How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. @Leo Gura Many spiritual people couldn’t see through the BS of Trump.
  2. I asked ChatGPT to critique Leo’s latest blog post. Here it is: 1. Generalization: The text makes sweeping generalizations about scientists, universities, and corporations. While it's true that there have been instances of scientific fraud and corruption, it's not accurate or fair to say that all scientists or all scientific research is fraudulent or corrupt. Many scientists adhere to strict ethical guidelines and are committed to the pursuit of truth. 2. Misrepresentation of Science: The text seems to misunderstand the nature of science. Science is a method of inquiry that involves rigorous testing, peer review, and replication of results. While it's true that science is conducted by humans who can be fallible and biased, the scientific method itself is designed to minimize these biases and errors. 3. Funding and Influence: While it's true that funding sources can potentially influence research, many scientific institutions have strict rules about disclosing funding sources and managing conflicts of interest. Moreover, the claim that "most scientists are dirt-poor" is not accurate. While scientists' salaries can vary widely, many scientists are well-compensated for their work. 4. Comparison with Religion: The comparison between science and religion is somewhat flawed. While both are human institutions and can be subject to corruption, they operate on fundamentally different principles. Science is based on empirical evidence and is constantly revised and updated in light of new evidence, while religion often involves beliefs that are held on faith and are not subject to empirical testing. 5. Personal Anecdote: The author's personal anecdote about fabricating data in a school science project is not representative of how real scientific research is conducted. In professional science, fraudulent behavior like this is considered highly unethical and can lead to severe professional consequences. 6. Pessimistic View of Humanity: The text seems to have a very negative view of humanity, suggesting that all humans are "selfish, fearful, greedy, clingy, ignorant, closedminded". This is a very broad and negative generalization that doesn't take into account the complexity and diversity of human behavior.
  3. How will you get your vitamins and minerals then?
  4. Next best thing is to intercept Leo on his solo retreats.
  5. @MsNobody I would rather go to Peter Ralston’s retreats just to see if Leo still goes there.
  6. @Leo Gura You should contact Alex O’Connor. He is a fellow Philosophy student, so I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about.
  7. We’ve been connected to nature for hundreds of thousands of years. We only grew in consciousness as we urbanised and industrialised.
  8. @Leo Gura Is it a coincidence that AI was created soon after they came?
  9. They’re here, boys! After 200,000 years, they’re fucking finally here.
  10. I thought you already knew how to get 1 million subscribers.
  11. Of the Democratic Party to be more accurate. The economy wasn’t doing well, a third party was running (disaster for party currently in power), and there was no policy change in Obama’s second term.
  12. @Someone here You have an avoidant attachment style like I do. There’s no need to fight it. Monogamy just isn’t for us. I recommend either settling for a few friends with benefits, or having multiple girlfriends (who are only dating you). You won’t be able to settle for just one girl.
  13. You were really famous in 2015-2016, before you took psychedelics.
  14. That’s a strange conclusion to come to.
  15. It will be much uglier than that.
  16. Not wanting to give birth to children ≠ not having children. What happens when she is pregnant and abortion isn’t possible?
  17. Incestual relationships have a very high chance of produncing children with severe genetic issues. The same chance as you crossing a freeway with eyes closed and keeping your body intact.
  18. @trenton It will produce offspring with severe genetic issues. Even if you don’t want to have a child, it could still happen. All the suffering that child will go through will be on you.
  19. In Ken Wilber’s model, there are four stages above turquoise.
  20. It’s not bigotry to say that there are two genders. A man can never be a woman. Accept that.
  21. You said 6 years ago that you were in the middle of writing a book. What happened?
  22. There are only two genders. Full stop.
  23. @DrugsBunny Obviously whatever makes you happy is what you should go with. But the extreme is pretending like a trans woman is identical to a real woman, they’re not.
  24. In his book Theory of Everything, Ken Wilber describes today’s right-wing as a healthy version of a lower level, and the left-wing as an unhealthy version of a higher level. He sounds a lot like Don beck if you ask me.
  25. @LoneWonderer Definitely read ‘the holographic universe’ by Michael Talbot. All your questions will be answered.