobody How can you tell that she has procedures in her face?
  9. Do you have a companion?
  10. @Javfly33 Sadhguru also believes that eating chicken will turn you into a chicken.
  11. We need TDS therapists on this forum asap.
  12. The other side of the coin is that you could easily be wrong about who he was talking about. If that’s the case, you have basically slandered this man in front of everybody on this forum. You need to be sure about what he meant before potentially ruining this man’s reputation. Some Reddit or fringe forum posts aren’t sufficient evidence.
  13. His healthcare policies (in particular prescription drug pricing) is identical with Bernie’s. He also supports infrastructure investment, protecting jobs from globalisation, and criminal justice reforms, all in line with Bernie Sanders.
  14. It’s amazing how many people are both Bernie and Trump supporters. Many people (including very famous people) supported Bernie in 2019 and voted for Trump this year. This itself should discard the absurd idea that Trump doesn’t have Green ideas.
  15. Why do you assume that Trump is lower than Green/Yellow? Have you ever questioned that assumption. There is a difference between having opinions that are Blue, vs being at Blue. How do you know Trump falls in the latter rather than the former?
  16. First of all SD is just a model, so don’t take it too seriously. Plus, many people have argued that Trump himself is operating on the Yellow stage. In fact, the creator of SD himself said such a thing. There is no doubt that many people at Yellow and Turquoise are Trump supporters. We saw many people that Leo respected a lot and held in high esteem, but when it was revealed that they voted for Trump, Leo instantly turned on them and labelled them “Blue” “unconscious” “cringe” etc. Of course that was not very convincing. It’s time for people to become more objective in the study of Trump. But for people who suffer from TDS, this will be impossible. We need therapists who specialise in TDS.
  17. How wrong you are. I will not be surprised if more Yellow people voted for Trump than for Harris.
  18. Wrong! Don’t mistake Trump’s oversized ego for stage red, they are totally different. Trump won because he focused on issues that American’s care about, which Biden and Harris largely ignored, like illegal immigration. He also has a better foreign policy than Biden, at least when it comes to Ukraine. Another problem for Harris is that climate policy had a negative impact on the economy. Since people care more about the now than the future, they would rather drill more and improve the economy rather than using environment friendly methods. Most people who voted for Trump are not “low consciousness”. It’s time to realise that Trump has carved out a share of the Green/Yellow population.
  19. Leo’s TDS is stronger than any admiration he has for anyone, so we know what will happen.
  20. You’re reading too much into what he said. You don’t know what he meant by “overlords”, and he never mentioned the word Jew once.
  21. Since when was Aaron a her. Wokeness has taken over this forum.
  22. So does that mean it doesn’t matter next year whether you are wrong now? Leo can’t see that his TDS has profoundly distorted his perception of reality. If you want to say that Trump has such a big ego that he can’t acknowledge when he loses an election, that’s fair. But Leo has gone far beyond this. He needs to calm down and be more objective and less subjective. Leo goes crazy every time Trump is brought up. You never see him calmly mentioning where he disagrees with Trump, or his actions. He just explodes and loses himself. This is the problem. We need the Leo of 2015 to return. BRING HIM BACK!!!
  23. Leo admits he was an epistemic pervert last year.