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Everything posted by Lynnel

  1. 10/10. Provides you with a coherent and excellent system to learn dating which will help you tremendously.
  2. I would rate it as 9/10, simply because it gives really powerfull insights but entirly lacks applications. The end of the book is slightly more spiritual/ wohoehy hence it's less relatable but really deep nonetheless. I mean I would need guidelines for how to cultivate the same feeling of love (aka falling in love) and melting of ego boundaries without a person, it would be a life changer. But he gives no practicals steps to achieve that.
  3. @Ida I am a man. It actually is because it's really different on the other side so I can't give proper advice for women (well aside from when to leave your abusive boyfriend) and generally aside from professionnal coaches, women tend to give extremely bad "pick-up" advice for men. @Simon Zackrisson If you are talking about the pickup rant, I agree with the message : do it responsibly. There's an old saying in the community, leave the girl better than when you found her. But since you are evolving, you may find yourself in situations you act out your lower vibrations and accidently hurt people. This can happen and you have to make note of that so you can make appropriate changes. It is of course way better than never learning pick up and hurting everyone because that lower vibration never gets to evolve. All of his other dating videos are extremely great and I agree with him 100%. @Chives99 Getting the girl, the sex, or some results, doesnt. Evolving, taking action, being the person you wanna be and overcoming loads of bullshit does. It comes down to enjoying the process.
  4. @kalter000 I am not a vibrationnal match to that, so It never happened to me. Most often it's just your mind playing tricks on you with scary stories. There are no dangerous situations as long as you're a bit socially aware. Unless you start randomly punching people I see no way to even get in those kind of situations. @Saitama Pickup requires a lot of what is called inner game, basically working on you. So I'd encourage that for sure. Nonetheless, working on yourself is often used as an excuse for not taking action. I do not believe you wanna find yourself at 30, having your bussiness incheck but having to spend 3 more years to learn how to interact with girls. You may be the most actualized badass dude ever if you don't have experience and practice you're not gonna attract anyone. I would recommend doing both at the same time. Doing pick up will always show your weaknesses and what you need to work on internally, and progress with pick up, sex and girlfriends are sure as hell gonna lift you upwards in terms of making your goals come true.
  5. @MonikaBcn Whether we metaphysically are meant to be with one person or not is not a question I could possibly answer, I'd like to refer to Teal Swan for that. I have not because I believe there is an infinite amount of high quality life partners you may be able to attract. And currently, I'm not on such a HIGH level that attracting someone at the same level would create a relationship which allows more growth than if I were single. So one may say I'm not willing yet to meet my subjective (based on the level I'm at ) "one " @JSeuss I will give you advice that for some random reason no one talks about while It's kinda crucial to understand. You can always look up content on how to get numbers, write field reports, etc, most usefull pickup habits. 1) Seek to understand what's going on in depth. Always seek to understand why it worked, why it didn't, how could it have. 2) It's a learning process. It requires experience. It's almost as grinding for xp in a video game. The more experiences you have, the more you evolve, the better you become. 3) Expect negative emotions. Lots of them. And be ready to handle that. Progress and change come with pain, depression, sadness, anger, etc. You have to learn to handle your emotions otherwise you're not getting anywhere. 4) Your only goal should be progress. This is really key. You may not get results for a long period of time and become really bitter. The only results you should be focused on is your own progress and your own evolution. As long as you're getting better, results such as sex etc will come, you simply need to be patient and dedicated. 5) The feedback is always right / Be as accepting of reality as you can be. Most of the time you are not aware of your own issues. This is a really harsh pill to swalow, because let's say you go on a date, it doesn't work out, and you walk home thinking, well I don't understand I did everything perfectly. Well you did not. The evidence says otherwise. Take full responsibility, as Leo says. As time passes you'll learn that some cases have nothing to do with you, but most of the time it's actually you fucking up. x) 6) Some stuff as you see as small details may actually be really important so be careful not to dismiss those too fast. 7) Once you start, never stop, because once you stop, you're done. The are other really important tips, such as meditate, write field reports, etc, but for those simply watch products.
  6. Hello there, I have been doing pick up for a year now, with some pretty amazing results, but there is always a deeper problem I find myself unable to fix. Growing up I was never part of the quote on quote cool people, and never had my first girlfriend until very late. I can easily start and interaction with very awesome and hot girls, even get solid number, and even sometimes dates, but there is a sometimes a moment where it's fucking up. (Be it the interaction after the number, the date itself or even while in the bedroom I'm unable to "escalate" aka, After some self-inquiry I have deduced that : 1) My mind for some unkwnown reason defines my own value partially by the hotness of women I am able to "get". Also, I feel inferior to all the guys who get those hot girls easily, in a not big deal frame, and I makes me feel seriously inadequate and alien, as I am struggling with this kind of problem while I am confident I am an great human being in different aspects, which of course, lowers my self-esteem. The solution of getting some hot girls doesn't work, because I have slept with girls that were quite hot, but not AS hot, and not AS much. 2) I tend to put women on a pedestal, once I believe they are hot enough so that getting them will allow me to feel cool (aka part of the cool kids, and hence socially adequate), and that sleeping with this particular hot girl may unlock the rest of it, since the mind believes sleeping with one hit girl will make the whole hot girl thing normal. The solutions I have found so far are : - Fullfilment, once I am fullfilled I do not care at all, but I only had that at the first stages of taking action, it kinda went away now, and most likely never coming back, because socializing feels really normal now. - The whole It's not gonna change my life (and women are not gonna make me happy/nothing can make me happy) insight, I have felt it at times, but it's not consistent while I wish the whole situation would just normalize. Does someone have any useful insight about solving this problem ?
  7. Why would you say that ? She is overly spiritual in many topics and makes herself more human to be relatable, but it seems to me that she is enlightened.
  8. It's the biggest amount of leverage one can ever get in his life to push forward and accomplish their dreams. It's just so good. It's easy : delete the person entirly and forever from your life. Cry. Deal with your emotions. And go on and rock at life It's quite hardcore, but what's done is done, and keeping in touch will most often only make matters worse !
  9. Well honestly, I can relate, and it fucking hurts. Most of the time because you have this HUGE mind story about how the girl is special, how great both of you could be together and so on and so forth. Of course once that collapses you're left with quite some trauma. It might be insignificant, but it can FEEL very real and painfull. Aside from getting more girls and getting more attractive, and of course cutlivating abundance, I would recommend watching some teal swan about upset, trauma, learning self-love, etc.
  10. RSD Julien defines pick-up as " A never ending process of making yourself more attractive by any means available and getting women as a byproduct of that process ". Why wouldn't you do such a thing ? Change, lots of trauma, your ego dissolving, etc. It seems to me that expansion is quite often a painful process, be it spiritual growth or learning pick-up. If you feel you can handle that, just do it. Anyone looking for pick-up materials, I would definetly recommend RSD. it's the best content out there by FAR. Althought it starts as orange, I would actually put it into yellow later on, because it is a process of self-actualization, because it's a long term solution to bringing happiness and balance to the lives of man and women accross the world. (May sound too idealistic).