Matthew Lamot
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Everything posted by Matthew Lamot
Matthew Lamot replied to Kevin Dunlop's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The Jiva is just a sanskrit name for the ego. I use it a lot because it sounds exotic -
Matthew Lamot replied to Kevin Dunlop's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Apologies, stuck screen. The link on the bottom of my posts is a god place to start. It will take you to a whole world that will explain what enlightenment really is and how to attain it. The Upanishads are the oldest txts in the world which hold the answer to enlightenment. I dont know what you meant like they were human constructs, but its ok, the text hold the answer to the question of duality. James Swartz is enlightened and can help you with the correct teachings -
Matthew Lamot replied to Kevin Dunlop's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Matthew Lamot replied to Kevin Dunlop's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Personal development has nothing to do with the journey towards enlightenment. What youre referring to is a New Age theory. Did they have "personal development" in the days of the Upanishads? No, they had the path, and if we find out what the path is, that's all we need. Paradox is holding two ideas together in the mind yeah? Well, that is Jiva activity, and as long as there is a Jiva, there is suffering. There are no paradoxes in reality, because reality is non dual. It's the dream that has all these paradoxes and personal development ideas. When you understand what enlightenment is (and it's just pure logic) you will see that all this other stuff is not needed. -
Matthew Lamot replied to Kevin Dunlop's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Personal development is for an idea that doesnt even exist. Enlightenment is the end of that idea. Paradox is suffering. -
Matthew Lamot replied to Kevin Dunlop's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Na, what Vizual said is the truth. Enlightenment has nothing to do with accumulating knowledge, actualized life, self actualization, helping others, being a nice guy, its to di with not wanting to escape this life anymore. Now, that statement "not wanting to escape this life anymore" can mean anything to anybody. But if you really think about it, every single thing the Jiva does to accumulate, whether it be knowledge, emotional mastery, money, fame, a business, even enlightenment is a way to get away from itself. Its all seeking and all seeking is Jiva activity. Enlightenment is about the way that you think, and its the knowledge that ends the quest for all knowledge. Most people will never become enlightened, purely because the dont want it, they dont want to end the seeking because deep down they would have to face the emptiness that they feel without all those crutches. Its unfortunate that most of us have a delusional ideology when it comes to what enlightenment is. Its not our fault, its just what happened when religion collapsed in the West and the thing that filled the void was this exotic notion of enlightenment. -
I hate to break it to you, but you are on a path to suffering if you think you can change people. Changing people is detrimental to your path if you want to become enlightened. It's a test. I'm going to give you a very potent practice that will help you with enlightenment. Don't worry about the fancy name, look past it, it's called karma yoga. What karma yoga is really is a path of letting go and gratitude. You must realize that nothing in life is yours and that is given to you. If you want to be free you must learn the path of KY and learn to accept everything in your life as a gift, a gift to learn from and gift to aid you in your path towards liberation. If you can do this you will become free of the need to manipulate your surroundings. This is a radical stance, but enlightenment is a radical thing. Continue to engage with this thing, it's your destiny, but just tuck my advice away in the back of your mind and contemplate it.
Get into Advaita Vedanta, it's your only hope
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Correct! Ego is unaware, it can never be conscious. When you understand who you are, consciousness, you also understand that objects of mind, matter, experience are dead, cannot see, are unconscious objects floating inside you, the observer. So SA in light of this SA is a delusion, because all SA does is try to re-organize the dead objects into something that other dead objects don't object to (See what I did there? I did a funny) When you understand that SA is just helpless emotion striving after wind that can never satisfy it, and thats it's just a superficial aggrandizement of something that isnt' even real, you see the flaws in it. If you go straight for enlightenment, if the Jiva is sick, it will get better. Consciousness is the only thing that can make the Jiva better, because consciousness is the only thing that is real, and when consciousness is in the driving seat it doesn't need to defend itself, only the butthurt ego defends itself and tried to control and manipulate and get other dead objects to conform to its illusion. But you must understand who you are not first, before you understand who you are. Got it? Good -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah, no need to hate self hatred. Just become aware of it and its subtle influence. I'm a lot happier these days now I have found something that covers everything. It covers my pschology and allows me to be a Jiva. But at the same time enlightenment self inquiry makes you take the Jiva less seriously and loosens you up a bit. Ramana put it beautifully when he said you still have to live life, but self inquire too. The thing with enlightenment is it allows you to not need to escape life anymore, and to do that you need to learn to do a whole bunch of shit to achieve it. Ya know, break a few eggs n that? So self hatred is part of the human condition, but this is a process of letting go of that, and at times its kranky. Taking ones process to serious is self hatred, aggrandizing enlightenment is self hatred, most of it is self hate because the Jiva as it is is programmed to seek because of a subtle cognitive pattern that it doesnt see. When those things are brought into the light, things become more of a party and there is less need to worry about object. Dont take the Jiva seriously, thats the way to an early grave lol. Thats my good deed for the day. lol On that note ill say goodnight -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Emerald Wilkins I agree. In my tradition they say act out your programme until you are done with it. I am Self Actualized, and to be honest with you it's really all we have, because nobody knows what enlightenment really is here in the West. The reason I made distinctions is to just have a poke at the fact that enlightenment and self actualization dont mix, and they dont mix in enlightenment paths, not true non dual paths. People are free to do what they like (sort of - really nobody is free), so if the programme is to SA, then thats what the programme is. Nothing morally right or wrong about it. But Maslow, if he was realized, he would not have seen any value in SA, he would have wrote about something else. I feel anyway. But my opinion is just an opinion and not to be taken literally. I'm more interested in pointing toward enlightenment proper. But the crux of the matter is there actually is no need to make the person into something it's not. And this is what SA does, its not really growth, its becoming entrenched in the subtle mind. What I mean by that is it is the collective unconscious becoming conscious of itself, individuation they call it dont they? Well, that's a big problem because in enlightenment terms its the opposite of happiness, because its still slavery to the human system. Yeah, slightly more palatable existence for sure, you can be a nice slave lol. A slave with better ego defences and not so messed up. But really, if I had a choice i would not have bothered, big waste of time and money and extremely painful process having to integrate all that nonsense. Each to their own. My purpose was to have a debate that its got nothing to do with enlightenment, and the only thing i can see that links the two are the New Age theories and people making enlightenment what they want. You know? Have their cake and eat it? Have their worldly objects and some other object called transcendental awareness? lol. That is not real. -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You got to understand that I dont want to change people. Im speaking ideas here. Im critiquing ideas that are not even theirs to begin with. But when someone comes at me personally, and starts saying its about my ego and that I need to change, then I can sleep safely at night knowing that Im not the one out to change people to accommodate my insecurities. I cam here with a critical debate about ideas, and the more people make it about me as a person the more I can see that their teachings are in fact nonsense. Because they havent worked if they are still on the level of trying to play the person rather than play the ball in a debate. *** Edit Notice the subtle way you reframed the whole thing and said I say you are controlling because you disagree with me. But rewind, I never said you were controlling because you DISAGREE with me. I said you are controlling because you are asking me to change my behaviour to suit you and your conditioning. This is why I couldnt resist deconstructing your words. Because inside them it was you all along being controlling. And now in this statement above you are denying it, trying to wipe it from memory. Hey, this is how we are. But the fact is, were not here for fucking therapy, well im not, Im here to speak enlightenment. So I'll state my case again, you would have spotted this had you have gotten hold of the right teachings. I'll use every opportunity to make a case for Vedanta. Because it works! -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I dont want to ignore social norms completely, I still need to navigate this a bit. But also, once you start to let go you can become a little bit kranky, with a heavy vasana load. You cant have your cake and eat it. You cant still be a slave to the collective unconscious and become enlightened. It dont work this way. You have to learn to speak and just let it out and be rather than try to negotiate with others. There are no others ultimately. But this is a path right? Not everybody is sattivc. And once you understand the teaching, you will see that once everyone else has their tempraments you can let it go, nothing to control. But if you listen to nonsense teachings about enlightenment being some placid path for the placid individual and everyone has to speak like Eckhart Tolle on marajuana, then that is just another load of nonsense. lol What Im debating here is the path, the spiritual path, and it doesnt matter how I do it, the results are not mine, they belong to God, the field. What matters is I do the work and just exhaust the vasanas. One day I'll sit and be peaceful and become enlightened. Or maybe I wont, maybe I'll just become enlightened and still be kranky. If you want to see a kranky Vedanta teacher who was extremely enlightened then just have a look at Swami Chinmayananda. -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm not saying they are wrong. I am saying I think I am right, and asking them if what they think they know is accurate? It depends how well you know the ego, because the ego is the same in everyone, and if you can deconstruct your own ego, you can see it in others. But the point is, geting butthurt and throwing morals and tantrums and advice that I am supposed to need in order to be more unconscious is laughable. The more you fall into someone elses version of you the more they are your master. Until youre enlightened you need to be able to see nonsense trips being put on you. I've had some people try that on with me. Leo, Beam, Worm, You... but I've never asked anybody to be open minded, I just make jokes about their hypocrisy. If you come at me with an hypocrisy, I'll descostruc your argument. Not because I'm right, but because I can. Being able to spot nonsense while people are attacking you rather than your argument is part of becoming enlightened. -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Let's deconstruct this, because this is the ego. You need constructive discussions. I don't. I put the information out there, trying to negotiate a constructive discussion is control. Subtle. So if we were to take what Leo says seriously and play this game about watching the ego's "tricky ways" then here we have one tricky way the ego likes to have control over its apparent environment. So what you are asking me to do effectively is become like you, become controlling and in need of an outcome. See above. Who said I'm here to change peoples minds? See, this is such a subtle ego game, the "mature" "actualized" ego. Out to change others minds instead of just expressing what it wants. Yet, you want certainty over your interactions? See the subtle way the Jiva projects its own intentions outward while hiding it from itself? The real matter is, yes we do want certainty with our enlightenment path, because without it we all remain control freaks. Nice control freaks, but control freaks all the same Why do you think I'm interested in playing your games? -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Paul, I dont have a problem with me. This is why I can confindently say the things I say. Self shame and a need to control other people is a Jiva activity. The need you have for me to be something that you dont agree with is just you, its inside your mind. And just because you might be in the company of others who also feel shame, or think that everyone should be like them and not have a heavy vasana load, doesnt make you right. It just makes you try on tactics to make others fit onto the way you need them to be. Now, I dont want to say these things, its none of my business how you are, but when you mistake me for something in your mind, and you keep at it, (because believe me you have not read or understood a single word ive said so far) then I have to mention what youre doing. Youre controlling. Here is a practice: Ask yourself if my behaviour is universally unacceptable? If it is, then continue. You will eventually see the fruits of that perspective. If my behaviour turns out to not be universally unacceptable, then you will have liberated yourself from part of your conditioning. As far as forums being angry, I dont know, Ive been on a few and I would say that most of it is misinterpretation coupled with a need to control. I have no desire to control anybody here, or get anything, I just do my thing and spread the word. This is a forum for spreading info. Re-read my words and see the words, see that I pick up posts not to answer peoples problems, but just to make an ongoing debate about what im saying. You dont have to like it, I'm not asking you to like it. But there are a few people now who see what im saying and are thinking I might have a point. I do it out of desire, because quite frankly I had enough of things that dont work and only make superficial changes. And when you click what Im saying, you will know why none of these teachings work for what you want, if you want realization proper. As far as other things go, like self actualisation, I am self actualized myself, for years, so I know what that is. But i dont agree with it. But thats not the axe im grinding here, im saying something much deeper, that will be hard to pick up at first i give you that, but once you understand it, you will see what is true about the spiritual practice world and what is not true about it. -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is extremely controlling and manipulative behaviour. Do yourself a favour and read the words instead of reacting to my delivery. I am not here to molly coddle you into believing me. Half of my style is to keep out the people who are not ready, and while those who are unable to read between the lines and put their butthurt emotions before their intellect are not qualified for the teaching. -
Matthew Lamot replied to Eelco1981's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Also guys, another critique of this forum "spot the ego" in each other thing. How is that supposed to do anything? For all I know, those who are calling me, or others out on their ego are just projecting their own? Maybe there are people who have netti netti'd a large portion of their own ego, but someone comes along and trashes it because they only see you through their eyes. Leo told me I need to learn. Learn what? Go back and learn something that I had moved on from and that he has not even learned himself yet? This is not a teacher, it is a teacher for people who dont want liberation! Like attracts like. Look at the level of insight on here, that relflects the teaching, because for advanced people on this path this is childs play. Im not listening to this guy because he clearly knows nothing of what liberation is. This is a massive problem in this New Age system. Not one single person is qualified to tell you about your progress on your path except an enlightened teacher who can see where you are at. This open mindedness thing is just another ego, it not always serves to be open minded, because that can corrupt the process, as it is doing here. Everyone feels the need to just accept whatever comes their way if its fits who they are. There is no liberation in this method here. Even more reason for a teacher with a teaching, and a teacher who has actually embodied the Self. -
Matthew Lamot replied to Eelco1981's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly, thanks for the article, I agree with it. This person has done their homework and have been discriminative and observant to what is going on. There are deep concepts at the back of the mind that unless seen, one might think they are enlightened. This is what the teaching does, blows it all out bit by bit. Yes, we can argue that some teachers have has success with netti netti and other techniques. Perhaps they got lucky and wrote a book? Enough people do that and you end up with a culture of chancers. Combined with corrupt teachings that confuse Yoga with Vedanta. Not a great recipe for success. I give the analogy, if you want to cook a MacDonnalds you go ask Ronald for a recipe. It will give you MacDonnalds standard. However, if you want Gordon Ramsays 3 star Michelin foie gras, you seek him out because he has got the correct knowledge. You get what you strive for in life, and unfortunately it's the same with enlightenment. -
Matthew Lamot replied to Eelco1981's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
People can have awakening and enlightenment. Some with no teaching. But there is a difference between spreading a teaching to seekers that is false, and innocent awakenings. Not everyone is qualified to teach, and like I said, a lot of the misconception around today prevents seekers from realizing, because most teachers are not enlightened, they had experiences through the ego, but this still does not qualify them to teach. For reason that will be obvious to you once you discover what is happening in the western spiritual community. -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The reason it does not make sense, is because it does not make sense. It is not taken from a reliable non dual path. But its a pick and mix of New Age theory. A true traditional non dual path is 100% logical, consistent and will not leave you wondering and wasting time trying to figure it out. Because a proper non dual teaching is an analysis of reality, and not a theory or philosophy. -
Matthew Lamot replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There is a couple of problems with this. A) You think I can switch off my programme willy nilly because you dont share the same vasana load. Mistake number 1 B) I'm not trying to convert, I'm trying to show people who are genuinely interested in liberation, that what they are being taught in this western spiritual community is mostly innacurate. Mistake number 2 C) I'm not interested in the nay sayers, the nay sayers provide a perfect platform to come with a counter debate so I can show the interested people what I know. I'm here with knowledge, back up evidence and my own personal experience. You can use this for whatever you want, but dont make mistake number 3 that I'm interested in speaking to people who dont want to listen. I'm not. D) I have shared in a civil way, if you have a problem with srong language that is your problem. If strong language were a universal problem then everyone would be offended. As they are not, it's your problem. I've been civil, I do not make personal comments, and when I do it is because I sense there is some insincerity behind the questioning. You might mistake being on a path with being a placid person, this would be a misconception, the only thing im required to do is not seek, I'm not seeking or expecting, thats liberation and its very different to what is being taught here in the mainstream. D) I don't care if you think I'm dogmatic ans closed minded, because your 5th mistake is assuming that my results belong to me. Thats a delusion and another mistake, I put the info out there and the result belongs to the field. This way I'm free of what is called the collective unconscious manipulation and control tactics of the ego, and what you call "open mindedness and results focused" I am path focused. That means I dont give two hoots about your opinion. This is about the knowledge, not your ego. So, sorry that im not seduced by your social conditioning. If you want to learn, then Im open to discussion, if you are here to push your ego and its preferences onto me I will tell you that I'm not prepared to deal with you. I only deal with people who are interested in the information. E) So this all bottlenecks into one gross misconception you have that I'm here to prove worldviews wrong. If you can read, you will see that Im talking about spiritual path, not a worldview. Your worldview is your business. -
Matthew Lamot replied to Eelco1981's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Natasha, another thing you are misinformed on is that your "other sources" are not even accurate either. This is what I did not make clear to you personally in this thread. The surface "ideas" are correct, even in Neo Advaita is in harmony with what the Vedas say. But they are not teachings, and just because a person themselves could be enlightened (even awakened) does not mean that they have a teaching or are qualified to teach. Most of the questions i see on here can be dealt with in one session with a Vedanta teacher, and be out of the way immediately. What you are not getting is there are crucial aspects of the teaching that need to be realized before a student can move on. So the path of knowledge is unpacked in a sequence, and the realized teacher administers correct practices for the student at the correct times. Its not just one big free for all and memorize a video or two. Thats not how it works. Emphasis in the theraputic side is also a misconception. In the path of knowledge, if followed correctly the student realizes enlightenment and that is a permanent thing. There is no going back into ego or its "shadow". Shadow is a therapy thing, there is no therapy for the Self, once realized completely that is it. What you are being taught, not only here, but in the whole spiritual community is just nonsesne, because when you understand Vedanta you will see its completely opposite. So this is why I do not understand where you think that what is being taught today is the path that leads to enlightenment, this just puzzles the fuck out of me quite frankly, because its obvious when you read the material, that what you know is nothing to do with enlightenment, at all! So, have a third read, and also read what Swartz has to say about Neo Advaita, because when you understand what this Neo Adavita is, you will just drop all association with it. http://www.advaita.org.uk/discourses/james_swartz/neoAdvaita.htm And to be honest, anybody who leaves 2 sentence messages on the forum, and expects people to believe it is just fucking stupid in my opinion, no mature person looks at a one line piece of advice and makes something of it. Where are your links? Where is your critical thinking? Where is your credibility beyond some person talking on youtube about one thing that can and is taken out of context? This is not a spiritual path, its just entertainment. Swartz mentions a guy who was in Samadhi for 4 years, he thought he was enlightened! But he came out of it and none of his programming had changed. So what makes you think your experiences translate to enlightenment? These methods being taught do nothing more than relax the body. In light of the truth about what enlightenment is and how it is brought about, none of your ideas even make logical sense. -
Matthew Lamot replied to Eelco1981's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The contradictions are glaringly obvious. The results are staring you in the face, confusion, lack of information, pot smokers, and anyone interested in a quick fix. Like attracts like. If you had walked the path of disidentification you would see the asbsurdity of encouraging pick n mix methods, self actualisation in the same forum as enlightenment. Once a person knows what enlightenment is they would not be advocating self actualization, or teaching it, or attempting to help, helping is an unconscious game and quite clearly shows a distinct attachment to ego and self gratification. No genuine conscious seeker teaches a subject they are not qualified to teach. And if you were conscious you wouldnt even be here spreading damaging nonsense videos from you tube. -
Matthew Lamot replied to Eelco1981's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What you need to understand, or not, is that (if you did read the article) you need to receive the teaching from an actual teacher who is enlightened and who is skilled in the Vedantic teaching. Everything is not the same, emptiness is not the same as realization, nobody can have an experiencw of their true self and there is no such thing as shadow work. Pick and mix is not adviseable and from what i see here, there is more confusion than work being done. A proper administered teaching will answer most questions that the forum would become redundant. You are clearly trying to manipulate the conversation to suit your own ends, because its very clear to me you have not understood the writings (assuming you even read the article)