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About Flowzo

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  • Birthday 10/28/1997

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    San Diego, CA
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  1. Necessary for what? From the point of view of awareness nothing is necessary. It's only the self that thinks something is necessary. Now that's not an argument against baths, just pointing out what is true. I know you're poking fun but still.
  2. I am nothing. The background for everything to have it's dance in. It's a very dramatic way of saying it but it sounds so nice lol.
  3. I have mediated for 2 years straight for 30mins-1hr a day. It does help in the apparent process for sure but I really do not think it is a prerequisite like Leo stresses it to be. I more or less made this post to create a discussion for the other side of the argument and because I was feeling confrontational when this was written.
  4. Oh never heard of him, that's what Gary Weber says too. Edit: Just looked him up. I like the message he is spreading.
  5. Very true, but he also taught that it was completely unnecessary to the liberation. The mind likes to have the story of there being something that it can do and get very good at, but it's all fiction being added to the "I" that is behind it all. I'd say if anything it makes it more difficult because now there is all this determination to become a great meditator and reach enlightenment.
  6. I think I know who you are talking about, is his name Gary Weber? To a certain extent he is right but it will only delay the liberation. If you want more help just pm me
  7. Considering this is the forum where the owner said "You cannot follow my channel and not be meditating" I know this will be met with skepticism. I am going to get you to start asking some serious questions. Why do you want to meditate? Who is doing the meditating? Where is the "I" that will inevitably arise to give an answer? I'm guessing that when you asked those questions no answer was given, and boom there you have it. You are now enlightened haha. When I say meditation is not necessary, I mean that it is not necessary for living a fulfilling and happy life. Mostly because the one who you think needs to be meditating in order to improve itself is exactly the one who is in the way of you achieving that happiness. That "I" is merely a thought fiction that was conditioned in the mind at an early age. It's no more real than the idea of Santa Claus.
  8. Ultimately it's up to your feeling. Do you truly feel like you are enlightened? Do you feel a deep peace and contentment on all levels of your being? Many people here will say "this is how enlightenment should look" but who are they to tell you? Do you truly feel enlightened? It is unmistakable.
  9. If you're seeking to get off the sweets I would recommend progressive desensitization (Don't just stop all at once or your body might freak out). Try slowly reducing your intake of unwanted substances and replacing them with something you deem beneficial (a shake, kale, fruits, almonds, etc.). Hope that helps somewhat. Good Luck
  10. From what I can see you are commited to self growth and shit. That's good and all but the paradox of self-development is that you are already perfect in each and every moment. Try coming from that place first then moving forward in what you seek to accomplish. Like @Birdcage said so well,
  11. Short answer like you said is NO. Relationships can be good for personality development because you will have another mind to correct and observe your behaviors (assuming both parties are commited to growth), but ultimately nothing at all is necessary for enlightenment. That sense of growth you get is from working toward some imagined ideal of what an enlightened person should look like but who is the one growing? There is no journey to go on. You are already there in each and every moment.
  12. Good post. Very simple but also extremely profound.