How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. @GeoLura What’s your real name?
  2. Before I answer those questions we will make one assumption which you must accept. That is: Reality is everything that you are experiencing directly right now with your five senses. Everything else is your thoughts about the situation and is hence not true. Unfortunately this claim can only be proven through your direct experience. But if you accept this, then good. Here we go: 1) Notice that the “I” you are talking about is not a direct experience, because you can’t sense it out there. You have a picture in your mind of this “I”. This picture is not true, it’s just a picture. Notice that beyond the images in your mind, ‘out there’ there is no “I”. 2) Why do you have to assume that ‘somebody’ must be doing this. Notice that that itself is just a thought, a mental image which is not true. Without your thoughts about it, reality is just happening. 3) Right now you are not really acting the way that you want to act, because of your fears. Once all that fear is dropped, you will act the way that you truly want to act. The spontaneous, authentic movement which might make you look strange to outsiders, but you don’t care anymore. I don’t agree with Leo that seeing the truth is enough. You need to let go of your conditioning, which is a lot more work. 4) Again, why do you assume that somebody that somebody must be doing this. Notice that this is just an idea. ‘Out there’ does not demand a ‘controller’ of the body. 5) Again, why do you assume that you must feel it. That is just imagination. Try to position your mind in the outside world. Is ‘out there’ saying that you must feel it. ‘Out there’ is not demanding anything. It just is. Those assumptions are beng created by your thoughts. Just remember that those answers will only make sense if you practice. I understand that traditional self-inquiry is extremely difficult. In that case, just do The Work of Byron Katie. It’s working very well for me. You don’t have to worry about ‘finding’ enlightenment. Just do the process and you will be guaranteed to reach the end.
  3. @GeoLura I have to say it’s quite the coincidence.
  4. @Torkys how did you find @Not Leo Gura they left the forum way before you arrived.
  5. @GeoLura What’s up with the name geo lura? Is that your real name? Or do you admire Leo that much?
  6. @Hafiz Well, just remember that their poetry wasn’t in English. It definitely would have sounded a lot better in their respective languages as that was the one they intended on. I notice that with the Quran as well. It will always sound better in Arabic rather than in any other language. Same to Ryokan.
  7. So much for the don’t-know mind. Also, Sadhguru hates using the word God. Plenty of times he told people that God doesn’t exist. He also says that questioning never ends. So why can’t you question this God even though you experienced him. Are you incapable of that? I understand that it was a profound mystical experience, but can you still not question that? I’m not saying falsify it, but just keep your mind open. Case closed sounds like a pretty bad idea.
  8. @Leo Gura But have you taken the time to understand where those people are coming from rather than just dismissing it from your pedestal. If somebody says ‘you are not god’, it clearly must be true for them. Do you see where they are coming from. Not everybody blew up their brains with psychedelics. And not everybody shares your opinion. The claim ‘you are god’ isn’t factually true. You just found it to be an appropriate phrase to translate your experiences. Maybe other people translated it differently. What I’m saying is that rather than dismissing a post straight away, take some time to see where it is coming from. I don’t think most people are here to literally play around. If they start a ‘delusional’ thread, it’s because they actually believe it.
  9. @CreamCat Yes, but a lot of people want to philsophise as well. It’s better that a space is given to them for that, or else we will be seeing a lot of threads closed.
  10. @The Don The Work of Byron Katie.
  11. @Leo Gura The book ‘spiral dynamics’ talks about stage blue feminists, aethists and left wingers. Is that possible? Are there any current examples?
  12. @Strikr That’s something that’s always driven me. From an early age, I had many moments were I saw the indescribable beauty in very simple things, like a blue rainy day, or a room basking in the mid-morning sunlight. I’ve always been interested in how I can live my whole life basking in that beauty. I’m currently working towards it. I self-inquire for 2 hours a day in the hopes that I can reach that goal.
  13. @Victor Mgazi This event influenced JFK as well. After this event, the U.S. pressured Vietnam into dealing with the persecution against the monks.
  14. Although this is still mind stuff, this is a far better approach to mathematics, because it is more related to your direct experience.
  15. @LiakosN This is basic stuff compared to The Work. I self inquire on my emotions 2 hours a day straight. It’s really helping.
  16. @SpaceCowboy There’s too many of them in our lives. I think everybody is blessed with those, because the world is 100% friendly. But in the same time, there is no past, so synchronicities cannot be true.
  17. @Andre Quinonez caffeine isn’t bad. There’s no need to guilt yourself if you are addicted to it. But if you want to be healthier, you might be better off without it, because too much of anything isn’t good for health. But if you are addicted, better just enjoy that too. The world doesn’t exist after all. ?
  18. @Baotrader That was very generous of him. In order to decrease the persecution of Buddhist monks by the Vietnamese police, he burned himself alive to draw attention to the issue. That is a realised man. Until you are willing to go through that, your work’s not done.
  19. We are not Ramana Maharishi. This is a tough question to answer. Many people (including myself) don’t really have a strong sense of ‘I’.
  20. @Shin focus more on undoing your mammoth ego.
  21. @Your place at Heart All emotional issues solved! Just use this very simple technique. The goal is to undo all of your trauma and negative emotions, so you can live in 24/7 peace of mind. Many people have achieved it using this technique. To learn this simple technique just watch this audio:
  22. @Shin lol it’s not about ‘realising the dream’. The reason you’re not seeing the dream already is because the ego has distorted your entire sense of reality to fit its survival needs. It’s not just about realising that you’re in the dream and it’s finished. Thousands of people have enlightenment experiences during their meditation were they realise the dream, but because the ego is still intact, it pulls them back down to baseline consciousness. Most people don’t realise how big they’re egos are. It’s ginormous. It will take A LOT of undoing of the ego to live in permanent enlightenment and bliss. Lol if enlightenment were that easy people would have discovered it for the past 5000 years. Get serious dude.
  23. @Leo Gura I would also suggest that a useful addition is to look at the hand without images of past-future that you have of the hand. Since all the concepts you project on the hand looks like images of past-future, a good way to take those out is to look at your hand without projecting past-future images of the hand.
  24. @MM1988 I guess it depends on what direction you develop high consciousness in. If you want self-esteem issues gone, you need to develop high consciousness in that area. If you develop high conciousness in the nature of reality and philosophy, then no matter how high your consciousness is, your self-esteem issues won’t go because you haven’t got a lot of consciousness in the self-esteem department.