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Everything posted by Lynnel

  1. Don't worry you'll get along very fine, you're as blue as everyone there. There is no one at stage yellow at 15 years old. You're just not mature enough.
  2. Apple seeds contain a little bit of cyanide and you might die if you eat too much apple seed so please avoid that. Otherwise lemon/orange seeds seem very rough on the stomach and I speculate those would give you cramps because they could be hard to digest. Although I've always eaten white watermelon seeds and never had an issue.
  3. Try to aim for a healthy balance of orange/green. Yellow usually would be very advanced professors if they choose so thus you might me some
  4. Are you saying that a first time 2g trip is not the same as a 2g second time trip ? It's gonna get stronger ? I was planning to jump from 2g to 3g because I wasn't even really tripping on 2g.
  5. We truly need to get a discussion going about how do you access the infinite intelligence and really create something very creative. Something completely mind blowing and new and very fresh and with new meanings and value and very deep at the same time. You see what I mean Are there any other ways other than microdosing LSD or simply raising your consciousness ? Any special type of meditation ? Meanwhile I'll go contemplate about what creativity truly is.
  6. Do you have any books on Trauma that you recommend ?
  7. Yeah those two could be so huge and so much better. There is so much progress to be made in making orgqnic and nutritional (Did you know that apples today have 100th fold less nutrients than 100 years ago ?) food available to the public -everyone needs this and everyone would benefit from it.
  8. @Shin It's complicated. You know how everyone wants to be in a relationship ? Well just liking or "loving" each other isn't enough to have a great relationship. Those take work. A lot of work. And the nature of a friendly relationship is very different from a romantic one and requires a very different kind of investment. Thus you might have amazing compatiblity with someone on a friendship level and at the same time be unable to ever be/date that person. If you have attraction to your friends it's not a friendship and you won't be able to have friendship intimacy. If you're both very advanced you can add sex on TOP of a friendship intimacy because it's very very different from a true relationship but normies can't see the difference and it becomes very messy. Once again friendship + sex != relationship. You can totaly be friends with a girl but only if you're not attracted to her in any meaningful way. If you are, try to have lots of sex and you'll intuitively understand what kind of sexual partners you would want (because you're making attraction not only about physically and you're not attracted by the sole possibility of having sex anymore) and thus you'll come to see lots of girls you're not really attracted to. In short, usually if you would be totaly fine with her coming in right now and jumping/humping on you you're not friends
  9. @Strikr There is a MBTI 2 in the works, with 5 letters and 5 options per letter which sounds amazing. Nonetheless personnality is something very complex and the current MBTI is like a projection from 25D to 4D. It has some truth in it but in reality it's way way way more complex. If it works for you feel free to use it just be open to the whole human complexity in front of you
  10. Truly letting go. I can't stress enough how getting to green is amazing and important, if you're mostly orange. You really need to purge all of yoru inner garbage and the holding on to the past. The past runs you. Your whole life is a huge psychodrama. Like I finally understood shakespear when he said we're all actors. We're all playing out our conditionning, our wounds, hurt, past pain, patterns, everything - we're just a predictably moving machine. Without awareness that is. To truly let go is amazing. You can't live for the past - nor should you live for the future because there is no future right now. You don't need the past - you need to process it, to metabolize, to let go of it. It doesn't serve you. No matter where you're at, go ahead. Ahead and right now is the only way. Some friendships are very nice and they hurt you at the same time - let go of them. Let go of attachement, let go of it. It will hurt but you will more free. Don't avoid pain. You need to learn to process pain and suffering and truly embrace it if you wanna reach the highest level of self-development work. Fuck, Leo and the spiral dynamics things just saved my whole life. Really. My whole life would've been running arround trying to solve my inner issues with pointless achievement while suffering. Fuck orange is horrible. And self-development and growth is so amazing. If you're depressed or anything just go straight ahead - it will feel so amazing. Being truly free of the past is something. Really something.
  11. Augustus Masters - to be a man I cannot recommend this book enough. David deida was a bit too out there for me and this book seems to be more yellow which I completely love. Also I realized I had huge issues with repressed anger and repressed hatred. Also I should rename this journal to breaking reality because I'm gonna study meditation very seriously and study siddhis, law of attraction and maybe even astral projection. All those juicy green topics. Okay not sure about the astral thing but for suuure I'm gonna do more LOA. I feel like it's a very important component of green. Also, some positive thinking because fuck I'm negative sometimes. I mean look at the title of my journal for god's sake. Another big issue that needs to be solved from orange to green is self-worth and self-esteem. It seems like a very abstract concept which isn't doing much for you at orange but you chase it and a LOT of external things you desire is because of a flawed self-esteem. But it hurts too much to admit it and to look inside. You may hear that you have self-esteem issues but that doesn't register. You mind doesn't consider it. You just need the next achievement. Living in the future This really hit home. About her saying life happens now. Leo wasn't right : orange isn't a glutton or a hedonist : orange lives for the purpose of future achievement. We live in the past which was better or in the future which will be better. It's like blue for the afterlife, but the timeline is different. After watching the video I said fuck at least a 100 times looking at the screen. That hit home. Living in the future is not a way of living folks. There is no future. It's like at the bar, the "free beer tomorrow " : well it never comes.
  12. @Rilles I laughed at the title. Good luck man
  13. Usually dried x 10 = fresh . So are you talking about dried or fresh grams ? Because 7g fresh is only 0.7 g dried with is a very small dose and 15 => 1.5g is a nice starting dose indeed. It's kinda unclear Of course I believe you're talking about fresh because 15 dry g would send you to outer space.
  14. I second that Only you gotta call her Amber because 50 shades of yellow
  15. Lol. I'm dying. Worst thing demonic influences can do is rage It says here's a blue person who doesn't want you to meditate because that will open up your mind
  16. @Jacobsrw It's been some time but my break up guide from a while back might help you a bit Warning : I was still in stage orange at that time so several things very still a bit crude. Here it is : Maybe I'll do a upgraded green/yellow version later after I evolve a lot more
  17. This is a short shadow work book which can be quite eye opening and interesting. It helps if you can relate to some of her stories but you can most likely skip it if you've done more serious shadow work before. There are a lot lot lot of shadow work books out there so always find the ones that resonnate with you the most. Also keep in mind that if a books makes you incomfortable it's totaly normal : shadow work is about facing that. Enjoy
  18. There is nothing wrong with me - nothing wrong with you and nothing wrong with anyone. Still embracing my getting up to green : I've been doing a lot of shadow work recently. Sudently I came to a very amazing realization while reading Alice Barry. She was telling how she was using criticizm as a way to feel connected to her father and because she loved him a lot. Something which made perfect sense : there was no evil in it, none at all. So if your shadow aspects are totaly fine, I mean you wouldn't understand someone doing that while being little ? There is nothing wrong with your shadow. There is thus also nothing wrong with the "better" aspects of yourself. So there is nothing wrong nor with you, nor with the world nor with anyone. All suffering is ignorance and unconsciousness. That's the devil here. And still there is nothing wrong with it. There is nothing wrong. There is no wrong at all. Wrong is not wrong and wrong is totaly right. Wrong is totaly fine as fine as being fine. Everything is perfectly fine as it is. I'm so glad I managed to integrate a bit of Tara Brach into my life but yes, there is nothing wrong with me nor my coping patterns, addictions, health issues, hatred, "bad" emotions, anything and everything, you reading here, I just wanna shout : THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUUUU. NO CARDINAL SINS NOTHING. You're totaly okay and perfect as you presently are. Then you may change as you will to be more in alignement with your higher values. There is no more struggle and huge resistance to change because you're doing it out of resisting being bad. There is of course nothing wrong with the shadow and calling something part of you the shadow was a bad move by itself ! There is nothing bad or wrong with the shadow. The gold is in the dark. Guys, for those of you who are stuck in orange. You have no idea how good this feels. I'm gonna grind spirituality even more seriously than before and life will become really sweet. Once you start feeling a lot of beauty and love and there being nothing fucking wrong you're gonna be so extatic. Flowers everywhere ! <3 Enjoy the journey guys.
  19. Actually it's quite plausible : we are so undervelopped yet as human species that the possibilities of our own models are limited by our own development. If you've never been yellow you can't even develop and understand spiral dynamics. Maybe we need to achieve such high levels of consciousness and something different than consciousness even and only then we would understand what is higher than us.
  20. This is actually a great idea. But people : do NOT post your real adress, only the city you are in. Never ever post your exact adress on there. You're on the internet guys. Remember that !
  21. @Charlotte How important is math to you ? If you really need math for your life purpose you need to reverse engeneer the process : track down to the most simple thing you do not understand before doing the math you're at. Usually if it doesn't click you're lacking understanding somewhere before. Maybe you don't fully understand something at 4 or 5 grade level math because you haven't been thaught that properly. So you have to go back and make sure you understand everything below what you're currently learning. It's the only reason you're struggling with math at your current level
  22. Mind you, i said shitty 9-5. That changes a lot. Also even if you have zen-like discipline, if you're wasting 8 hours a day + commuting to your job getting enlightened is simply wishful thinking. You're gonna have chores and family issues on top of that usually too. Usually after a 9-5 people are too tired even to read something or doing anything productive. I haven't seen yet even one yellow company since yellow is very individualistic and yeah being a bit progressive and meditating here and there a bit isn't gonna do much for ya. Discipline and awareness when doing something you like at best mildly and isn't your highest purpose ? It's extremely tiring. You have no real freedom about your work hours and when your work happens and logistics (for instance going to the gym or eating healthy) gets really complicated. If you ever get a even normal corporate 9-5 and try to get enlightened please write down a journal on how productive you are. Maybe you'll make it but that's for sure not the way I choose to do it.
  23. Being a leader does entail a lot. And a lot of scary stuff. Independent thinking, true scepticism, going against the norm, going against conditionning, believing in yourself when no one does so, trusting yourself, stand your ground and defend your ideas if needed, having no one to turn to for having answers and not expecting magic pills to drop from the sky : you're the one supposed to innovate and inspire people forward ! You cannot wait for something or someone to give you answers about your life, what's true and what's not, how to live it, what's right and what's wrong, you have to decide all of that by yourself and it is such an immense responsibility. Lol being a sheep and being given answers is much easier. You can really appreciate why people become sheeps and casually drift about life only when you understand what being a leader entails : full 100 responsibility with no one to turn to ! In the end even leo's clever advice won't help you do much, you have your own pile of homework to do and take nothing for granted, research everything and trust no one. There will be no one more clever than you to give you answers, no parents, no teachers, nothing - you have to do it alll by yourself. Honestly this was one of the best video's so far about wave slavery. We really needed that one ! With a shitty 9 to 5 jobs you can't get enlightened ever. (or can you ? ) Also, it felt like it had a very distinct orange vibe - achieve or you are deeply fucked. Ironically I was gonna ask @Leo Gura for advice about this then I realized that would be turning to him for answers So I'm not so sure about this needing no one and using nothing mentality
  24. Yes of course - you're just not waiting for some cookie cutter solution from someone which will fix all your life. You should be proactive and reach out and find solutions yourself instead of for instance creating a new topic for every little small issue you have. A leader needs to cultivate inner authority and trust himself and his judgement.
  25. @Charlotte Just watch Frank Thomas/ College info geek and get a strict schedule and do 2 to 3 serious hours of math a day. If you have enough discipline/purpose, it's just smooth sailing from there. I mean while being overstressed, underslept, with most likely a bad teacher and being worried about 100 teenage problems it's almost a miracle you actually managed to remember something in math Don't blame yourself for not being amazing right away. Good luck darling you can do it :*