How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. Lol, hunger is not behind my back (I wish it was). Hunger is real when it comes. But hunger has no cause. Because the causation is behind my back (i.e. not real). There’s nothing wrong with using the mind, using thoughts, and ‘behind the scenes’ theory. Just become aware that they are not real. They are not true. When Leo says that: space stretches out for infinity, I can’t believe him. Anything behind the scenes exist as my thoughts. So when I think about space stretching out to infinity, I’m confusing my thoughts for reality. Notice that if you can’t think of it, it can’t be real!
  2. @Leo Gura When you say that reality is like a fractal, where you can zoom in forever, I can’t believe you. I have the awareness that nothing is hidden, nothing is behind my back, so to speak. Before you’ve zoomed in on something, the only thing that exists is what you’re seeing right now. There is no ‘deeper’ world hidden within the fractal.
  3. @Nahm Thinking is when thoughts come to you. You experience the thoughts. Believing is when you regard the thought as ‘true’. For example, a thought comes that your friend is in trouble. If you don’t believe the thought, but simply experience it as a thought, there is no suffering. When you believe the thought is true, that is when suffering begins. In spiritual work, our goal is to unbelieve all of reality. We will still experience it, but we will be aware that it is not true. There can be no suffering in this state of mind.
  4. That’s how much unawareness we have.
  5. There’s a difference between ‘thinking’ and believing. Yes, the thoughts will continue. But suffering comes from holding those thoughts as ‘real’, to which you can reverse. You can experience thoughts with the full awareness that they are not ‘real’. And in there is peace.
  6. Well, for happiness. It makes me happy when I stop believing painful beliefs.
  7. In the ‘How to shop for healthy food’ episode, Leo said: “When you stop eating wheat, it will be very very difficult for you to put on weight, no matter how much of it you eat, as long as you also avoid lots of sugar.” 29:53 So, as long as I avoid wheat and sugar, it will be difficult for me to gain weight. Does this mean that, if I stay within the recommended daily calorie level of 2000 kcal, that I can have chicken wings with French fries, every single day and not become fat? I’m dying to try this out. As far as I know, neither contain significant amounts of wheat or sugar (if at all).
  8. Of course I eat some sugar. Can’t imagine life without it. But I don’t overdo it with the sugar. I eat it in moderate levels.
  9. Today I had the most profound insight ever. What if I’m experiencing reality through thoughts? Everything you see in your daily life, the entire external world. What if all that was just in your mind? That’s the experience I had today. It lasted a few seconds, but was extremely profound. I had the insight when I heard Byron Katie saying that same thing. She was saying that “there is no reality outside of your mind. Absolutely nothing is true.” Of course I believed her, but I never really considered it because it was too obvious to me that the external world is real. But a few days ago, when I heard her say this, I thought about if this was actually true. All of reality, everything, is just thoughts and beliefs. No such thing as ‘being’? If ‘being’ is real, it is not what I’m seeing right now, the world of forms. In the ‘what is perception’ episode, Leo said that the external world is undeniable. I disagree. What if things are so radical, that even the very ‘obvious’ external world is completely unreal, and just your beliefs. Is that how much our mind is deceiving us?
  10. I haven’t done any exercise in many years. I can’t even run for the bus. But I’m not ‘overweight’. If you ask people, they’ll say I’m normal but bordering ‘fat’. The one thing I do do right, is that I set a daily calorie limit for myself. Around 1600kcal per day.
  11. Carbs ≠ Sugar. Carbs come in different types, some of them sugar. But the carbs from potato are not sugar. They are just carbs. A more proper way: carbs ⊃ sugar. Carbs include sugar, but also other things.
  12. @Edogowa Conan Good work! You seem to be going deeper and deeper with The Work! Don’t stop till you reach full emotional mastery.
  13. Leo Gura: “People think that fat makes them fat, it doesn’t.”
  14. @tsuki But if I say to you, “as long as you don’t eat x, it will be very very difficult to gain weight,” I took the precaution of staying within the recommended calorie level, is that still not enough? Clearly the phrase ‘very very difficult’ was not appropriate, (assuming that you think Leo is telling the truth, which I am).
  15. In the episode ‘subtle addictions’, the first addiction that Leo mentioned was the addiction to love. It means needing love from somebody, even if it is very subtle. You may tell yourself that it is spiritual and good, but if there is even an inkling of wanting somebody to be around you, it is needing love. It hurts.
  16. @jivvie As good as this may sound, this is attachment my friend. I’ve been there before. It feels good, but it is also painful. You can never have her. End of story. If you see anything more special than anything else, you can be sure this is attachment. In true Love, everything is seen equally. All of life, equal. What I’m hearing from you is that she is more special than other people in your daily life. Do some spiritual work, and let go of that attachment. It’s painful to want something, because you know deep down that you can never get it. You only like your story about her, not her. In reality, she doesn’t even exist!
  17. How much of your 13 awakenings did not involve psychedelics?
  18. Of course. I don’t know the potential of vipassana since I haven’t done it long enough.
  19. @Surfingthewave to see that you are responsible for how you feel, not other people.
  20. I’m speaking from direct experience. Yes.
  21. Once you have worked through all dark memories, there is constant peace & bliss. Nothing will be able to move that. You will be living in heaven, literally.
  22. The two are the same. All suffering comes from a misunderstood past, which is why The Work is extremely helpful. We look into the past, into our most painful experience, and come to realise that only our thoughts about the situation was causing our suffering.