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Everything posted by Lynnel

  1. I've read it recently and I'm amazed at how much wisdom this book has. I also noticed how dense and cancerous my ego is and how it would have fucked itself over in so so so many situations described in the book. It is truly mindblowing.
  2. @PsiloPutty Thank you for your answer ! I've taking a 2 g dose before and I even wrote a report about it and this was it. I've been thinking about jumping to a higher dose such as 4g since at 2g I only had very mild effects and could function properly. I felt unable to meditate and it just felt "boring" to some extent. I had a very positive experience overall but nothing extraordinary. You can read about it here : So let's consider 4 g right now That would be my second trip. I've been wondering about how to make shroom tea properly as I am not sure whether I did it properly or not the first time. Which may or may not explain why my first trip was so mild. Is temperature important, etc ? What do you recommend "doing" during the trip ? Meditating or just laying down and letting go ? What I was afraid mainly is just destroying my whole reality and jumping in a non-duality permanent state before I was ready. Or maybe fucking up my mental state and obtain permanent depression. I have no mental instability and I'm doing yoga, meditation daily and have done quite a lot of some other personnal development work. Also, I didn't feel the need for a trip sitter so I'm wondering if I would ever need one at 4g too ?
  3. It makes me scared to maybe entirely destroy my reality and not being able to come back or worse being stuck in a sort of transition between different paradigms. To like fall into some sort of existential depression and being stuck there. While I can also feel the huge potential in there and I feel a need to experiment more with this, especially for emotionnal healing, I'm afraid it might backfire if I were to dig too deeply.
  4. @Gabriel Antonio Yeah I had that with artificial suggar : I ate so much garbage that at some point my body was like okay stop => never again. I can't stand anything remotely processed as of now.
  5. @Charlotte We really need someone with a life purpose to connect like minded people and provide us actualized folks with growth friends. Maybe someone make an app ? Honestly what worked for me is to look at agreability - I'm not the nicest person and I've done a lot of work on my very dense ego to be more relaxed and being able to connect with people more. If you can't connect to people it doesn't matter who they are at all since there is no connection. We all underestimate the amount of work we have to do on yourself and are way to quick to blame it on other people and how *they* are not compatible with us, etc. I clearly looked at myself and what I could bring to the table and went from there and I'm still exploring how to actually build friendships and different connections. It's a mix of simplicity/authenticity and work which can get quite complicated. You've most likely heard of the law of attraction you get what you are - blaming your low partner for low consciousness is a very obvious self deception - I'm using all the time too don't worry - notice how it prevents you from noticing low consciousness in yourself.
  6. The first option may backfire as having sex will prompt you to have even more sex plus sometimes sex can feel extremely satistying. For the second one I've always been wondering how to do it. A video about how to use your sexual energy properly to lead an amazing life could become a gold standard. I know there are all thos vajra poses in yoga + two bandas to burn trough it but it has always been very vague and random and I never seriously experimented with it unfortunately.
  7. Yeah I thought for a second he was gonna talk about real enlightenement. Which wasn't the case. That's gonna be so so misleading for all those pick up guys with the whole letting go magic.
  8. @h inandout Is this a picture of all of your kidney stones after detox ?! I'm maybe taking what I said back
  9. @h inandout Well that's entirely your problem. It's not because science has some drawbacks that you can discard it whenever it fits your agenda. People often take this to another extreme and soon you'll disagree with your aspirin healing up your fever or gravity ever existing. You need to set a practical limit for yourself. I'm sure you could debunk this yourself if you were to mix all those substances as to obtain the same toxin residue you showed (or maybe not since it lingers in your stomach and may require time to form ). Don't forget that scepticism to be healthy has to apply to everything - even to itself.
  10. If this is actually true. Run and never look back. Thos girls are so fucked up they will ruin your life in inimaginable ways. E.g. If you get the sleep in the floor treatment for month your self-esteem is gonna become garbage very fast and your relationship will become extremely toxic any way.
  11. @h inandout This was debunked as the green thing you see is the result of all the things you used for the cure itself.
  12. I read 20 chapters and found most of the advice very primitive. Doing negative visualization doesn't help much and if you come from a place of suffering you cannot apply this advice since you are already suffering so much suffering more doesn't make such a difference/you won't care for some worse conditions. Like "I'm so glad I'm not running arround naked in the street". Nonetheless, seeing poor people in third world countries may actually naturally trigger this appreciation, seeing misery in others is a quite sound advice. Then internalize your goals and be a fatalist towards the past and the future. Well thanks. All this advice could have been written on 2-3 pages and doesn't go in depth enough.
  13. We shouldn't have reputation but buttons such as "agreee" "respectfully disagree" "funny" 'thank you" could be massively useful without boosting the ego needlessly.
  14. We really need a part of the forum to organize meetups sadly it's would be almost impossible since all conversations need to remain on the forum and be public while something like a shroom retreat would require at least some privacy.
  15. @h inandout I drank tap water for a long time when I was younger and I'm afraind for the lead It might have contained. Also, the generic pollution from living in a city and other crap. No harsh exposition to warrant some heavy chemical like DMSA though. @Michael569 @pluto Thanks guys !
  16. What are your experiences with heavy metal detox and detoxes in general ? In general it seems weird because if you are detoxing something you should know what those toxins actually are and be able to measure it so I've read a lot of sceptic reports about detox. Otherwise as far as metals go I've read that just using chlorella doesn't help because it moves the mercury arround and doesn't actually evacuate it. So any solid feedback on getting rid of metals such as : mercury, alliminium, arsenic (usually found in rice), lead would be appreciated I find it quite important since @Leo Gura mentionned somewhere it can use up quite a lot of energy and did a mercury detox himself as far as I remember.
  17. @Sahil Pandit It's a very advanced stage yoga technique and not all yoga school recommend using bandas + pranayama to transmute sexual energy. This is not a magical shorcut either and becoming celibate can become avoidance. You're better off meeting your needs in the maslow hierarchy and then outgrowing it naturally. It doesn't mean that nofap can't help but it's not a magic pill either. You can't cheat the system the way you intend to do it.
  18. Someone played too much bioshock I feel but I hope it works out and we get to see it in his lifetime
  19. Why can't I upvote this ? #Sadness +1 it is then.
  20. @Dan Arnautu I am a Tj But I've done the big five and I also seem to be a ambivert but I tend to be ENTJ nonetheless. I just can't understand the whole drama arround introvert/extravert and just get the best of both worlds
  21. This one technique gets recommended a lot in Tim Ferris' most recent book and I was wondering what your experience with it are, since on the website, they put something along the line of "fast and amazing effortless results" which naturally raises concerns. Also, they never teach it publicly and you need to be initiated by a master who will choose a specific mantra for you based on your personnality. Nonetheless it seems to be quite effective so I don't know what to think about it
  22. Do you have a mentor and if yes, how did he impact your life and how did you find him ? A mentor is worth a thousand books they say but I'm actually wondering how it applies in practice
  23. You can't even say a thank you with a thumbs up anymore and that's very annoying.