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Everything posted by Nos7algiK

  1. @Preety_India Yes, I do mean you can do that. You have every right to do that. But, like you said there may be consequences and I never said there wouldn't be. You are inserting words I never said into your argument. Again, people can think or say what they want about you. That is the statement, I made no statement to what happens after that. I would assume that is implied by anyone who has a sense of rationality. Generally speaking on the internet there are no consequences for having opinions of others, except maybe an argument online. We need to accept others will hold opinions of us, think bad thoughts about us, accuse us of things we never have done, and perceive us in ways that are just false. Once we accept this their words no longer affect us and we are free from the burden of social opinions. But, on the contrary you are entirely free to object against what I am saying and you are fully free to be affected on an emotional/psychological level by what others say about you. There are very low standards on the internet and if you wish to engage on the internet it's not going to play by the rules you want us to play with. Though, I personally believe in attempting to be kind and understanding to others online. Though this idea is not something that is universally shared between us all. But, literally stating you are free to say/believe what you want even if it's about yourself but others are not free to say/believe what they want even if it's about you is hypocritical. It's a very common hypocrisy people seem to have in life, so my statement is not coming from criticism. Rather, I don't enjoy seeing other people suffer or stressed over the opinions of others online. You are fully free to hold whatever opinion of me you wish, even if it's slanderous and completely false. Though regardless of my own personal beliefs, again you are free to live life as you wish or should I say within your own limitations that life gives to you.
  2. You are free to hold the beliefs and/or moral standards that you wish. There is nothing wrong with wanting to wait for an emotional connection, I personally feel the same. But, there is nothing wrong with just jumping right into things as long as both parties are consenting. But, regardless of your own person freedom to align yourself with your own morals. This applies for others as well, more importantly the freedom other people have to form an opinion of you. You can view your own self as doing nothing wrong or not being stingy by withholding sex. But, anyone or lets say any man, who becomes aware of that you wish to wait for an emotional connection for sex has every right to believe or even call you stingy. You do not have the right to enforce someone not to hold an opinion on you, though you do have the right to object against their opinions. In the grand scheme of things you can know who you are regardless of what others think. But, what others think is also who you are to them. Rejecting this will only cause suffering. We should attempt to not allow the opinions of others to affect us.
  3. @Preety_India All of that was well said and I couldn't agree more.
  4. It's a tricky situation when empathy kicks in. It's not like a super power that's 100% correct and many can use it against us. It's extremally difficult to deny the feelings we feel or look the other direction. But, a certain level of trust and wisdom will be built up using our direct experiences. Both the good ones and the bad ones. Similar how one needs to build up a relationship with their own intuition as well. I would agree with this. I've noticed this as well. Truly is tragic in some cases. It's a shame such good people, or at least people with good intent I should say, are exploited by those only to seek personal gain. I find the whole empath/narcissist situation to be a phenomena and one of the most profound social dichotomies we can witness. It's surreal how these "opposites" attract and many highly empathetic people get into relationships with narcissists. Which the narcissists seems to only gain from and many empaths come out broken from it. Though, some do find their some of their greatest strengths by overcoming this paradigm and gaining awareness to what is happening. A difficult lesson to learn was that of loving narcissists just as much as I love others after many bad experiences with them. I mean I'm not going to go out and befriend them lol. But, demonizing them wasn't healthy for me.
  5. @Preety_India I appreciate the advice, but I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing there lol..... I do agree with what you are saying, but I'm not trying to make the statement at all we should be less empathetic. Rather, we should go meta on empathy to see how to best use it. Step outside of empathy and look at it from the outside as a whole. Though this meta perspective does involve some of what you say like cutting people out and seeing who truly deserves our help. This is literally what I am saying lol. It is very unhealthy to just absorbed everything around us or act on every feeling we have due to this emotional osmosis. There is no problem also. There was just a moment in time where I made a comment due to circumstances in my life in which my perception of them caused me, by my own choice or lack of control, to be slightly more rigid and say something that was not true to how I felt at the moment. Other than that, my lessons on empathy have been learned and I don't feel like I need to investigate my own emotions towards this concept more to have a deeper understanding out of the feeling of lack or misrepresentation. Though, I do assume regardless of how I feel about it now I will learn more about it in time.
  6. Actually, you know what. It wasn't right of me to say. It doesn't come from insecurities, maybe shadow. But, to put it simply I caused my own suffering by buying into the empath paradigm. The idea increased my ability to be empathetic, thus I suffered more. So the label it self has a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know why I made that comment originally, since I made it a few days ago. t's not like me to talk that way anymore. I'm guessing someone else had me partially fluttered at the time. I'm not happy with the comment. I wasn't happy with it when I made it either and I don't want to upset or invalidate anyone. Then on top of it use reasoning to justify my wrongs. I apologize. I believe everyone deserves empathy. My philosophy though is to put my empathy into a glass box. That way, it doesn't take an emotional toll on me too much. I can access it whenever I want. I can see through the box to see what's in it. When the toll is taken on me because of empathy, it can lead to me making bad decisions in order to free myself or others of the bad emotions I am feeling. This is what I mean by balance, not me cutting off my empathy for others completely lol. Just make sure we are stable and integral ourselves when we are helping others due to our empathy.
  7. Have you ever considered that you are the judgmental one here? Aren't you suppose to be the empathetic one here? The one that can relate and understand? I accept everyone and my opinion of someone doing a self serving act does not mean I don't accept them. I would have to hate the world then. I speak from someone who has learned from the empathetic experience. It's difficult to see outside of one's own bubble, specially that one. Empathy itself is a much needed "skill" for lack of a better word. But, it's very important one has balance and hones their empathy in a healthy manner. It is my belief that many take empathy as something that is only good or something that is flawless. The more you have of it, the better. But, this is a trap within itself. Though, again it difficult to see this while being empathetic and even more difficult to find that balance. But, that doesn't answer the question why I would be insecure towards empathy lol. People are free to be as caring, loving, or heartless as they wish to be towards others and I will view them all the same in how I feel we are all equal.
  8. I ask you this sincerely, why would empathy be my shadow or an insecurity I have? Don't say "ask yourself that". I want an answer from your perspective, I'm curious.
  9. Knowing yourself well is the definition of ego jerking lol. It is a trap within itself that ultimately collapses into a paradox infinity/Nothingness. The ego literally wants wishes to validates it's existence by investigation and forming opinions on a perceived belief of what it is. I can't think of anything else that is closer to ego masturbation, though this is not a flaw but rather a design choice. To believe there is only innocence within empathy isn't idealistic. For empathy itself is a double edged blade. The overly empathetic not only suffer needlessly themselves, but their inability to regulate their own self structure without it being tethered to "other" causes the suffering of other. The same, but slightly different, happens with those that lack empathy. I personally believe the usage of the word empathy is counter productive. It was once a label I strongly attached to, but eventually I saw the devilry with the label and what comes with it.
  10. In my prior experience with this. My final conclusion was what you are saying. When I met her in person and felt her presence it was the closest experience I ever had to feeling the infinite / unconditional love of God while I was sober. She was not a spiritual person yet she was my greatest reflection, but I digress. When I felt this feeling of conditional love, as if I've arrived home, I came to a profound realization. This woman that sat before me that I had a love for that I felt transcended my capacity I had of human love, wasn't some sort of angel or divine "gift" from (god) myself to myself. But, rather the greatest devil I have ever became aware of. The devil in an almost literal sense. That which would take me furthest from God and least in perception if I ever was to be in a relationship with her. Though ironically.. ...her presence initially into my life was one of the defining factors that led me to God realization. All of this is long behind me now...but to find yourself in another is to lose yourself with each other.
  11. I can't really speak for most of what you said. But, I've also had the profound realization that I was Adam. On top of that who I thought was my twin flame at the time many years ago was Eve. I strongly believed this. Believed it so much that the realization of it was almost traumatizing that I forgot it in the first place. Though I don't want to say this thought was "truth" specially many years later. If I was to guess "Adam" may be a primordial reference to our Divine Masculine energy. I wouldn't try to think yourself deluded, but I wouldn't take what's happening you as truth. But, rather a thing that is happening to you now that you should have faith in. But, it's very possible what is perceived now can change in the future.
  12. I believe it's a mystery within reality to remind us of the mysterious nature of reality itself. I personally wouldn't give synchronicity too much substance though I don't fault people who do. I would take it more like a passing smile to a stranger on the street. You obviously see the person and they see you. A smile is given and a smile is received. You pass the person by and maybe a fleeting thought of "that was nice" runs through your mind, but after no thought it given to it.
  13. Happy to hear she is well.
  14. I've played it a few times now, even once tripping. Truly a beautiful game in many ways. Some of it's moments are jaw dropping and gave me the chills how it felt so powerful. Which is a lot to say about a game that doesn't have any understandable language in it. Though understood or not, the messages are still able to be conveyed.
  15. Ohio, USA. In a small town called Graytown about 45 minutes away from the city of Toledo.
  16. Reject her but obviously be nice about it. Not too nice where it still seems hopeful though. The sooner the better as well for this will only eat you up more and more inside and it's not fair to her as well.
  17. There is the stigma though. The very hand that is attempting to help them is the very hand they will always see as distorted. I agree with what you are doing and I respect it as well. But, there are some pretty thick blinders on men who think this way because even when the very thing that they wish to understand better and be with expresses who they are and their needs. That's the moment they decide to reject the advice and pretend like women don't know what they are talking about when they are literally talking about themselves and their personal experiences. It's both ludicrous and profound at the same time. A bit scary as well to see where thinking like that could lead someone eventually. Not saying people such as that will eventually hurt someone, but it will defiantly lead to a damn miserable life as a prisoner of their own warped mind.
  18. @Emerald Though distorted, I can still somewhat sympathize with them. I was extremely asocial and insecure until my late teens / early twenties. Though I never really held these red pill ideas we keep seeing on the forum. There was still a distortion. Thankfully that changed by experiencing healthy plutonic relationships with women and I realized all my false ideas on women were self induced due to lack of experience. Also making sure not to fall into the trap of the "friend zone" do many men harbor hatred for since my only intention was to be friends and no more. Having genuine friends of the opposite sex is invaluable, specially when the self structure is still solidifying.
  19. Everything you are saying could be easily fixed if these men with those types of views just attempted to befriend women in a plutonic way. Not talk to women in the attempt to gain something. Not talk to them while playing some mental gymnastics of attraction that will only fail. But have sincere intimate relationships with women to help understand them better. Women are extremely similar to men once all the ego bs is out of the way. There is nothing special about women, at least in comparison to men. Women's true desire is the same for almost everyone on the planet. That is to be undertook, respircated, acknowledge, loved, listened to, and bring out their best. All of this is extremely simple to do with almost any sane person just by being truly opening to listening to what others want. People will literally tell you exactly what they want if the time and effort is put in. It honestly shocks me to how many men on this forum have these warped biased views on women considering this is an actualization forum. Pick up is not a realistic situation in order to truly get to know women either. People are highly deceiving themselves if they believe that is a real perception of women though I suppose I can help with someone's social confidence. Don't get why so many men are so afraid of their feminine side either. This is 2021 where that side of the self structure is praised like crazy these days. We no longer live in the toxic macho man age and people who act that way are getting called out more and more as time passes.
  20. Agreed and I believe a large part of it's greatness comes from the fact it's a game and not a movie. Even though much of the game plays like a movie we are still in control of it's characters and because of this their actions then become our actions. Their struggles and now our struggles and so forth. There is a grander sense of loss, despair, and even hope when we feel like we are the ones who are feeling these emotions. Many games try to play it safe and give the players what they believe they wanted. But, this game did give us what we wanted(though I'm sure it still would have been great) it gave us what we didn't know we needed.
  21. I find it very interesting someone who looks at a glace so wrapped up in their ego, being a body builder and youtuber, has actually found the path of enlightenment. Not that enlightenment itself could ever be put into a box on who or who could not achieve it, but regardless is still neat to witness. Someone such as Connor Murphey I know had a glimpse of something but it seems as though his ego hijacked all of those insights and turned him into a zen devil. Though, he does seem to be getting better now. Loved this interview, one of his best yet, mostly because this interviewer was very genuine and humble, unlike others.. (cough Atlas). Yes the interviewer was great. Allowed him to speak freely and was able to give his on input on things on the same level as Frank. Also, Frank was a great listener even though he was the guest.
  22. Well said, that's where I was led as well so I let go of the attachments I had to my prior psychedelics experiences yet still hold an appreciation for the journey that led me here. Frank seems genuine here to me. Not because he's enlightened or anything, but I'd assume this is how he has naturally been for years. There is a lot fo charisma to his character and he seems quite warm and inviting when talking to others. But, I finished the interview now and it was great content. You have a very calm and nice talking voice.
  23. TLOU2 is a damn masterpiece and it was also a truly profound experience to me on an emotionally and spiritual level. My partner watch me play through the whole game and she felt the same as well. I honestly can't describe the core to why it's so damn good, it's like something that is unpointable to. I feel like it's some sort of evolved or transcended version of story telling that we have yet to see in the gaming industry, but hopefully more games going into the future can tap into TLOU2's magic. I only have praise for Naughty Dog and Neil Druckmann for taking risks with this game knowing it would divide the fan base. Specially considering it was the last major release for the PS4 and one of the biggest releases of that generation. This is strictly my opinion and I know a lot of people hate on the game. But, I believe the major difference between loving the game and hating it is how well one's emotional intelligence has matured and how empathetic they are. From my observation this seems to be the main factor, though of course there can be other reasons as well.
  24. Depression is when beliefs/desires do not align with our personal experiences.