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  1. @ArabiaNytes thanks for your message. I will give it time, I worry too much. He hasn't given me a reason to think he is cheating.. I think it is just me. I do also believe that I have to be paitent and to have the confidence in myself to believe that if he won't treat me right someone else will.. If he doesn't value me someone else will and that even if he does cheat, I done all I could to keep our relationship and help him in everyway possible. I done what I could. I love him and your story has also given me hope in being patient and in long distance relationships. Was it hard at first to be without him? How did you learn to cope?
  2. @Leo Gura Thank you so much for getting back to me Leo. I love your work and I appreciate all you are doing for me and others. You are completely right. I will take a look at Nathaniel's work and I have seen you have some videos as well on self esteem. I have made up my mind that I will work on this from this day forward because I would really like my relationship to work.
  3. @FindingPeace This is what I have always wanted. To not be hurt by what other people do - I obviously wear my heart on my sleeve and always want to do everything for people. I dream of not being hurt by others and their actions. You are completely right. It is just making my brain understand that we cannot control life and something happens you've just got to get up and keep moving. The thought of it, makes me dislike life even more. I appreciate you saying that and you've made me see things in a totally different way. I always look at myself and judge myself because of what people do to me; thinking "what did I do wrong" or "maybe it is my body, my voice etc." It is all I ever do. I have just got to understand that shxt happens right? Thank you.
  4. @ProblemSolving I appreciate the time you have taken to message me. Thank you for your words. I thought that is what it was. I often tell myself that I feel like I am fighting with myself. I guess this was deeper than I thought. I always thought it was a good idea to hide my feelings because it takes my mind off myself and my sad existence. There are many times that helping people has made me stop thinking about taking my own life. It gives me a reason to live. I have to make a decision to work on myself and stick to it. Maybe it is time I focused on myself.
  5. @ProblemSolving I know that I am a problem to myself. But I try so hard to change but I still feel myself falling in the same situation or mindset. I understand that I have to give myself happiness, but I am just so focused on making other people ok and fixing their situations but not focusing on myself. To be honest with you, I don't even think I care for myself. Thank you for your words. I will work on myself, I know I have to. I spent some time reflecting over your words and what you said is true. I have to understand myself and be at peace with myself.
  6. @OlgaMack I guess you are right. If I feel jealous all the time, does that mean there is an underlying problem with me?
  7. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year. I have been in abusive relationships, and have even been sexually abused. I was hurt very badly in my previous relationship and never thought I would be able to recover until I met him. In my previous relationship, I was promised marriage but ended up watching him marry someone else after he had abused me mentally, physically and emotionally. I have major trust issues and I even struggle to trust my family. I know it is not right to put your trust in people but how can this relationship work if I expect him to just do something wrong to me all the time? I just do not know how to fix this, I really want things to work but my mind is all wrong. I am not scared to be alone, I just really want things to work. Now whenever I see him on his phone or answering a phone call I just expect it to be a woman/girl, and it even hurts when I see him smiling at his phone over Skype. He has reassured me that he would never cheat on me or undermine me. He says he respects me and he knows everything that has happened to me. He is also a very closed person as is hard to get to, some times I ask him what he is thinking about and he says Nothing, but I know there is something. I know with time I will get to know him better and he may find it easier to open up. He isn't used to explaining how he feels or opening up. He told me he isn't the person he wants to be yet and he is still learning how to be better. This is a long distance relationship. What do I do?