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About Florian-

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  • Birthday April 13

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  1. That options must be enabled from AdminCP by an administrator (@Leo Gura).
  2. A good topic you started here, quite challenging, at least for me because I struggled with it all my life and still do frankly. The answer if very simple, all you need is momentum, just this easy. How you create this momentum? This is the hard part: through repetition. The more you do it, the best results you'll have. Think at this: all successive people own their morning, every single day they woke up and do 3 things that push them forward in order to create better business, or healthy body or whatever you want. So, you must own your morning, no matter what, wake up and own it. If you wake up 7 days in a row, the 8 day you'll do it, will be easier and fun. Just that simple, don't forget to sleep as well, human body need from 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day in order to 'work' at full capacity. Here is a trick I used at the begging: during the day I put alarm and did one single thing immediately after that, I repeated 3 times a day in order to get that high result I was going for. So I started, I put alarm to ring in 5 min, sit down with my eyes closed and waiting to ring. After that, I get out of bed and immediately after that went to bath and brushed my teeths. Day after day, week after week when finally my subconstient mind got this nice habbit that helps me. You must start own your morning in order yo own your day and get great results. King regards, Florian
  3. Just got my book, curently reading it. It's awrsome, higly recomand.
  4. Doesn't work this way, you'll still have those feelings of 'fear'. As enlightment, you'll be aware of them and you'll now what you'll have to do in order to overcome them. It's okay to be scared, perfectly normal. just need to overcome the feeling. How you do that? Work on it. For example, fear of hights, here is an example on how to overcome: http://www.wikihow.com/Overcome-a-Fear-of-Heights
  5. Have you ever think that the problem isn't external? The problem is internal, in your mind, Some part of you isn't accepting this situation and wants to run away from it. Well, when is come to your familly you just can't run from them. If you have kids for exemple, you can't say to them: get away from me. No, you must deal with it, find the problem and resolve it. Every single one of us have or had those kind of problems at least once in our life, the difference is to have the maturity to resolve them. Maybe you need a little break, take a retreat where you fill your batteries and will be easier to resolve it.
  6. If you can't get back the money legally, do something else, propose those man to do a bussiness together whitch you will get the money back + much more. This is an option, think at this to, why not? it's obvious will not get the money back and you can't do nothing about this (at least not legally). edit: you said those people have more power than you? Then, get in bussiness with people that has control over them.
  7. Hi, this is a personal topic for me becouse most of my life I had struggled with it, and honestly still deal with it. Just like you described, whatever I did, I had that feeling of "hurring up" all the time. For me, everything changed when I saw Leo's video on meditation (especially do nothing tehniq) and I started to see things differently. I was aware of my mind and feelings, when the "hurry up" feeling is coming, I'm aware of it and simply stop and calm myself down. It's just that simple, the answer is meditation. Now, not even I see myself different, but all the people I interact with said the same thing: "you are different, what happened?" and frankly don't know what to answer. Try to be more aware of your thoughts, in every situation, wherever you are just be aware of your thoughts and feeling. If you are at cinema, say it: I'm at cinema. You need to be perseverent with this, and in time, with process of repetition, you'll be more aware of your mind and starting to change.
  8. A true question you posted here, to love yourself is critical for every person. The best way to do this it's through meditation, you must have consciousness and be aware of your mind. Sounds easy, don't you think? Well.. it's not that easy, for me wasn't, The reason that you are not loving yourself it's becouse you don't support yourself. Be aware of your thoughts, take total control of your mind. Just be aware of it, when you are at cinema just say: I'm at cinema. If you're in parc, say it. Where is your mind right now? what thoughts you have right now? The most you are aware of your thoughts, the better you can interrupt them. An example: when you had a bad experience in the past, and that situation is coming back, you mind will say: run dude, i wanna protect myself. Well, sometimes this is not helpfull thoughts, they are automatic, but not actually helpfull. The idea is that you need to discipline your mind in order to help you when it cames to automatic, immedially thoughts. Those thoughts need's to be positive that lead's you to best decision for yourself, not just to "protect you". All goes to this framework: how thoughts develop into automatic strong thoughts in your life. Be aware of your thoughts, develop them into strong thoughts. And the key is repetition, the most you do this, the better you will have succes.
  9. You must have a serious discussion with yourself and decide what you want: keeping this state that you are in and feel "miserable" or you can let this go and move on. From my point of view you have only one option: move on. It's just like a phone, when the battery is down, you recharge it. The same with you, recharge your batteries. How you do this? It's up to you. So let's move it forword, usually when a person fellls lazy and don't have ambition is from lack of vision: what's your purpose? Reconnect with your life purpose and enjoy life (remember: it's your dutty to recharge your batteries).
  10. I've been in that situation, when just doing researches but didn't take any action... so I started a little hobbit: 5 min affirmation every morning: I always take action. This really helped, in 1 month i was a different type of guy. Try it yourself on see the difference About Tai Lopez I don't know much, but you shouldn't focus on other peaople, you should focus just on you and how to grow yourself.
  11. The key is to meditate, like @Dhana Choko said. Right now I'm learning for an exam that is coming and made a hobbit: learning every day. So my day start like this: 5 min affirmation ("I learn every day for the exam") + 5 min visualization (I visualize how my life will be after i take that exam) + 20 min meditation (esential). After I do this routine, everything it's easy and quite fun.
  12. One of the best movie that i watched is Peacefull Warrior @JustTom Mr Nobady is a great movie.
  13. Yeah, but imagine how those teenagers will be about 2 years from now. P.S. I'm 22
  14. Try focus only on you, not on others. You read becouse you like and this is the only thing that matters, and if you made a daily routine on reading, it's even better. Things like "others don't do much as you do" are not good to be taken seriously, it will give you a some kind of comfort zone and will steal your atention of your goals. You gotta be smart and don't let this happen.
  15. My morning Routine starts like this: I wake up around 4:40 AM, followed by 10 min of visualization and 10 min of affirmations. After I do that, I ussualy clean my room and prepare for morning meditation (25 min of do nothing tehniq and mindfulness combined). After this routine is done, I prepare for work: shower, breakfast, etc. Personally, Is important to do this daily routine becouse it's giving me energy and helps me focus all day long. At begining, was hard to do it on a daily basics, my mind was rejecting it, untill I was able to be aware of the power of it. Now it's easy and quite fun, don't wanna miss a single day.