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Everything posted by Colin

  1. I wouldn't say this is a root cause solution, but ever heard of red light therapy?
  2. is it stress that keeps you waking up? Do you smoke or drink before bed?
  3. yeah loss of sleep alone is enough to cause these problems.
  4. Breathing is probably what you are missing. The brain uses 20 percent of the body's oxygen. Waking up multiple times a night is a good sign that you are not getting essential deep sleep, breathing is related to this.
  5. This is the best book I have read on minimalism. I like it a lot better than Marie kondo's book and the minimalist's book.
  6. Just read an article about how chess is one way to increase one's IQ. Fun stuff.
  7. @PartumCreed Hey, not sure you have read it, but this is the idea behind deep work.
  8. I know this book used to be one of Leo's favorites (not sure whether or not it is anymore) I actually haven't read it yet ( Though I'd like to). So I don't mean this as any kind of prescription.
  9. The mind can be tricky. Sometimes something really is wrong and needs to be fixed. Sometimes it is an erroneous belief but the feelings are real. Sometimes the mind shapes the feelings, sometimes the feelings shape the mind. Sometimes biology effects the mind, sometimes the mind overrides biology. It is complex. You could try emotional freedom technique. I recently had a cool experience with it. It is scientifically validated as well at this point. "Researchers from prestigious institutions such as Harvard Medical School, University of California, Walter Reed Military Medical Center, and Texas A&M University have published over 100 studies on EFT in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals. (11) Conditions studied include stress, anxiety, depression, phobias, PTSD, pain, and addictions. (12) Harvard Medical School psychiatrist Rick Leskowitz, MD, director of the Integrative Medicine Project, has gone on record saying tapping is “the most impressive intervention I’ve encountered in 25 years of work.” (13) Clinical EFT treatment administered by trained practitioners has met the American Psychological Association’s standards as an “efficacious” or “probably efficacious” treatment for a number of conditions, including anxiety, depression, phobias, and PTSD." A tapping protocol unique to you might be something like: " Even though I always see something wrong in my life I love and accept myself completely. My mind always goes to dark places. it makes me feel terrible. WHat if there was another way. what if I could be happy. what if I could change? WIll I do what it takes? I know I can do it."
  10. I have heard Tom Campbell say this many times, but words can only take one so far. Focus on changing yourself, and the people around you will change automatically. Trying to change other people simply does not work. If they don't change then they don't.
  11. I think your best bet is to just go to the individual video for now. The website also has lots of worksheets connected to many of the videos. This video is an example.
  12. This is an interesting video in relation to Leo's just releases ideology video. A nice little practice if you choose to use it.
  13. @Revolutionary Think children?
  14. “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3
  15. Thanks for sharing. You have inspired me to try this right now!
  17. I'm reading through the first chapter of this book, and it is dripping with gems. You'll love it. Get the audiobook if you can.
  18. holy mother of god, I just realized that this thread has almost 9000 views
  19. Hey, inspired by Leo's Mario blog post I am making an evolution thread showing examples of various things from various areas evolving over time.