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Thanks! very helpful!
Learning the process and priciples of how to effectively aquire new skills. LEARNING HOW TO LEARN. Defiantly a very specific topic. The "catchy title" is subjective and up to Leo to make the judgement on to keep or change. Stop stiflingly my creativity with rules.
Manchester, England
Take action immediately and commit to whatever it is you have decided to do.
What's your point?
How best to learn a new skill
Read "the way of the superior man"
Ever heard of RSD?
CirclesofMastery posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hi All, Can anyone recommend any from personal experience? Br CoM -
Dude where you are at the moment you have two choices A) Do fucking nothing B) Use EVERY fucking resource you have available to you to forward you in any direction (in reality you have no other choice than this one) Just taking action, growing or forward action, WILL result in unique changes for you. You should be constantly making mental notes of which avenues you feel are opening up to you by the actions you take. You can't sit on the fence, there is no middle ground despite what your ego may tell you. e.g. "i'm calculating my options for the right moment so when it feels right i will move towards it". *Though experiment* When you think about it all you can ever ask of yourself if you want to get to a new place in life is to take action in a direction you have no experience in, if growth is your ultimate goal until the day you die. Any other method is absurd and illogical. How can you change and move into something you already are!?! That would be like being in two places at once. You can only ever go from unknowing to knowing. Imagine you are a hunter with a shotgun (you and your gun being all your energy, resources and actions) in the woods (woods being the earth, holding within it every possible outcome for you) and you're trying to hunt down the ultimate beast (The beast is your ultimate life purpose). Of course at the start you have only just entered the woods with no idea where to start, the only thing you can do is take action and walking into the woods keep walking and walking, take a snack out (Cliff bar) and continue. Snap! you hear a branch snap directly ahead in the distance, pull up your shotgun and fire. You hear this roar in the distance (After throwing actions, energy and resources into seemingly nowhere you can now sense the obviousness of taking a certain direction) and you now have bolt of energy and chase down the beast for now you have a direction to travel, the closer you get your killer instinct will kick in, you keep firing shots and the direction and clarity of the action you are taking don't seem at all random anymore. You are now on your purpose. Nothing can stop you and before you know it you're standing over the ultimate beast you have been chasing. But something changes inside of you, you now are bored of this beast and want to chase down another! but now it is different. You now have the experience of looking for something with no clear direction and from your experience you now know that focusing on the process and journey is the key. the most important thing is to take actions in any direction of growth when you have no idea of your path. This is the ONLY thing you can do. Keep reminding yourself of your own mortality and that the only way is to go after your purpose ruthlessly. Br CoM
Hi All, I have saved £10,000 ($14,500) and need some advice on the best way to invest it. I want the returns of Buffett but not cash returns, personal growth and development returns. I was thinking of picking my most influential YouTube mentor, buying a tent and pitching it outside their office until they took me as an assistant...... Any ideas? Br CoM
This is very helpful. Now i think about what you have said i am trying to control situations to much which shuts down a lot of possibilities and opportunities for me for me. I have no problem with the friendships I already have. I feel being social isn't the issue here i can socialize as good as anybody in a bar or club setting with strangers it's just not consistent enough. Lesson 1: Stop Trying To Control. Very powerful point. I feel once the above is handled, Next if i can get these two principles down the ball will start rolling rapidly. Principle 1: Having a plan and strategy in place on which to measure success against. Principle 2: Taking massive and consistent action on Principle 1. On making Principle 2 happen, I know you did say You must of had a process and set of rules you went through on the weekdays and weekends that enabled you to become the party starter/collector of people/sociable man, even if it felt organic. You may have cycled through this in your mind so fast it felt like second nature. You say you are not so focused in this area and it wasn't what it once was. how would you get back to that place? I have heard from somewhere if it can't be measured and quantified it isn't a skill.
Leo, what do you feel has given you the most credibility when it comes to advising people on how to go about their lives?