Matthew Lamot

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Everything posted by Matthew Lamot

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you seem very certain. judged, tied and hung. I guess my voice has been silenced forever by you. Are you sure "im" the dogmatic one?
  2. Consciousness gives rise to matter. This is the most important teaching. You are speaking of realms of physicality, which says to me and any other educated person that you have not experienced anything. The second teaching is that you are not your thoughts and experiences. That much is verifiable in your experience right now, always. Freedom from the person is knowing who you are,you are not physical matter and you are not mind. But physical matter and mind exist because you experience it. Saying things don't exist is denial.
  3. Your experiences actually mean very little. An experience of true nirvikalpa Samadhi (the end of the world) and contemplation on the actual real documented scriptures that have been in print for the last 3000 years and cristalized in the 8th century and a proper understanding of self inquiry is what will bring full relaization. /not your half baked experience of non duality that you now make relative beliefs out of. You seem like you want to defend your views rather than learn something, this says to me that you are that arrogant you wont even look at new information presented to you. That is the first hurdle you must get over, if you are to ever make this real.
  4. @Wormon Blatburm If you want to ignore the real teaching that is fine. But you are not going to ever Self Realize. I don't believe the teachings, the teachings are knowledge, and experience will verify it. But its smart not to mis represent relative and absolute, especially when you yourself have not experienced nirvikalpa samahdi. If you did you would respect the illusion and not be parroting Tony Parsons.
  5. There is a person, as long as there is experience. But this is about being free FROM the person. Consciousness liberated. Don't confuse relative and absolute. Especially when you have not realized nirvikalpa sahadhi at the very least
  6. This idea wrong. A) Because you have not experienced nirvikalpa Samadhi directly and know that relative world is illusion. Instead you make a relative belief out of a non dual truth. This is neo adviata beliefs. B) Adviata means non duality. But it also includes the illusion, but after Self Realization one can live happily in the illusion as a person, in a world but only free of it, not bound. This is true Vedic teaching.
  7. Freedom is not drawn from relationship. Therefore true happiness isn't either. Freedom is drawn from the Realization that I am not this body and mind. But to say that nothing exists is a lie, because it does exist. The only thing one need be concerned with is the Realization of Self, and that will translate into better relationships in the relative realm
  8. Relationships don't exist? More neo advaita. Relationships do exist, you can verify it in your own experience. Absolutely they don't, but as long as there is a somebody writing this then the writer and the relationship exists.
  9. This is the perfect example of believing the wrong teachings. This is why hardly anybody becomes enlightened or free from the illusion. And the problem is getting worse, because we have so many people now, whole models telling us the same thing, that being human is special, loveable, and is the divinity of all things because it is what is. The real truth is that these traits come from a feeling of duality. Incompleteness - there is something inherently wrong with "me". And the New Age encourages that we "love" this about ourselves, because it is as it is. This is bullshit, and it does not take a genius, only a small amount of thought to see that this new paradigm of self love actually does nothing more than reinforce the illusion of incompleteness. Enlightened or whole people are not selfish, are not unkind, and do not need self love or self esteem. Enlightenment is knowing (knowledge and understanding integrated and lived beyond mere non-dual experience) that what I am is without doubt pure, whole, limitless, untouched, non dual reality. There is no room for wondering if im special in this paradigm. Non duality is a statement that is true for everyone, despite the fact that hardly anybody is ready to hear it and live it. People would rather live their misery and negativity and try to "love" it because ignorance is hard wired and not easy to undo
  10. @Kuba My thought is A) Tolle is not actually Self - Realized, so why he is talking about enlightenment is anybody 's guess ? B) The teaching doesn't mean anything because he is under the impression that all paths lead to the same goal, which is not true, for example Buddhism and Vedanta ' s descriptions of Self - Realization are different. So this tells me he either has not studied the teachings, or he has studied the teachings and misunderstood them, or he has stolen his information from another source. Either way, he cannot point you towards enlightenment because it has nothing to do with being in the present moment, why? Because there is no present moment! You can verify this for yourself in your own experience. C) He makes reference to "Spiritual Methods" like A Course In Miracles, which is if you read it just New Age ideas and again is very unclear on enlightenment. If ACIM, Buddhism (and all its different schools) Vedanta and the work of CG Jung all lead to the same goal, then why is there an age old debate going on between (especially Buddhism and Vedanta since the dawn of Buddhism itself) that has never resolved itself? Yet Eckhart Tolle finally came up with the solution over the course of 20 years between the first awakening in 1977 until the publication of his book in 1998? He must be a genius. Its like asking us to believe in fairy tales. And that's probably why he has been so successful, because people will believe anything. D) He sure made a lot of money selling his books, charging for retreats, selling products. Enlightened people never charged a penny for transmission of state or the teachings, all you had to do was be sincere and ready for the teaching. What else....?
  11. There will be do damage done to consciousness. As long as there is the belief that I Am the body then whatever is going on for us due to cannabis damage on the intellect and emotions will be lived out.
  12. I imagine the pauses are to mine his next words from consciousness rather than his automatic waffle. Just my guess. In fear of sounding rude, I ' m in fear of this going off - topic
  13. Rupert? He is conducting retreats I imagine
  14. I don ' t agree. Reality is non-dual. This means you are limitless, untouched, pure, unconcerned, ordinary, non-dual awareness. You ARE love! The reason you don 't believe that already is because conditioned ignorance of this is hard wired. Don't make the hard wiring even stronger by believing the illusion of separation ! Move in the other direction and believe the counter intuitive reality and live that inside the illusion until it becomes real for you and real for others in your presence
  15. This seems like a good opportunity to pick your brain, if you don't mind. What systems do you recommend are good to study? There is a lot of discussion about the limitations of Buddhism by some of the Vedic community, people saying that Buddhism is basically a humanistic philosophy that has been adjusted by rational minds to make it whatever people want it to be. Whereas there is only and has only been ONE Advaita Vedanta that has never changed. There is also some discussion that Buddhism is a bastardization of a lot of the Vedanta concepts, and that Buddhism in the end don't understand the Self behind all notions of emptiness and no self. On top of that there is some criticism of the new "Neo" Advaita, and some people are saying that the Neo Advaita only have certain teachings and there is not enough preparation of the individual to mature enough to become fully Self-Realized. For example teaching about Karma Yoga are left out and this extraction of vital information leads people to fall back into illusion. There is a ton of other shit and argumant about these teachings, but I won't go into it here. I just wondered if you had any information about this stuff?
  16. LMAO. I'm seeing a lot of that round here
  17. It will be the same one
  18. I always assumed the Earth is round because the other planets are round.
  19. I like Rupert too. He knows his Advaita
  20. This is a really interesting thing. I don't have the answers unfortunately, but I am in the process of finding out by myself the answers to all these questions. But I can give you some educated guess based on my assumptions! The distinction between thinking and awareness you verify for yourself in your own experience right now. Look at a thought, who is aware of the thought? The awareness of all objects like thought and matter is the Self. But the Self does not stop there inside the head. Close your eyes and get still. Notice then the awareness. Try to locate a boundary between where you think awareness stops on the egde of 'you' and the apparent imagined environment. You will discover that there is in fact no real boundary between the inside and outside. It seems that way, but just like the border on a map between say Canada and USA is clearly marked on paper, in reality the border isn't really there. The border is just an idea! So thought and belief is this thing that creates all these imaginary boundaries between things so that awareness can know itself as a multiplicity of objects. To become enlightened I guess that those boundaries which have been hard wired into the body since birth are completely torn down and the Self is liberated from its identification with one of the apparent separate forms that it created - Absolute Truth? So if one is enlightened there will be no thoughts left, because there is no identity. In this respect thoughts are ultimately false.
  21. Please ignore my last reply, I did not see this. Nice work!
  22. I hope you don't mind, but I just had some more insight that might help. To offer a crude outline of what I think is happening here is this: You have come to the conclusion that suffering is the problem, and that you need to let go of the suffering. From my POV I know this is a way of avoiding the real problem. The reason suffering happens is because of the I thought. In Advaita the I thought is made up of a bundle of desires, tendencies of mind (some fruther reading). The ideal situation is to end the suffering associated with the desire, not disassociate from suffering itself. I really think the reason the suffering is there for you is because you experience the vasana but you set up a conflict inside you by not pursuing the desire. (and rightly so, if you want enlightenment you should deal with the desire at the root instead of chasing the desire!) But I sincerely think that if you learn to deal with the vasana directly and see through the I in the moment while still holding back, then suffering will not manifest. Without making desire the enemy itself, by watching it, and then inquiring into "To whom does this thought arise?" and then asking the question "Who Am I?" will cause the desire to evaporate when the I thought evaporates. There should be no suffering left in that moment if the practice worked. The vasana will rise up again and again until the vasana is exhausted. Just do more self inquiry on it. Just do self inquiry until your I thought is gone. As each vasana is dealt with the I thought won't be extroverting toward objects and will rest in its source more readily.