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Everything posted by Lynnel

  1. Overall really great but I'm not okay with the whole : Expect ENDLESS shit from the women and also you can't ejaculate anymore because if you do you are weak.
  2. The solution is really easy on this one : Until he solves his different psychological problems, just take viagra. Seriously. Simply take the blue pill. Once you will have sex and that's over, the whole issue will most likely dissapear. If not, break up, because it's gonna take forever to solve. It might sound a bit harsh but It feels necessary from my perspective.
  3. (PS : @Leo Gura I'm not sure what the policy is in terms of PINNED Topics but If I may suggest this one ? )
  4. No? You can meet pretty cool people there and not JUST for sex. @jasonjp1016 Go in with High intensity. Use your voice so you're heard. And then all interactions are like in an normal environement. Also wear ear plugs, those are a life-saver And You have to draw the energy from within, not the environnement @Phocus Way harder because it requires more calibration / the girl is not expecting to be opened and so on.
  5. It will happen automatically once you trust the journey. Letting go is REALLY HARD and you will do so ONLY if you really really like really have to. So yes, go on and attract girls, and handle ALL the issues that pop up on the go
  6. @zenny Hi dear Zenny, I'll give you a fully honest answer on this one, as I'm striving to be more authentic and many people are gonna benefit from it. At the start, I did it because when I broke up I felt like I'd never get laid again. So I did it for the sex and the girls. Inner issues appear in form of compensatory tendencies you will notice during the journey. But you will never ever fix them until you really need to do so because it's painful and hard. And painful. I still want the sex and the girls but I don't actually need them. Telling that you don't want sex or a hot girl or something like that unless you've had a lot of them and you're looking for some specific thing is a lie. You want something. But you don't really need it. I have this kinda blasey vibe after all the shit I've been trough, like " yeah it's cool but it's not gonna change my life ". In the end I got some great girls and had some great stories and...It fixed nothing. You have to pursue the superficial until you realize it doesn't help and doesn't fix shit. Then you finally realize you have to do the inner work. But that usually happens only once you've tried everything or most of the things. And you realize they're not gonna help and they're not gonna make you happy. They are fucking not. And it's really hard to realize. It takes lots and lots of painful moments until you become aware that the problem is not in what is but what is inside your mind. On the other hand, it gives you a lot of motivation which a lot of people lack. Pick-up is hard for this exact reason : there will be moment when you HAVE to solve the deeper issues, at least on a small scale to progress. Then you realize it was a big lie and your progress was actually really small...and you go on to fix the deeper issue. You will get to this OH SHIT moment at some point, and that's what this video confirmed for me. Really great. To some extent, it may seem strange, but you can't simply go and fix the inner issue, because often you don't what it is. Hence you're always on the right track because you're finding it ! You can't really do this wrong.
  7. @Ross Doesn't happen unless you're in a small city. If you are, move in a bigger one or stop doing pick up.
  8. I feel like you're on a point of breakdown and simply try to deny how hurt you actually are. It sounds more of a I'm trying to convince myself speech. Yes, it's gonna benefit you in the long run, have to get there...and in the short term expect to deal with a lot of negative shit.
  9. Mods where are you when you're needed ! @Ayla save us !
  10. @Jesper I'm really glad you are making progress ! @8LanguageStud Usually I would say something on the lines of "Don't shit where you eat ". In this case, simply say have a positive non-creepy vibe and be calibrated. Just say hi and be curious. Something on the lines of : Are you like a celebrity/yoga coach/w/e . Just don't spam approach. Just a random cute comment with a nice vibe and calibrate from there.
  11. @Rita The success rate is quite low for everyone at the start so don't get discouraged. Nonetheless I can't give any specific advice for a women because I'm not one
  12. Girls get annoyed when guys start seeing stuff in simple friendly gestures. For me touching a girl happens most of the time naturally now but I've had to work a lot on physicality in my pick-up journey and well I'm not done yet. Even asking her about it sounds creepy, like...Hello there Martha, the way you touched me on that and that ocassion made me think maybe we should be more than friends ? *Poor Martha runs away* Actually, you never know, so if you want more from her, well, try to kiss her and if it doesn't work out, well, whatever, you were at least true to yourself.
  13. Ask yourself the question, why am I a match to that ? In terms of vibration. If something exists in your reality some part of you is a match to it
  14. This doesn't work if you're not attractive. Ahah. And you can't magically become confident either
  15. Also : Watch some more of them once you feel like you need to keep going
  16. He meant a random girl coming up and introducing herself to the guy Basically the girl picking up the guy.
  17. @AlexB Wanting to heal it too fast is a way of resisting it, because you want it to go away. You can simply stay present with it as long as you can. Also, knowing how harsh a break up is, I recommend Teal Swan's and RSD Tyler break-up videos !
  18. @Cabot Sorry, I should have framed it in a different way
  19. Stop spreading social conditionning and slut shaming. 1) Yes, it's important. You get bonus points if you do it because It means you're free and not oppressed by the society. 2) Who would not be groomed shaved etc ? 3) Slutiness doesn't exist. It's a concept created by people who can't get laid to try to shame others for doing so.
  20. @Naviy @PinkLadyApple Hold the horses guys. Most of the results most likely come not from nofap itself but since I Was using masturbation to numb my emotions, the results came from the energy cleanse and the work on the un-number emotions I was now able to feel. Just to clarify. Also I've invested a lot of work, been meditating for a year, so it's normal that my energy levels are higher than usual
  21. I will give you props for being really self-aware. You can indeed use that as an excuse and be like : Oh I only want this type of girls so I won't try to geet the ones that scare me. Unless you have tried everything you don't know what you actually want. Actually I like your way of thinking. You will INDEED have no chemistry with CERTAIN GIRLS, but the more attractive you become, the more girls you will have emotionnal, or at least sexual chemistry. There is an old saying that if you are really attracted to someone on a physical level, that might be because of the compatibility on a genetical level. IT SEEMS TRUE, but there is no scientific proof of that exact fact (aside from the fact that genetic compability indeed helps mating) , but use it to your advantage => In the end, don't be too specific, if you feel attracted try it out. And be honest to yourself. Those are limiting beliefs. You can meet LOTS of different people. In one year, I met like 5 girls twice, out of let's say 1 thousand approaches. Girls with HUGE BIG OR AVERAGE boobs are not rare. They're all out there. And what if they like alcohol ? Almost everyone drinks time from time. That doesn't mean that they are in love with alcohol and that they are therefore lower value...I mean to feel good and free you have to do a lot of shit like meditation and energy cleansing, hence lots of people take the easy way out. Exactly. Don't use techniques, but go to the places with the higher volume to get more references. It is indeed not sustainable, because it takes a lot of effort and calibration. I use it sometimes to get attention simply because girls don't respond to anything else But yeah, you got it right. Like I'd do the same kind of right. Ahah. Would love hearing back from you about your progress ! Good luck mate !
  22. This only means you did it wrong which is...quite...sad. Why did you choose those ressources ? A great fondation, what for ? I will check those and report back.
  23. Couldn't agree more. I wanna meet her myself. To everyone not relating to the more mystical and spiritual stuff, it simply means you simply, or more precisly your ego is not openminded enough. I can relate to that one some level and it isn't mystical at all. It's one of my inner chearleeders, along with Eckhart Tolle and RSD Tyler
  24. When I really started pick up, it was a break up from a 11 month relationship. I was 21. Before that I only had crushes and small failures. Basically me idealizing the girl for month and doing nothing, like simply trying to talk to her and then fucking up. I also had a small group of friends, and a very fucked up mind. A bad habit of gaming and depression with sometimes suicidal thoughts. Everything was a struggle, because it's like fighting in an arena. You always have your elbows in the mud. Once you get used to it you become seriously ICY which is a really nice state. The biggest ones are always : understanding what's going on. WHY something works, WHY something doesn't and WHY in similar cases sometimes it works and sometimes NOT. There is an overhelming lack of logic because the whole pick up world has a logic of his own which if you're not used to it doesn't make any sense. You have to solve paradoxes, understand what and how and when something is important and when it's not, etc etc, it's simply insane. Another big sticking point of mine was not being totaly at ease and relaxed. Another was and still is outcome independence. And neediness. Okay seriously now that I think about it let's ask the reverse question, WHAT WASN"T A BIG STRUGGLE : Having almost infinite motivation, writting field reports, being seriously invested in this, going out a lot, finding a minimal amount of okayish wingmen, optimizing the whole process to evolve faster, finding relevant pick-up ressources. Everything else was a big struggle Never ever. Once you stop, you're done. So no. No. It sounds as a really good excuse not to talk to girls. Your social skills will TREMENDOUSLY improve as you talk with girls OVER and OVER. So stick talking to as much girls as you can you're welcome
  25. @Will Why is it a limiting belief ? Happy to be alone ? What ? You can't find what wants you back. It's the opposite, you have to find what you want and attract it. A better question would be to ask " Why can't I attract the girls I'm attracted to " ? Is it beliefs? Lack of experience ? Putting them on pedestals ? State + Shock formula works sometimes, if you wanna be more advanced, remplace it with : Relaxed,at ease, cool and sensual. Lack of comfort is quite often a big issue.