How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. I doubt I can convince you otherwise. But good luck anyways.
  2. @AleksM Would you be so kind as to give me a few authors/websites where I could begin the research.
  3. @AleksM How do we channel them. Can you show me a practical guide?
  4. @Amanaki look at all of the spiritual teachers today. Are they from India? Other than Sadhguru, Ravi Shankar and a few others, look at where the rest of the enlightened beings are from. Where did they grow up in? Where did they become enlightened in? THE WEST.
  5. @AleksM is it possible to channel people from the future?
  6. @Anirban657 im saying that there is no longer something that can be found in India that we can’t get from the west. And as for ‘experience of India’, India is a very underdeveloped place, with weak infrastructure compared to the west.
  7. @pluto8 people think they will get peace of mind from meditation. And then they discover after decades that it doesn’t work.
  8. @Zakee hinnant Meditation in general does not work. Here’s why. The goal of meditation is “quieting your mind”, otherwise known as no-mind. And granted, after a few years of hard work, you could reach there. But even after you are able to achieve no-mind, that will only be in your meditation. Outside of your meditation, because you can’t maintain focus, your mind will come running back. And even if you could hold your focus whilst walking, it’s impractical to hold it for the rest of your life. You need to focus on other things on certain occasions. So the dream of living your whole life in ecstasy, will be broken. Your journey was doomed from the very start. In order to live the “ecstatic” life, you need to detach from your mind, not silence it. And meditation cannot do that for you.
  9. @Charlotte how did you become a moderator?
  10. @Mikael89 I’m basically saying, if you kill yourself, you can’t ‘realise’ that you’ve killed yourself. So you also can’t ‘realise’ that you’ve ended your suffering.
  11. @Baotrader I had a major insight from Byron Katie about why suicide doesn’t help in ending suffering. It’s because there will be no ‘you’ to realise that you’re dead. And so, in a twisted fate of luck, you will live in eternal suffering. But anyway, if that is your decision, then I respect it. Good luck my friend.
  12. @korbes start with a small time, like 20 minutes. As you get more good, increase the time. Also, check out the YouTube channel ‘Always in the now’. Lots of Byron Katie podcasts where she gives invaluable tips and information about The Work.
  13. @korbes also make sure that when you are filling in the ‘judge your neighbour’ worksheet, close your eyes, go back to that moment in time when something bad happened to you. The person who is filling in the worksheet is the you from back then, not the present you.
  14. It’s simply asking what emotions do you feel when you are in this stressful situation. Surely you feel some negative emotion, otherwise why else does it bother you. Close your eyes, go back to that place and time when you were in that difficult situation. Remember, The Work must be done meditating back in that time when something bad happened to you. Visualise what you were seeing then. So now, back then how were you feeling when you were attached to that thought. You were attached to that thought in that time, if only subconsciously, which is why the negative emotion came. So how did it feel back then. What were you feeling. Where were you feeling those negative emotions. That’s all it’s asking.
  15. @Viking I did it in four months. Stop listening to the ‘it will take you decades’ bullshit that Leo rambles about. Yeah, with his techniques it will take decades. But there are others that will take just several months.
  16. @Viking Koan: If you cut a tree from the roots, the trunk will fall with it.
  17. @Viking All social anxiety boils down to this: when you meet somebody, you have an image in your mind of how they are seeing you, from their perspective, and very quickly your mind holds it as true. Question that image. Is it real? Is that image actually your real face? If you stay in these questions for a while, your state of consciousness will change and you will no longer feel social anxiety. This happened to me very recently. I suffered social anxiety my whole life, but just a few days ago, this shift in consciousness happened. Now every time I go outside I feel excited when somebody looks at me. It’s the best!
  18. @Goutam nimmakayala The West has caught onto almost all of the spiritual aspects that India ever had. I don’t think studying Indian culture will benefit us any longer.
  19. Baha’i Faith is a religion. Which would make it blue. However, the religion says that all religions are valid, and all have profound wisdom, which would make it green/yellow? So which is it? Is Baha’i Faith blue or yellow?
  20. @Gligorije new Ager’s are open to spirituality and non-rational truths, entrepreneurs are not open.
  21. @Leo Gura you said in one of your blogs you were single. What happened to your 5-MeO girlfriend? Break-up?
  22. One thing I disagree with Leo is his solution to the mind-body problem. He said that the reason why the brain controls your perception is because the brain is a ‘special’ perception itself. I disagree with this point. The reason is that the fact that ‘the brain controls your perception’ is itself a belief. It doesn’t matter what physical proof you have. The brain having anything to do with your perception will always remain just a concept. So the real solution to the mind-body problem is that there isn’t any mind-body problem to begin with! That problem was itself created by the ego. Do you guys disagree with this reasoning? If you do, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
  23. @Leo Gura what about sulbatiamine? Is that stronger than armodifinil?
  24. I see a lot of people are being banned. The number of threads that are being closed are bigger than ever. A desperate crisis. I advise @Leo Gura to return the ‘speculative’ thread so that people can talk their own theories there. I doubt that you can make people stop sharing their theories, so I suggest you give them a corner for just that. Earlier you said that people should come here to learn and not to teach others. But if everybody comes to learn, who will they learn from? A lot of people just want to share there ideas about spirituality and so forth. Granted a lot of those people don’t know what they are talking about, but they will share it nonetheless. The best way to deal with this is to return the speculative science and philosophy thread. When you closed that thread before, you said just post that stuff into the self actualisation thread now. But clearly that was a mistake. They are polluting the self actualisation thread. If you don’t take measures, people will become fed up with this. You said that you were stage Yellow thinker, so show us how you will deal with this problem.
  25. @Angelite The soul is a concept. Question it.