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Everything posted by Colin

  1. There are a million reasons one can cite for why she lost, but the main one is that if she had campaigned a teeny weeny bit harder in the rust belt she would have easily won and none of this trump saga would have existed.
  2. @zoey101 I agree Hillary wasn't a great choice, but dear god would she have been better than Trump.
  3. "Referring back to the Australian experience, voluntary voting prior to 1924 accounted between 47% and 78% turnout of eligible voters. Following the introduction of compulsory federal voting in 1924, this figure jumped to between 91% and 96%.[11] with only 5% of eligible voters accounted as not enrolled.[12]"
  4. I also don't know all the answers this is a very complicated matter. I think the corrupt media is to blame for a lot of the political woes. If Bernie Sanders had been given as much coverage as Clinton and Trump he could have won and you would have a politician in the white house more in line with Jesus's message of feed the poor, end wars, mend the sick. But Ultimately this poem comes to mind. "When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world."
  6. I love your nuanced thinking. The simplest and wisest thing I can say is to choose your sources of information wisely. Some countries, I think Lithuania is one, have mandatory voting. I think it is electronic so anyone with a phone can easily vote. Generally speaking in the U.S. The more people that show up the more likely Republicans are to lose. So they are very crafty about suppressing voting. It happens on the Democratic side too among different factions. That is the incentive to limit voting.
  7. I was going to make a post regarding this connection to physiological health, but didn't make the time to formulate it. basically, science is your friend. Scour this website and use the info as you see fit. best of luck to you. also,
  8. These affirmations can help cement some of these quotes in, so they become second nature. Most effective if used on a regular and consistent basis. easier said than done, but at least this tool will be available if you choose to use it. I am the beauty I am becoming I am authentic I am enjoying the journey being me I am being true to myself I am talented and inspired through my creativity I am who I am I know myself well and I live an authentic life I love who I am I surround myself with others I enjoy being with. I am present for others I open myself to receiving others who love me for who I am Being myself, others embrace me, and this makes me more of who I am I live an authentic life I am worthy, it’s who I am I keep true to myself I am honest with who I am and what I love I feel at ease being me I surround myself with authentic people I share my opinions with ease I am safe with who I am I am happy to show my true colors I am perfect with my imperfections I am surrounded by precious gifts that life has to offer I gift my gifts for others to share I live my life unapologetically I choose to wear clothes that feel good for me I allow others to live their lives for who they are I am rewarded with abundance from the Universe, by being true to who I am Moment by moment, I remain true to my values I let go of others with ease and grace, of those who no longer serve my authentic needs
  9. @Solace Kingdom hearts and Majoras Mask were my favorite games as a child. Final Fantasy X was my favorite game as a teenager. I still listen to the soundtrack on a regular basis. Also, I have never stated this on the internet, but..... I am currently on a urine fast to treat an ear infection. A first! Ha! Solidarity. It is amazing how much free time one has when fasting. This forum can be a very addictive thing. We evolved to be highly invested in the responses of others. There is great benefit in ripping yourself away from it to focus on what is truly the most important thing for yourself and your life. But, it is also a wonderful tool that we should strive to use as wisely as possible. We don't have infinite time or infinite energy in this lifetime, so it is essential that we manage our time and energy economy.
  10. @Etagnwo This video describes the animal aspects you mention in your post, it is an interesting description of the human experience
  11. Here is another more scientific perspective. "Here are some of the typical signs of GABA deficiency: You’re filled with dread and have a knot in your stomach for no obvious reason. You’re frequently late because you’re too disorganized to get going in time. You’re often doing many things at once, but at the end of the day have little to show for your efforts. Even when things are going well, you find new things to worry about. You can’t relax and racing thoughts keep you up at night. Sometimes your heart pounds or beats erratically for no reason. You rely on high carbohydrate foods, drugs, or alcohol to relax."
  12. according to this book gratitude is the solution to out of control thinking. Listening to this video whenever you feel interested or up to it can help. Good News Translation be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
  13. @zoey101 Here is a link to another post I made on the forum, red light therapy is a real thing.
  14. @zoey101 @Faceless I have seen chiropractic fail with bulging discs in people over several years of treatment. Joe Rogan strait up hates chiropractors and thinks they are frauds. He described inversion table therapy as being a godsend for back injuries. I only have second-hand information, however. Inversion tables look something like this.
  15. @The White Belt I post these affirmations videos a lot on this forum, but I haven't found anything as effective in changing the way I personally think and feel. Like almost anything in life, it gets really good when you listen on a consistent basis. Listen to it once a week? You won't get much benefit. Listen every day twice a day? You will be amazed at the difference in your thinking and feeling. It is even better if you can avoid negative information such as news, politics, podcasts, song lyrics, etc. It is almost silly that it could be so simple.
  17. This audio program is a collection of six or seven deeply personal coaching sessions with between Mel Robbins and a select few people who volunteered to be on the program. I found it deeply engaging and relatable. There is a theme throughout the sessions of people being self-deceived and Mel calling them out on it. I think fans of will resonate with this program as I have.
  18. Good thing humans will always be dreaming of better things and working to make them happen
  19. A recent discovery I have made is using reading glasses when using a computer/tablet/phone, also to do household chores. Any eye exam I would take would come back 20/20, and while I can technically see, I am subtly straining which robs my mental resources. Using them, reading is more pleasurable. Watching videos, gaming, and many other activities are all more pleasurable. It gives my mind "room" to wander around. Just be prepared to use this procedure daily if you decide to get a pair I find that 1.75 strength is good for PC and most activities, but I would like to try even stronger for tablets, phones, and reading small text. Also, while intellectually Majora's Mask was my favorite game as a kid, Kingdom hearts was my favorite game at heart. Good luck with your urine fast, I'd like to know the results. How about Lincoln's recent video?