How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. @Preety_India Patience. India is growing.
  2. @Leo Gura In India, Blue is necessary to bring the country together. Without strong Blue, Orange cannot emerge.
  3. Corey Wayne talks about spirituality, and love in his videos, and a few minutes later he bashes Obama and Hillary in favour of Trump. Very confusing.
  4. @Fkdel God is the sum total of everything in existence. You and the aliens together!
  5. ...which is why we are pursuing awakening.
  6. @krockerman There is a difference between desire and needs. ‘Desire’ is actually a positive thing. You want to change reality to something else. ‘Needs’ is not being okay with reality as it is. Focus on dissolving your ‘needs’ rather than ‘desires’.
  7. @Muhammad Jawad There is a difference between the concept of ‘I am God’ and the actual truth. This may surprise you, but they are nothing alike. Completely different. Unless you’ve experienced it, the label ‘I am God’ will only delude you. It’s best to get rid of all labels. Once you’re empty of concepts, you will experience it.
  8. @Superfluo What you are experiencing right now is full emptiness. Consciousness = emptiness.
  9. @Marten Animals are consciousness. They are you. Hence you’re being a great teacher to yourself.
  10. @Spiral Wizard I disagree with him. I’ve stopped masturbating for about 6 months. There was no difference in my spiritual progress or my health. In fact, masturbation is a good replacement to sex for the serious spiritual student. Instead of wasting your time with girls, just jerk off and focus your time on meditation and spiritual progress. There’s a reason why most monks are celibate.
  11. Exactly! There is only pure consciousness. But then again, there wouldn’t be a world to tell, because you will only be speaking to yourself. That’s why the most enlightened sages are the most quiet people out there.
  12. @Loss Go to Leo’s booklist, and start reading NOW! Those books will save your life. Plenty of different topics, so pick what interests you, and fill in your knowledge gap. After that, take action.
  13. @Vision Spirituality will solve many of those issues for you. You can’t escape your mind, even in meditation. During meditation, you will discover that you are the whole of reality, therefore you didn’t ‘escape’, because your direct consciousness is what all of reality is.
  14. @SS10 Through investigation, you will find out whether or not a person has the ability to feel necessary emotions (like self restraint). If they can’t, appropriate action must be taken to make sure they don’t harm anyone.
  15. @Someone here Entertain ideas without sticking to them. Aim to verify their truths by direct consciousness.
  16. @inFlow Reality is pure consciousness without a name.
  17. @SS10 Notice that self-restraint is another emotion. If people could willingly feel it, there would be no rape in the world. Unfortunately we don’t choose whether to feel self-restraint or not. For most people, it arises by itself, hence they don’t commit rape. But for a few, it doesn’t come up, hence they must commit rape. Rape is not justified, but the rapists are also not to blame. They didn’t have the self restraint that most of us have. They never chose to not feel self-restraint.
  18. @DocWatts Don Beck was able to show a Green woman her double standards. She said that everyone is equal in terms of consciousness and morality. He then asked if George Bush was a good man. She couldn’t answer the question. If she said yes, then all of his actions during his presidency will be justified. If she says no, she admits that George Bush is below her in a morality scale, and hence she accepts the hierarchy.
  19. @SS10 The answer is determinism. We act based on our emotions, but we can’t control what emotions we feel. The emotions come by themselves.
  20. @black_math49 Just take a psychedelic. That should answer all your questions.
  21. @QandC Typical stage Green. In ‘religion of tomorrow’, Ken Wilber talks about the hatred that Green has for tier 2, because of tier 2’s hierarchical view of consciousness.
  22. @Raven1998 ‘I am the body’ is just a thought. If that thought didn’t occur, you wouldn’t be the body.
  23. @Vision I believe that most people simply can’t become enlightened. Enlightenment is something reserved for a small percentage of humans with a special brain structure. Just my opinion.
  24. Women are more openminded to enlightenment than men. But the ‘results-oriented’ mindset of masculinity is what results in generally more enlightened men than women (at least more enlightened male teachers than women). This is more about masculinity and femininity than it is about male and female.