How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. @DrewNows Lol you will know when an emotion is causing you suffering ?. Suffering is never necessary. In fact, when you are more joyful, you can think a lot better. Most self-help books do not teach this, rather they teach you how to ‘cope’ with negative emotions. My definition of emotional mastery is: feeling blissful 100% of the time, for the rest of your life. Sadhguru and Byron Katie report that they haven’t felt any negative emotion in more than 30 years! It’s fucking possible. But it takes a mixing of emotional mastery with enlightenment. Enlightenment is a must! No other way.
  2. 100% wrong. The more conscious you are, the more you feel blissful with life. This is so obvious! I can’t believe that you don’t know that yet. In Vedanta, they associate “The absolute” with three terms: Sat Chit Ananda, which means Truth, Consciousness, Bliss. Do more study please! Awakening clearly has a preference to bliss. Unconsciousness prefers terror.
  3. You’re contradicting yourself. You say that you can have emotional mastery without enlightenment, then you say you can’t. Make up your mind dude.
  4. Are you sure there aren’t easier ways of getting there. I’m doing The Work of Byron Katie, and my mind is becoming very still after just four months of practice. These days my whole body is just oozing with ecstasy. A lot of the time my mind is in ‘actuality’ rather than just wondering off into theoryland. Before I started The Work of Byron Katie, I did mindfulness meditation for three months, then Neti Neti for three months, then Kriya Yoga for four months. None of them worked for me quite as well. I suggest you stop thinking of The Work as just a means to ‘cure depression’ and think of it as a very strong technique for mastery of the mind.
  5. It looks nice on paper, but the difficult question is how to live it in your everyday experience. It’s true that all suffering comes because of the distinction between self and other. When I say Emotional Mastery, I mean somebody who will never feel any negative emotion no matter how bad the situation gets. If somebody feels any negative emotion to begin with, it is not emotional mastery. A lot of enlightened teachers haven’t got that one down. They still sometimes have negative emotions when something bad happens to them.
  6. @i am I AM Lol how can anger motivate self to do work... @Joseph Maynor @Jack River By emotional mastery, I simply mean being able to be joyful and peaceful no matter what life throws at you. There is no situation where you will feel any negative emotion. Basically, it’s the end of suffering.
  7. Anger is never great, wtf are you talking about?
  8. You can still remember that joke... it was over a year now.
  10. @Outer Yes, but how can you know that other people are themselves aware. I’m sure you don’t believe that inanimate objects like stones are aware. In the same way, how can you be sure that other people are aware.
  11. @archi Surely the substance can’t kill you physically.
  12. I was just wondering, if somebody completely purifies themselves of their ego, so that they no longer have any shadow, no negative emotions, and no neurotic behaviours, then would 5-MeO still help such a person? If yes, then how could it? Wouldn’t we call that person ‘perfect’ for completely mastering himself. What more could 5-MeO show him?
  13. @Outer The only problem I have with idealism is that you must assume that other people are conscious as well. But from my direct experience, how can I be sure that other people are themselves conscious. You can never really know if that’s true or not. For all I know, everybody else is just faking consciousness but actually are just walking zombies. That’s a belief, which if proven wrong, will bring the whole of idealism crashing down. If the first floor of a building collapses, so will the rest of the building.
  14. Idealism, although better than materialism, is still wrong. Let me show you why. According to the book ‘Why materialism is baloney’, idealism still makes two assumptions: 1. Your conscious perceptions exists: everything that you experience with the five senses are real without a shadow of a doubt. 2. The conscious perceptions of other living creatures other than yourself also exists: so other people that you see are also themselves perceiving. Note that both of those assumptions are completely groundless. They are both false when faced up with non-duality. So the concept of ‘universal mind’ can be safely debunked.
  15. @Joseph Maynor The difference is stage green. A simple formula: orange + green = yellow. A stage yellow person is very liberal, but unlike green he is moderate. A stage orange person is rational, a full stage yellow person is not. Stage yellow is integral: he integrates many different perspectives, orange does not. The difference between a stage orange and yellow scientist: they are both interested in science, but a stage orange scientist is dogmatic with the paradigm he is stuck in. It will be very hard to convince him of anything outside of science. A fully stage yellow person on the other hand, is very comfortable in combining science and spirituality. As was said in the book ‘spiral dynamics’: “Spirituality meets up with quantum mechanics.” If you look at a lot of the 20th century scientists like Niels Bohr and so forth, they were easily able to combine spirituality with science, and so they were usually idealists, not materialists. Stage yellow inherited stage green’s capacity to accept all perspectives, however it is no longer just delusional about their effectiveness. If a thousand year old shamanistic dance from Mexico does not work, the stage yellow person will point that out blatantly, whilst the stage green person tries to explain away how everything is equally useful.
  16. @Serotoninluv By the ego, I don’t mean sense of self. I mean all of the person’s neurosis.
  17. @Pranesh vijay
  18. In an earlier episode, you said that ‘incarnation’ is just a paradigm. Do you still hold that view?
  19. @hikmatshiraliyev I advise you not to use the question ‘who am I’ in your self inquiry, as it is surprisingly difficult to become enlightened that way. Find another question to reach enlightenment, eg what is the nature of reality, what is the substance of reality.
  20. These days I usually become conscious throughout the day that emptiness leads to ecstasy. So what does that mean? Well, if you look around your room just as it is without projecting your concepts on to it, your body will be filled with this very blissful feeling. I’m feeling it a lot these days as I progress further with The Work of Byron Katie, which I have been doing now for around six months. I also noticed that, with my new awareness, I can really appreciate a lot of Leo’s videos that before were just mental masturbation for me. These include the videos ‘a rant against naive realism’, ‘how you lie’ and ‘understanding how paradigm works’. These videos are really helping me now as I carry on distinguishing ‘actuality’ from ‘thoughts’. The notion of reality as a physical place is really breaking down for me, because it is not in ‘actuality’. I’m also using the realisations I get to really work on my shadow side, and live my life acting out of joy rather than fear. This is extremely important to me as usually most of my life has been spent acting out of fear rather than joy. I also see that I’m saving a lot of energy in my day as I purify my shadow and change a lot of my neurotic behaviours, because those behaviours would usually expend a lot of energy from me.
  21. Really? Writing a short blog shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes. It’s not like you’re shooting a video. At the very least, why don’t you link us to authors or websites that specialise in those domains. You mentioned a year ago that you had a book called ‘how to astral project in 90 days’ in your bookshelf. Why didn’t you add it to your booklist? In your blogs or videos, there’s almost no mention at all of how to astral project, lucid dream, channel or access the akashic records. And yet you still talk about them in your videos like we are all experts in it. The main reason I watch this channel is because I’m depending on you to introduce us to everything. At least link us to websites or people to research. I haven’t got time to be doing research like you.
  22. Then why not tell us more in your blog?
  23. Santata Gamana’s New book: Turiya-The God State, is out. Some of you who are practicing his Kriya Yoga might like to check it out:
  24. @pluto What a disgusting post. Very cringey for me. There was not an ounce of practicality in there. It’s like your messing around in this forum. Have you attained any of the things that you are talking about. If not, then what fucking right do you have to shit all over those concepts.
  25. @The Blind Sage @molosku @PsiloPutty @Adam M I doubt any of you will actually reach enlightenment. By the looks of it, you’re not taking this seriously enough. I do self-inquiry for two hours every single day. I’m serious about this path. Anybody who says they will use Leo’s recommended meditation techniques to reach enlightenment is clearly not going to get there. If you want proof of that, watch the Hawaii retreat videos that Leo recorded in his blog. The first Hawaii retreat I mean. It’s pretty depressing.