How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. @Freakrik All your ideas about it are FALSE. That is the danger of listening to Leo’s non-duality videos. What you are imagining is what would’ve happened if the ego reincarnated. But the ego will not reincarnate. And you are the ego. So you will not reincarnate. What is already reincarnating is reality itself. This is quite obvious. Reality holds nothing personal with you. After you’re dead, it will go on to the next person. And not even that... Long story short, there is nothing to fear. Anything you imagine is NOT it. Notice that all of reality is happening right now. That’s it. Reincarnation is happening right now. There is nothing more to it!
  2. @Aaron p I’ve been on that ‘meaninglessness’ state for a while, but recently I came off it. In fact, whilst I was on that state, I created an entire topic debunking life purpose. I now realise that this was just me on a meaninglessness state. I no longer hold those views.
  3. Intro to Spirituality: 2hr 39mins. It feels more like a college lecture than a self-help video.
  4. That is right. The solution is to stop forcing yourself to follow your egos plan. If you don’t want to do that meditation retreat, just don’t do it. It’s not worse than doing that retreat. The belief “It’s better for me to do that retreat” is the cause of your suffering. And boredom is a kind signal to remind you of this. If you truly want to do the retreat, you won’t be having any boredom issues.
  5. What has that got to do with feeling bored?
  6. @Leo Gura ‘Truth’ is a concept. All words beget ideas. Truth included.
  7. But why don’t you want to feel it? What’s wrong with it? Unless you’re scared that it will ruin all of your egoic plans.
  8. @isabel notice that ‘the universe’ is just an image in your mind. It is not in your direct experience, hence it is not real. Also notice that, what you call ‘this room’ is based on concepts you learned in ‘a past.’ I’m not disagreeing that you are looking at something now, but why are you calling it a room. Notice that, in your mind, you are comparing it with an image of what you know of as a room, and because you find it identical, you stick that picture onto your direct experience, hence calling it a room. Look at your room, without comparing it to any mental images. Can you still call it a room? If yes, where did you learn that it is a room. Notice that again, you are comparing it with your ideas of what a room is. It’s difficult to explain unless you have some direct experience of it. I myself am only seeing it partially.
  9. @theking00 why are you running away from boredom? It’s just a feeling.
  10. @Conceptually-made “it must occur” is that really true? Again, is the proof in ‘actuality’ or just a concept in your mind. I would suggest that you meditate on this.
  11. @Conceptually-made why do you think you should be doing anything. Notice that this is the source of your suffering: “I should be doing this.” Who would you be without this lie? Free to do what you want to do. Secondly, is it true that you are different? Where is your proof? Is it in ‘actuality’ or just a concept in your mind? Notice that in your direct experience, there is zero proof that you are weird. The only proof is in your mind, maybe as a memory. Close your eyes, and go back to a time where you thought you were weird. Be in that time and place. Now, just in that moment, is it true that you are weird. Just that moment. Meditate on this until you get an answer.
  12. @Conceptually-made why do you think that you need to connect to people? Are you feeling lonely? Or are you feeling that you are weird?
  13. @cetus56 Stupid and wise come full circle. A wise person is so stupid, that he doesn’t even know the notion of ‘stupid,’ which makes him super wise. I’ve had that insight first hand, without reading anything about it.
  14. I disagree that it takes decades. I will prove you wrong.
  15. @Leo Gura 3-4 days. Couldn’t access this entire website. I’m glad it wasn’t just me.
  16. @Paul92 Leo was mistaken in the way he said it because he implied a future where you will reincarnate. There is no such future. There is only the now. Plus, the whole world is a concept. So what can you reincarnate to? Hitler? Trees? No such thing. Those things only exist as thoughts, not in actuality.
  17. @zambize as I said earlier, all negative emotions of all kinds is caused by beliefs. Being nervous around a girl is no exception to that. If you want me to explain it more for you I can. @Aakash Yes.
  18. @zambize the mind never passes. It’s just that you are unaware of the thought causing that emotion. It has become a belief. Most of your beliefs you are unaware of. But if you didn’t have that belief, it’s not possible for that emotion to stay in your body. @Aakash ‘Loving What Is’ book. Also, if you have time, check out her other books.
  19. @John West My advice is, forget about the results. Focus on doing the practice. Let the results come in their own time.
  20. @zambize all negative emotions are caused by thoughts. No exception. @Aakash The Work of Byron Katie
  21. @LoveandPurpose all problems are created by the ego-mind. In reality, there are no problems to be dealt with. If you are not convinced, give me an example of what you consider to be a real problem, and I will show you how it is created by the mind.
  22. @Aakash it will come by itself as you peel away negative beliefs that you have. The more negative beliefs you undo, the more love that radiates from you. You don’t have to put any effort into love. You already are radiating it. You’re not aware of it because negative thoughts are blocking it. Undo those thoughts, and you will become aware of that love.
  23. @Aakash Embodiment includes seeing that anything you thought was bad/negative about something, is not true. So, once you’ve seen that all of your bad thoughts about something is not true, what remains is love/connection with that thing. You no longer have any problem with it. You are happy with it.