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About Darren93

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  1. Just felt a need to share my fictional narrative When I was 14, while listening to music I randomly had a profound spiritual experience. It was beyond words and confusing, but very real. From that moment forward, I dedicated my life, love, and purpose to creating music. This year, at 22, I took mushrooms. I had no idea how life changing that would be. I experienced ego death and divine love. I wept tears of joy, repeatedly saying "It's so beautiful." As an adult, I was able to realize that this experience and the one I had as a child were the same. I knew I had to find a way to permanently reside in this state while sober. Around the same time, I discovered Leo's videos. They blew my mind, concisely describing my thoughts and experiences, providing insights, and giving me a clear path for moving forward. I know now my life purpose is to become enlightened, and create music that helps others experience and discover this truth. I have a long way to go, but without Leo's videos I wouldn't even know where to begin. So from the bottom of my heart thank you man, keep up the good work!