How to be wise

Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. It wasn’t intentional. The Ukrainian missiles were trying to strike down the Russian ones, but it missed and hit Poland. Totally understandable. It was bound to happen at some point. @Danioover9000 You're Russian aren’t you. Nobody else would blame Ukraine for this.
  2. That’s correct. It’s interesting to see the difference between Green and Yellow in politics. They are both ‘progressive’, but Green hates conservatives while Yellow understands them. You don’t have to hate someone to disagree with them. Green believes conservatives are evil, while Yellow sees them as humans at a lower level of social development.
  3. Trump now isn’t the same as in 2015. He’s much older now, and with less vitality. DeSantis could probably shout over him in the primary debate. I think DeSantis will run.
  4. Of course Afghanistan didn’t help Biden, but he can still beat Trump. DeSantis would be trickier though.
  5. I doubt an 83 year old will prime DeSantis.
  6. I disagree. The republicans are operating from an ORANGE/green level, which is better than most of US history. I guess it depends on where you set the bar.
  7. The more interesting question is, how do you know he didn’t experience fear? We only have less than an hour of video footage of him total. I’m pretty sure that if we saw more of him, he would seem more like a regular old man.
  8. @Majed Pedos need rehabilitation. Plus, it isn’t necessarily bad to be pedophobic, for the sake of the children.
  9. Nothing is nothing. No. Nothing is nothing. Yes there was, or rather, there is. It’s right here, right now.
  10. This historian has predicted every presidential election since 1984. He uses a system called ‘13 keys’, which is actually a very simple 13-step checklist. Extremely fascinating. He has a book on it as well.
  11. Who said you can’t experience nothing? You can, and you’re doing it right now.
  12. Wrong. Everything that you are conscious of now is ‘nothing’. Only ‘nothing’ exists.
  13. I used to do these techniques five years ago. Sure brings back the memories.
  14. Wrong. Just because you imagine something to be real, doesn’t mean it is. A dream is nothing, just like what you can see and hear now is also nothing.
  15. @at_anchor The best monastery is your home.
  16. It didn’t. Reality is a dream, hence there is only nothing.
  17. @AMTO Instead of participating in the forum, why not just be an observer. Read what the people are saying without entering the conversation. You don’t even need an account for that. You can also ignore the users you don’t like, so you won’t see their posts.
  18. Why do you want to delete it? Just don’t visit the forum.
  19. @Julian gabriel I’ve been doing meditation while laying down for the past 6 years, and achieved enlightenment 3 years ago. It works. I never fall asleep since I basically spend all day in bed, so I got used to it.
  20. @Razard86 Are you and @PeaceOut96 the same person?
  21. @PeaceOut96 Just last week no one had ever heard of alien awakening. Then Leo makes a thread about it for the first ever time, and you have the gall to say you had it before him, mr copycat.
  22. @Marvelllious There’s no way back, you’ve seen too much. You might as well move forward and complete the journey.