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Everything posted by Colin

  1. I slept on the floor for a few months, and while it was uncomfortable, and while it did not happen every single night, I had some of the best night sleeps I have had in my entire life. I kind of miss it.
  2. came across, this book. really liked the summary i got of it. Haven't read it yet.
  3. video games also have a lot of good music if that is your thing.
  4. and I agree, my mind is much more sensitive to information , including song lyrics, than I was willing to admit for a long time.
  5. This song is a goodie
  6. solid choices
  7. @Gligorije The premise of the Emotional Freedom Technique is that you start the process off with saying "even though I *blank* I love and accept my self completely . Then you go through the issue and state various thoughts around the issue. You can't force it to work, but in the right context at the right time it can be very helpful.
  8. Hey, your OP kind of sounds like the premise to the game Okami. You run around as a god wolf, who can control the wind, sun, moon, water, fire, create trees, flowers, cut down trees, and more.
  9. This is a clusterfuck of cognitions
  10. "4473. Dr. Robert Cole 1/27/2018. NDE 16095. Exceptional Experience. At first, it was the Light, a brilliant, white light, without reflection and without glare. Then, the feeling... of quiet jubilation, of peace and incredible serenity enveloping me. It was not ecstasy or any feeling I could identify, except perhaps glory in the warmest most positive sense of the word. Psychiatrist's NDE in an email to his son Adam. Robert joined the light about 3 years ago. "
  11. Yeah, It is a big wide weird world out there. I would never suggest something like that. But, there is a sizeable amount of people who, like your self, have gone through unintentional near death experiences and they come back reporting the most remarkable things. Here is one. "4537. Alma B NDE 7/30/2018. NDE 8604. Exceptional Experience. Suddenly, the huge white Orb of the Glistening Eye of God dims and a huge Golden-yellow Orb comes out from its right. I immediately sense that IT is the Light of Jesus. I am bathed in this Golden-yellow Light and healed, and healed, and healed even more. I cannot speak. It tells me, 'I Love you.' Its rays touched my body and I thought I would somehow be transported up those rays. They touched me and then the Golden-yellow Orb went back into the first huge white Orb, the Glistening Eye of God. A stone ledge then came out of the sky and a moving-art drawing of my life is presented to me. Then another, and another. I was having a life review. The drawings, where I was moving in them, were showing me that I was kind to people at different ages of my life. Remarkable NDE due to seizure. "
  12. Near death experiences are a whole fascinating field of study. There are dozens of interesting books one can read on the topic. Many people's DMT trips are very similar to near death experiences. There is an interesting connection there.
  13. "Niacin Works for ODD, ADHD, and Bipolar Disorder I don't want to keep you in suspense for this long article, so I will tell you what I have discovered right away. I have stopped all symptoms of ODD and bipolar disorder in my 7-year-old son by using non-flushing niacin (vitamin B3). I now have a loving, bright-eyed little boy, who didn't exist before this regimen. He has been 95% symptom-free for 11 months now prior to writing this article. Below, I've included a reference table to see what dosage he was receiving at 50 pounds."
  14. another "uncommon" treatment. Nicotine (Don't smoke) "Nicotine’s effects on the attention span of people with ADHD In a 2008 study, Newhouse demonstrated that after only 45 minutes of wearing a 7-mg nicotine patch, young adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) better-remembered images they had seen previously.[15] Nicotine is effective at blocking out overwhelming stimuli for people with schizophrenia Nicotine also has the effect of minimizing stimuli – sights, sounds, and thoughts — that overwhelm people with schizophrenia.[16] This effect allows people with schizophrenia to pay attention more easily without as many internal distractions."
  15. One thing about smoking is that, while it may have some therapeutic effect (depending on the individual), it also interferes with deep sleep. Which is not something you want to mess with.
  16. A small ray of hope. "Those wearing the amber-tinted glasses for only one week scored on average 14 points lower on a test used to measure mania known as the Young Mania Rating Scale. That’s more than twice what doctors consider to be a “clinically significant difference” and is a “remarkably high effect size,” according to a commentary accompanying the study, both of which were published in the journal Bipolar Disorders. Improvements were noticeable after only three nights of wearing the sunglasses. “I was surprised by the magnitude of changes and the rapid onset of improvement,” says study first author Tone Henriksen, a researcher with the University of Bergen and Valen Hospital in Norway. Even drug treatments aren’t typically known to lead to such quick and significant turnarounds, she adds. These are “knock-your-socks off results,” says Dr. James Phelps, a researcher and psychiatrist with Samaritan Health Services in Corvallis, Oregon, who wasn’t involved in the study."