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Everything posted by K VIL

  1. it's really cool that you're here. Stay as authentic as possible, without compromising your most treasured relationships. Look around every now and then but focus on moving forward.
  2. @Leo Gura lol
  3. the reason you arent acting on the insights is that you arent catching them in real time. Notice notice more then naturally it falls away
  4. Great starter. 13. Showing your real name online. 14. Join a class/club that you normally would not even consider as worth your time. 15. Instead of memorizing, speak with your heart the next public speech you have. 16. Post a new thread (baby steps?) 17. Make a promise to someone you care about. Follow through. 18. Find a way 19. Avoid the candy/soda. Bring a water bottle. Better yet, carry a jug. 21. Spend 60 less minutes browsing youtube videos/facebook posts/ and texts from your ex. 22. Cut off the story you're running with. Drop the narrative for a moment. Relax. 23.Be thankful. 24. Write a thank you note. To everyone you met today. 25. Write an apology note. To anyone you overlooked. Dont have to send this haha.
  5. I bought the business book. It was eh ok.
  6. it depends. are you seeking rejection?
  7. yeah they're probs enlightened now . wait til like 13 where heavy identity comes in
  8. I don't have much time to research atm. there's no f'in way. You're telling me people do this ,without like a condition where they don't feel physical sensations? Nope
  9. @Sahil Pandit I deleted my ig. You happy?
  10. Look if you are this pressed about missing a day, you will be very hurt by life. You are a part of it. Forgive it
  11. I wonder if my threads read like this lol
  12. did you create cette image?
  13. Im always tempted to respond to your threads. Never know how to respond though.
  14. I love the black and white screenshot. Impeccable attention to detail. Overwork. you'll see where it leads.
  15. ^ this Wish I could assist you more. Think, if you overcome it, how strong/creative/happier you will be.
  16. doesnt need 1 mil to be recognized for what it is
  17. @Annoynymous lol you arent irritating... i liked the video too. even though you asked for leo's advice.. I'd suggest staying present in your environment until YOU feel it's ready. Usually right before you're ready, but not quite comfortable, is the best time for advancement.
  18. i feel the opposite most times. my dog has no ego when hes in pain. just want to relieve it. my pops used to have the voice to match it and it made me feel more from sympathy
  19. I try to relax when i cant sleep, maybe read a boring yet fulfilling piece or snuggle a bunny. focus on real life. Low to no lights. Relaxed muscles. Glass of h2 for hydration.
  20. maybe they're innovative and have a social life and love the filter! and maybe not.
  21. For those who have reached a stage of non linear time, whats life like? Does 5pm still exist for you? Any differences? Gracias ninos