Matthew Lamot

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Everything posted by Matthew Lamot

  1. Aso look at the butthurt people here learning this mainstream stuff. Claiming high consciousness, but unable to have a civil conversation or look into something that might serve them better. There is no hypocrisy in the tradition, because the teaching undoes ignorance step by step.
  2. Everything I have learned I have already shared here. I'm clearly not manipulated by cold shoulder, personal comments, or attached to any outcome. I'm not pushed around my the body/mind or the collective unconscious. I can clearly see the way in wich some people are stuck here. I know what enlightenment is, its nothing to do with experiences, so i dont chase self experiences. There has been much re-organizing of the nonsense I learned, my head is much clearer. Plus im just doing my work and not spending time on forum trying to piece a teaching together because im not being sufficiently fed intellectually. I have done the course, and am doing the work on a experiential level now. My teacher is private, you dont need to know that, and I dont want to bring any karma on them. My advice is to consult the sampradaya in general and pick a teacher you like. But the Swartz article is posted for you guys or anyone who wants a critique on the nonsense that is being taught in mainstream western spiritual community today. Im open to more questions in email, some things I cannot share here because its not allowed. But you will find the maturity level and quality of seeker is better in the tradition, because her its pot smokers and people desperate for a bit of relief. I joke, but its a different vibe in the sampradaya. Like attracts like in this world, and this is no more evident than on the maturity level of people posting here and on youtube .
  3. Plus you told someone maslow was enlightened, then changed it because Leo said so. What is that all about? Are you just another one throwing around information that you dont really know anything about, to look profound? I wouldnt learn from someone who A) isnt enlightened B) doesnt have a teaching C) teaches open mindedness yet wont read a simple 9 page pdf and have a discussion about it civily, yet throws around personal comments. Is this community a cult? Because nobody here seems open to ideas beyond what Leo is suggesting, and if he is questioned all you get is rigid defensiveness and comments about denial and shit.
  4. Game over means that the egos ignorance is undone. If you read the PDF below, you will see that the methods you and I are being taught today are wrong, and keep people in bondage. They are not even accurate.
  5. Not me, not yet. Just learning the right teachings solved a lot of problems for me. My teacher is enlightened and his teacher too. He comes from a tradition of traditional Vedanta teachers who know the real teachings of enlightenment. If you want to check them out then the names are there, if you Google them you will see their lineage
  6. Thanks for the therapy session. Do you take visa? How am I in denial? Maybe it's you whos in denial? How do you know for sure?
  7. Thanks again, for yet another personal feedback from you and your mignons. Not my style, i play the ball not the person. But, how have I got something to learn? This suggests you are the gatekeeper to truth with your Ralston and Adyashanti rip offs. What makes you so sure you know what you are talking about?
  8. Well, that depends on where you get your information on "enlightenment" from. Because if it is done properly, there is only one Self "experience" and from then on it's permanent. So, where you get your idea that the ego gets involved again is a New Age myth, because there is no ego when the Self is revealed. Only Vasana, and even then if there is aly left, they are rendered non binding. Enlightenment is about the way you think, and when ignorance is gone, it's gone for good. There is no stages to enlightenment. That's like saying a woman who is pregnant is a little bit pregnant. What you are refering to is the bastardized teachings of westernized yoga, which get you to try to have an experience of the Self, and then work hard for the rest of your life replicating that Self experience, which was only ever ego anyway. I recommend James Swartz for further reading. It could be life changing!
  9. @Eelco1981 But again, let me put emphasis on the teaching. It is this teaching that is the key, because what you will discover is that it's our current ideas about what enlightenment is that is actually what is preventing us from enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a higher state of consciousness. If a person can grasp that along with the other teachings then it's game over. I can't stress this enough. The teaching blows away the ignorance and the concepts that keep ignorance manifesting the Jiva, it's the thorn that removes the thorn, the concept to remove the concept.
  10. @Eelco1981 Authentic Vedanta Teachings: James Swarts, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Dayananda. For Self Inquiry Rupert is good. Ramana Maharishi's method for Self Inquiry is good (easy for sattvic students) (Rupert has tutorials for Ramana's method) Netti Netti with emphasis on the vasanas (for students who extrovert a lot, passionate people)
  11. @Names are labels It's ok. There is no happiness in these thoughts, feelings and perceptions. I apologize if you have a heavy load of misery in your life. Im sure if you come back to the post when youre feeling better it will seem different. Swearing can either be a turn off or a turn on depending on whos reading. But i will take your feedback and be more careful in future and not be a bad boy and swear And I apologize for butting in on your question to Leo. It's just, Leo cannot help you, because he himself is not enlightened, therefore will not have a teaching for you. *** Edit*** lol, and when I say ignorance, I don't mean in a nasty way, like you personally are ignorant, or like "you ingoramus!" lol. I mean in a way that everyone is ignorant, because they dont already know they are non dual limitless awareness. That's what i meant lol It will seem like you're being persecuted when you don't know that everything you are is the Self, it will always seem as if you and others are "wrong" and should be nicer. Anway, I hope you feel better soon : ) Matthew
  12. I'm going to ask you a question. It's the only question you need on this journey. It's so obvious and simple, that the ego makes it into something other than it can handle. But I guarantee you, if you keep asking yourself this one question you will become free. The question is this: "Is there any happiness in chasing, or attending to objects?" Objects are everything that is not you. Anything you can perceive or conceive are objects. What is left is you. This is what these people cannot explain, because they do not know this teaching. Is there any happiness in worldly objects? Is there any happiness in subtle objects like thought, feeling, and perception? Ask yourself this during your day. Do it until it becomes obvious. Dont just say "no" there is no happiness in these things. Because just saying no will keep you dreaming. Inquire. Come to the absolute realization by your own experience that there is no fucking happiness in this fucking world, and this includes your feelings, thoughts and perceptions. That is all you need. Forget about nothingness, consciousness and being all that. As long as you can see you are not your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, experiences you will be able to see that there is a Self that is reaching out to those temporary things. The Self is you, your whole, complete, non-dual nature that needs nothing. When you seek, you suffer, when you understand that seeking causes suffering you will begin to just discard seeking objects. Objects one the most subtle level are your thoughts, feelings, perceptions. Letting go of all that is scary, but once you understand what enlightenment is, you will not want to go back to grabbing onto that shit anymore. And that shit includes your precious enlightenment experiences.
  13. Or, how about, you are the emotion, the thought, the sensation and there is no separation. Plus, you ARE whatever happens, because reality is non dual and no dual means there is no separation between subject and object. It is the same thing, just happening Youre trying, bless. But you dont know. And that is a problem when trying to tell people something.
  14. You are completely lost, perpetuating your ignorance by listening to the wrong teachings and making life harder for yourself. What a mess.
  15. Sorry, but I have no time to waste talking with you, you're clearly not interested in this work, just out to waste time, i feel.
  16. Personally, not against yoga. Just pro-enlightenment. In a relative sense.
  17. You are quite right. I would also add that the giving up of seeking and the permanent dissolution of the ignorance that keeps us seeking is Enlightenment. As a one time realization that is permanent. Sometimes, Acceptance is not enough, acceptance can be resignation in disguise. Sorry to split hairs, but I see you personally are at a good point in realization. Letting go, learning to let go, can take years, and this is why i warn agains mere cognitive education. The cognitive teaching is essential, but that teaching has been reflected upon for years sometimes by enlightened people. An example is Stephen Wolinsky said that one teacher mentioned a teaching to him, and Wolinsky took it to heart, but it was 4 years later that the teaching "clicked" and Wolinsky stopped atcing out that particular programme. Fascinating. This to me says find the right teachings, dont confuse enlightenment and happiness with self actualization or personal growth, and be patient. But if we go down the wrong path with the wrong info, then it just takes longer.
  18. @PsychedelicTraveller Why are you asking people who are not enlightened what enlightenment is? Consult a proper teaching, with a proper teacher who is actually enlightened. Or, continue to mess around with this childs play nonsense here on this forum.
  19. Sorry, this is again moving into the realm of personal conversation. Im not here to talk about my dislikes and likes with you, if you dont like the subject matter, that is fine, dont read it. This thread belongs to public domain, like I was explaining earlier, its not a cat fight or a place to come to get out egos stroked. Its a place to offer information. I will use any post i like to illustrtae an argument I' m making because its far more effective than writing one long post and it be forgotten in three hours with the barrage of other post asking the same thing over and over again. Some folks are interested in liberation, others are not. Its fine. Whatever floats your boat. Those who are interested will see what Im saying as an informed debate rather than me trying to answer your problems. Im not interested in your problems.
  20. Truth is another object. The longer you continue to seek it, the unhappier you get and the further you get away from living your truth.
  21. The reason youre on this forum is because youre chasing something. Information? Attention? Trying to be a helper? Nothing wrong with that, it's karma. But all the information you need is laid out in the correct non dual teachings. All you have to do is consult those teachings, contemplate them, and sooner or later you will see what's driving you to be here, and it will drop. It's all entertainment for your mind, the seeking, the programme. When you're ready you will drop it like a hot coal because you know it wont lead to liberation. The irony is, the dropping of what you thought will lead you to liberation, IS liberation
  22. If you had the right teaching you would know that. A bad teacher is somebody who doesn't give you this information, and who will tell you that you need to be trying harder, or ignoring your karma.. "you MUST be spiritual". Study Vedanta properly and you will see the difference between a teacher who has the correct insight for you, vs. a teacher who just tells you that you need to work within the confines of their own knowledge.
  23. That's right. Keep acting out your programme. And what I mean by that is keep being materialist. If you let people tell you that you're doing wrong then you are walking THEIR path and setting up a conflict. You must walk your own path, do what your programme is telling you to do, burn your "karma" .And also do the self inquiry. But also self inquiry includes the objects teaching, and that means contemplate whether or not object chasing really leads to happiness. The most powerful shifts take place when you understand that you have had enough of the bullshit, women letting you down, worries about cash, worries about the future, the continual bullshit that comes with "green" (yes, green is another object related fucking nightmare) until you no longer give a shit about thoughts, feelings, world poverty, money, women, politics, other people opinions. That's when you will be ready to become enlightened. Until then, educate yourself on enlightenment, take the course, do the inquiry and bide your time. It will come.
  24. ? Try the meditation. I dont care if you believe me. I dont want you to believe me. Mostly, my reply to your post isnt really for you, its for the world. HELLO WORLD!!! But Im sure of you spent 2 minutes doing the excersise i layed out for you, it might work, if not, what have you lost? 2 minutes of your life. But it would have been 2 minutes of your life used to find out something didnt work. Or you could go to hypnotherapy. Its your money, its your 2 minutes. Spend it wisely