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Everything posted by -nbolt-

  1. As expected. Instead of an actual reply to my points, just another ad-hominem attack. I guess "tripping out" means being cogent and able to make constructive points in an proper, adult discussion.
  2. That's your own judgement. I said nothing about myself. And having the opinion that he has obvious problems is being full of myself? What does an opinion like that even have to do with me. Why don't you actually explain why this is an "ego fueled response", assuming you are even able to and weren't responding with an "ego fueled response" of your own. Why don't you talk about the actual conversation at hand rather than pursue an ad-hominem deflection. Even if I were "full of myself" it detracts nothing from my point or the issue we're talking about. He does have problems, and I did say I hope she is strong enough to walk away.
  3. Of course I have issues. However they are personal and don't affect the lives of those around me. I am not physically and emotionally abusive with my partner. She should hurry up and divorce so she can start a normal life. She has every right to be scared to move to Japan with this chump. If someone commits murder, are you going to just say "look to your own issues before judging others"? Of course not, that would be asinine. Judgement can be perfectly warranted depending on the circumstance. Familial abuse is a big issue and ruins lives.
  4. wow you guys got problems
  5. I've been looking to get into game development for awhile now. I'm a programmer by trade, so if there are any artists or designers out there who want to collaborate, hit me up . Creating in-depth storylines and thematic aesthetics is not my specialty but just as important for creating an immersive game environment.
  6. nisargadatta lived and was enlightened in mumbai, one of the worst overpopulated, polluted, poverty-striken areas on the planet. your city does not matter.
  7. pretty much what lamot said. asking questions like this on this forum will get you nowhere.
  8. hah many of us would take the enlightenment out of that deal definitely
  9. irrelevance implies that there is relevance. true emptiness (nonduality) doesn't imply either. it is your ego that is projecting this negative feeling of meaninglessness. meaninglessness only has value when there is the underlying assumption that other meaningful things also exist. if you take away the whole conceptual paradigm, life becomes very free.
  10. Actualized.org is a very simple, static website. If you take away the content it's very little functionality. I could rebuild it in a matter of hours.
  11. Hey guys, we actually have a fairly active slack community for this express purpose. Come and say hello some time
  12. Don't view smoking weed as "good" or "bad" in terms of morality, view it as part of causality. It can very definitely negatively affect your productivity, and therefore your life in general. People will be more willing to change when you make your points based on concrete causes and effects like this, rather than just saying something is inherently "bad" or whatnot.
  13. hahahahahah oh man this is so rich exactly why I come to this forum lol, so many legit basket cases.
  14. He did mention he was going to do more videos on this but not sure when.
  15. how do we calculate this degree of self illusion?
  16. is he, though? this forum is a gathering point for the crazies.
  17. what you have read is not actual science, but meaningless anecdotal nonsense. uh, what? there are plenty of photos. stop consuming insane conspiracy theory garbage. The earth is unequivocally round. If you do not understand this you simply do not understand the science. That is all there is to it. Literally anybody can mathematically prove this to themselves at home. A friend of mine has taken photos of the earth by sending a home-made weather balloon, built with materials under $100, and sending it into the atmosphere. Not like the earth being flat makes any sort of sense to begin with, and invalidates our entire understanding of physics. You actually believe it's just some plane sitting out there in space? C'mon man.
  18. Here's a role model for her http://www.crunchyroll.com/tanaka-kun-is-always-listless
  19. man what a well-formatted and put together journal keep up the good work!
  20. the types of neural networks which are used in most modern AI have zero consciousness, no matter how complex they become, even if they're able to replicate 'human' behavior to certain extent. so we definitely need a huge breakthrough in this area before a singularity event can really be discussed. Leo is right in that we have absolutely no idea how consciousness works, and I'm not sure the realm of standard computation is going to get us there. I also believe the idea is mostly moot because no matter how you obtain or bring consciousness into being, it will always be faced with the ultimate inability to truly define itself, and thus the path to enlightenment is born.
  21. I see we actually do have some racist shitheads on this forum. Sad.