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About K VIL

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  • Birthday March 2

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  1. How to get out of the role of 'just a mentally ill person'?
    How to get out of the role of 'just a mentally ill person'?
    As someone who has been involuntary hospitalized twice, and has identified with among other things - Anti-social behavior as well as depression (being this runs in my father's side of my family, who actually committed suicide) I feel this is probably the one question on this forums I may be 100% qualified to answer.
    This notion of being 'mentally ill' is the ego lashing back from it's own consequences that it has put itself through. It's a vicious cycle that many in this day and age don't seem to transcend because the low-consciousness world promotes it in so many subtle degrees. We like to give all these names and throw pills to 'numb' the effect when in reality, it's all apart of the mind.
    Once you look at the systematic causality of your situation and how you end up with these 'mentally ill' thoughts and reactions to situations, you will understand that it is simply you unable and unwilling to truly look at yourself and realize the nature of the problem. Though yes, to a degree you can 'blame' the external environment for the promotion of this type of behavior (For giving excessive pity towards the 'mentally ill', being surrounded by excessive low-consciousness material, adding labels and acting as if they are real because "science has proved it" only perpetuates the illusion.) But it solves nothing and only fuels the fire - you must be willing to change yourself and thus your surroundings will slowly, but surely change with it.
    You must truly look at yourself and be willing to let go of these thoughts, understand that it simply the power of thought, this is what can manifest out of it. I have never really looked into the law of attraction except for a simple definition of it, and until recently I've not really believed in it, but it's extremely powerful - even though I still couldn't tell you much but a brief idea of what it is, I can tell you that it is very real.
    The idea of 'acting normal in society' shouldn't be seen as mentally ill, though it seems as if you are talking from a 'societal paradigm'. Society is fucked - and is the sole reason mental illness is even a concept. Just because you don't fit in with the 'norm' shouldn't make you feel bad about yourself, but more free than the average human.
    This should be your power, not your weakness.