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Everything posted by FirstglimpseOMG

  1. Let's go further. You are everything that you perceive. In fact you create it as you go. Femto-second by femto-second. The light that illuminates the object, the object, all the qualia of that object, and the body-mind that interacts with itself as creation. As long as we're keeping it simple and not counter-intuitive at all, you know...
  2. Me; Intellectual understanding of awakening and enlightenment, with just enough aha's and glimpses of the Truth to keep me on the path for life. Beginning beginner who has to keep remembering what 'God' is all about, and remembering that I AM THAT. I AM, you know. What?! Don't make me come over there...
  3. Test kits are cheap apparently, might as well know what you are doing. Doesn't everyone warn about the dangers of bath salts by the way.. s'up with that? Yech. Didn't Barna mention to P.M. him for a solid source? (P.M. from me soon lol). Don't mickey mouse the psychedelic experience, it's too important to do it from a place of informed confidence, preparedness, intent and good spirit. If I'm going to go through the motions of tripping for exploration and spirituality, I'm avoiding any guesswork as far as dosage, ingestion method, and of course, the integrity of the substance itself! Have fun, be safe, and be God!!
  4. I think it's ok as therapy as long as you kill people nobody likes.
  5. @Loreena I imagine recognizing or being exposed to your inner child in a dream would be delightful. It does sound like in the dream you were encouraged to live from that place more. I guess, if we're carrying some emotional baggage and we regress it back with memory to the most innocent, wondrous, curious early years, the baggage just drops away and we see pure happiness arise. You can watch the removal of layer after layer of ego in reverse, and work on it's dissolution again now. Nice to hear about your dream and the good vibes when you awoke, I'm glad for you. (My dreams are more and more spiritual lately too, especially the last few weeks. I barely remember most, but I awake knowing they're bigger, wider dreams than usuall, it's cool and strange.)
  6. I think the internet is a game-changer. The prevalence of easily spread information does produce a snowball effect for positive change in my opinion. The kids don't really think about it that way because they've grown up with the internet and sort of assume it was always there, meanwhile mom & dad have only had this for the last few decades. How can the effect of an awakening world not be catalyzed by such ease of global communication. It's my hope anyway, that with the internet and a new generation of more and more aware people, we will manage enough sustainable momentum here where we all do start to tip the scales. We're all likely fucked otherwise.
  7. Hi all. So.. I have a basic understanding of regular waking, rem sleep which is the regular dream state, and deep sleep. Add God or Unity consciousness as the ultimate state. Now, my specific question, for anyone who knows or is familiar.. what about if you stand up too fast and pass out. Or like when you were a kid and hyper-ventilated on purpose until you went down unconscious for a minute or two? What is that? And what about when you are under anesthetic? (I believe this qualifies as deep sleep.) I don't want your impressions and guesses, I can do that solo.. does anyone actually know?
  8. I've been checking into your 'Insights' blog regularly and I'm surprised and delighted with each new post. Holy crap, I'm on my way to becoming an autodidact and didn't even know it lol! All the other posts too.. golden, thanks for the work you do. ..And the latest video is most likely my favourite, one for the 'best', and the 'foundational' categories for sure. It hit home. Damn. (It took two years for you to fit that youtube play button in your mouth perfectly didn't it?)
  9. I don't dare ask Deepak though, last I checked he was tallkng about 7 levels of consciousness, aargh!
  10. I dunno hun, I passed out from standing up too fast as a kid and now that I think about it, I was not unconscious - I watched a stagecoach made of fireworks sparks go wheeling by (before I woke up in tears with my bleeding mouth full of carpet lol). There was certainly a level of consciousness present.. that's why I ask now that I'm understanding that dream sleep is one thing, and deep sleep is wholly something else; a temporary return to the void for real (apparently we are aware in deep sleep, it's simply such a forgotten awareness that it takes some serious counter-intuitive non-duality work to approach this recognition and experience.) I think mostly I'm curious about whether there are instant rapid eye movements when we hyper-ventilate or oxygen-deprive. Hey bud, interesting eh? On-topic, I've noticed that if I hold a toke in too long, or don't draw in enough oxygen with the smoke, that during the head-rush, my sense of smell increases noticeably for those few seconds. Wonder if it's the other senses going out that make the olfactory efficiency seem enhanced, or something else is going on? Mostly wondering about R.E.M. during a pass-out though, hence the stagecoach made of sparks I dreamed becore coming to. Modulations, as Rupert Spira puts it.
  11. I can relate. I've also found that I can feel my own joy screaming or churning through a wall of heavy sound too, more frequently lately, depending on the band or track of course. Hard rock and metal isn't all pain and angst from my overall experience or intent. I get guitar and synth tones going sometimes that would burn your teeth off, and it's all ecstacy and joy and tribulation most times. That stupid sideways scrunch/grin/cringe/mouth hanging open goof look on my face when every cell in my body resonates and reverberates with the sonorous tones pushing air like that, goosebumps on goosebumps. Never more solid feeling, never more powerful. In the moment. Lost in ecstacy but so totally present.
  12. It's fun & funny how the macho, super aggressive stuff they're belting out often mirrors our own feelings, it's just that we usually suppress or internalize it, rather than screaming it at the people and things that hurt or anger us. So metal as therapy, I hear ya!
  13. @egoeimai Ok, hang on just one minute. Sabbath? Yes! But.. here's the grand-daddy.. Eddie had the 'brown tone', jimi's was 'ignition, detonation, transcendence.' ..and his inspirations included Buddy Guy and Muddy Waters. Check out 'Electric Mud' by Muddy if you want a taste from the Great-great grand-daddy of metal! Page, Clapton and most of all, Jeff Beck should be included. If it wasn't for these guys, John Petrucci would be your workout trainer.
  14. Hey bud. I doubt that there has been a better time in human history for us to access information on all of this. So many resources and teachings at our fingertips. Look for the stuff on fulfillment, or lack of. Find your teachers. Some will get through, some will make you roll your eyes. The more you look for answers, the better you will get at discerning what's authentic, and what's beginning to resonate with you, regardless of how many wrong turns or misconceptions and misunderstandings you endure. Just being on the path, one you didn't even know existed before, is 1000 times more awesome than you might think. I even learn something every time I come here. Every time, whether it takes days to register or not. Usually I learn more about myself than I do about anything else, by stepping back and reflecting on my own blatherings; "Geez, why do I get defensive and pissy on a forum about how goofy it is to be defensive and pissy!?" "Why am I writing a big long response to someone's thread, do I have something relevant to contribute or do I think I'm entertaining and progressive and just like to see myself postulate?" "Why do some of my posts come from a place of intelligence and understanding and sharing and love, and some of my posts seem to come from a place of mood or feeling a need to download my shit onto others?" (I guess I'm learning about being authentic, while trying to live from that place.. somewhat unfamiliar ground some days.) First the spark, then the learning of what we don't know. Then the unlearning of what we 'knew' begins. I doubt it ever ends. Wow, blathering again, diluting the topic, I'm out.
  15. You're already full, you just forgot. (Me too)
  16. Because when tears of pure joy at nothing and everything come bursting through, when pure love manages to well up in me and consume my being, out of nowhere - it pours out through my heart, not my mind.
  17. From what I understand, Eckhart had an experience at 29 that turned the page for him. All at once, massively and completely. He blissed out for a few years and articulated his experience in his book "The Power Of Now'. Apparently, he got a small run printed and began handing the book out to friends and installing it in every bookstore that would have it. It went like wildfire once people realized the Truth within the pages, and his unparalleled clarity and magic in conveying that truth. His popularity and success snowballed ridiculously once Oprah started raving about 'The Power Of Now', and once he was featured so beautifully on her 'Super Soul Sundays' broadcasts and public internet sessions. I'm pretty sure ol' Eckhart never said, "Hmm, I seem to have it going on here, maybe I can make a bunch of dough!"
  18. I was thinking of asking what folks thought of Bhentino. I like his demeanor and content. Is he enlightened or not? ..My intuition says yeah, he's there. Watch a lot of his content and you will see a lot of pretty blissful smiles framing a multitude of fairly fresh methods. Fresh? ..maybe his looks and demeanor make it feel fresh, he does talk like Eckhart Tolle sometimes, and in another vid he's mirroring Bashar's assertions about parallel universes in a convincing way. Bhentino's talk about 'taking two to five seconds' is brilliant, in my opinion. I find it sometimes takes 5 or 10 minutes to warm up to his ideas and 'drop in' methods during some of his longer videos, but he resonates authentically with me in no time once I'm drawn in. I had a look at Trinfinity and read through the first bunch, and found it to be pretty cool. Seems legit..(famous last words eh?) But I'm spread out fairly widely with my sources and teachings, there's so much awesome content at our fingertips, and I haven't immersed myself in Bhentino's course ...yet. I may be somewhat ADD, or just lazy. Cheetos + 4K porn = orange dinky.
  19. For cryin' out loud, now I'll never get the coffee out of my nose!
  20. I seem to find it authentic when inauthenticity is percieved or suggested, as occured earlier in this thread. That was the interesting part. Then the poster's reactions and the subsequent back-pedalling got to be entertaining. Now it all seems to have dragged into spiritual-ego-comparison. A little beleagured and boring. It does sound like a thread belonging in the 'Serious emotional issues' section, not the 'Enlightenment, consciousness, etc.' section. Just sayin'. Yeah yeah, I love you too.
  21. Dodoster, you almost made coffee come out my nose. Sri Doddy! Looking forward to your youtube guruship lol!
  22. As a youngster I once tried 9 hits of quality blotter acid, loved every second of it. Was going to do 10 but a buddy wanted an extra one, go figure lol. On around hour 10 of a 1000+ MCG's trip I found myself chilling in the backseat of a parked car, in the rain. I leaned my head against the window. I noticed that I could look into a rain drop collected on the window from a quarter-inch away. There was a city in there!
  23. Talking about bad trips is just like talking about a bad day. Bad trips don't just happen. Bad trips are created by the tripper. Sitting around worrying about a bad trip before you go tripping is like making yourself so nervous about a first date that you mess it up from the git-go. Could have been one of the greatest nights of your life but you turned info a fidgety, self-doubting pile of goo before you went out, and then perpetuated the whole mess by crucifying yourself every time you made a mistake or slipped up. Trust me, bad trips are never much more than a self-fulfilling prophecy. Entheogenics are truly a mirror. It's different if you're blind-sided by the trip and not at all prepared, and yes, tripping for the sake of the buzz only will likely leave you feeling unfulfilled and confused, but if you're doing acid on purpose, then relax and enjoy it and maximize the awesomely profound, feelgood reality-busting ride on purpose. Also; Yes on the clean room and environment thang, you'll see why on hour 2. Shower and be all sparkly clean and moisturized, & dress as comfy as possible, whatever that is for you, you'll see why on hour 1. Turn off the phone, it's a buzzing menace when you're God! If you want to ingest on an empty stomach, at least have some smoothies on the go, your tummy will thank you. Ingesting on an empty tummy really only allows for faster absorbtion, it will not strengthen or change the trip once it kicks in. I've never puked or wanted to puke on 'cids or shrooms, why think about puking? OK, maybe keep a bucket around, but...really? Don't be afraid. There is no reason. Be prepared to say "Holy fuck, what the fuck, oh my god this is truly awesome I'm in love, no, I AM Love!" for about 6 to 12 hours. Enjoy my friends, you'll never be the same.