How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. @Leo Gura He will be 78 by then. I doubt he will be able to do much.
  2. Unfortunately it seems to me like the police were more or less doing their job. This video, in my opinion, does not justify the massive black lives matter movement that swept across the world.
  3. And since when did he owe people 12.5k? Helping people is a choice, not a necessity. He’s a businessman, not a charity.
  4. Can drinking tap water cause heavy metal poisoning? I switched from bottled water to tap water after I discovered that the plastic bottle takes away some of the nutrients from the water. But I wonder if tap water is a healthy alternative? Does it contain toxic metals?
  5. @Leo Gura How about batgap? Surely they should be inviting you, since you have a million subscribers, rather than all the nobodies that are interviewed every week.
  6. I was reading an article, were a guy meets racist people, and asks them why they hate black people. Most of the answers given were very similar. It all centered around the stereotype of black people as criminals, not law abiding, and generally speaking very anarchical. They don’t fit into society, don’t behave the way everyone else does, and they give law enforcement a hard time. Whilst most black people living in the west do not fit that stereotype, unfortunately there are many things that work to hold that stereotype. One is the disproportionate number of black people in prison, or are arrested. The other is the lawlessness of many black-majority countries, like most African countries and Haiti. Those countries are predominantly stage Red. What this article showed, is that racism stems from Blue’s hatred of Red, rather than any genetic difference. The difference in skin colour only reinforces that stereotype. Until a significant number of Black people move to stage Blue, it doesn’t seem like racism will be going anywhere. The image of Black people as stage Red must be destroyed before racism ends.
  7. @Leo Gura Everyone makes tea from tap water. So if tap water can cause heavy metal poisoning, then are you saying that most people suffer from it?
  8. There was a time when you could do that. I don’t remember when that function was taken down though.
  9. @mmKay I’ve read that boiling water causes metal atoms to move down, since they are heavier than the water molecules. That’s why crusts grow on the base of the kettle. I’ve been having tea from tap water for as long as I was alive. I don’t feel like I’m suffering from metal poisoning. But who knows.
  10. How about boiling the water on a kettle? Surely that should help remove the heavy metals?
  11. I really enjoyed watching this. Two different cultures working on one project.
  12. There’s a difference between having a body, and being attached to it. The self will be taken away from you. The only question is, will you go through a painful removal or a painless one. That depends on how close you’re holding the self. Think of the self as a plaster. The more attached it is, the more painful the removal will be. It’s best to not be attached to it
  13. Transference is very common with spiritual teachers. If Actualized was a real space, Leo would be having a lot of fun lol. I myself was a mentor for a short time, and already I had three students who were not being very discrete about wanting to follow me home in the evening. I quit because I certainly didn’t want to get involved with them, but they also showed me how much more work I had to do with myself.
  14. The route doesn’t matter. The final destination does. The ego shares the same fate as the body. And the body is extremely fragile, as a countless number of things can put an end to it. You will be living in fear of those things on a constant basis, and the fear will increase as you age, because you have become so attached to the self, and you know it’s time is coming to an end.
  15. The ego will die with the body. As you age, it will be more and more painful to live with it. You might as well rid yourself of the ego before that time comes.
  16. @TheSilentObserver It’s a state, and it will pass. After my big awakening in 2019, I was on a high for several months, and I did some very bold things that I can’t do right now. That state will fade in time. Whether it’s for the best or the worst is a different matter.
  17. That ‘precious self’ is exactly what you must get rid of. It’s illusory, false and will die.
  18. @Brahman Focusing on something is becoming aware of it. And as Leo said, awareness is everything.
  19. @mmKay French fries (or chips in the UK) with ketchup and mayonnaise. My tongue is in pain when I think about it. Though not optimal for either mental performance or physical energy.
  20. What about Neale Donald channeling God? Surely he could’ve asked God for the answer to any question he asked?
  21. This would make sense in real life, were someone bursts out laughing, and then apologises. But you purposefully put the laughing emoji, and then apologised when you didn’t have to. This forum isn’t the same as real life. Please don’t forget that.
  22. I wonder why you wrote this down on the post.
  23. That pain is itself Love, because Love does not exclude any feeling. But it’s hard to call that pain bliss, wouldn’t you agree?
  24. Getting raped is Love. But is it bliss?