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About UnbornTao

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  1. how can i begin to feel like i belong?
    how can i begin to feel like i belong?
    @Judy2 Heya, I think the best psychotherapies for this sort of thing are IFS therapy and Gestalt therapy. 
    Kenneth Folk's mindfulness meditation is something I think can be useful for managing emotions too: 
    You could try a non directive meditation to work through some of your unconscious material as well I reckon. I personally like conscious mental rest:
    Here is a course on it:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/bgnc9czzya6l824/CMR with guided meditation 2.zip?dl=0&file_subpath=%2FCMR
    Here is an enhancer you can try too for it:
    If you want to experiment with various non-directive techniques there is a subreddit called: r/nondirective.
    I'd really recommend getting some practice in with the Kenneth mindfulness in conjunction with any of the techniques you use because I think its a very helpful tool for managing emotions that come up during inner work.
    Overall, my recommendation is you really need to be working with changing your unconscious dynamics. I wish you well. 

  2. Survival, LP As A Teacher/Public Intellectual
    Survival, LP As A Teacher/Public Intellectual
    the ultimate question as a health educator & science communicator is what problem are you solving? People on the internet have gotten used to not paying for information unless that information are nische to a problem that they are trying to fix where they haven't been able to get free help. 
    The second question is also, who is your audience? Because you can't talk to the lay audience the same way you would talk to an expert audience. You're either overwhelm one or bore (even offend) the other. 
    Have a look at what Peter Attia does for example. He is a clinician but also a health educator for medical professionals and clinicians. His information is not super well-suited for a general audience and in order to benefit from his Drive podcast and his paid membership, one needs to have a higher level of prior knowledge. 
    On the other hand, someone like Rangan Chaterjee talks more to a lay audience. His content is simple, basic. His books can be read by children and adults and all will benefit from it. But if you are a health professional or a clinician, you won't find much that is new there. 
    So figuring out who you're talking to is important. Trying to talk about complex biochemical pathways to lay audience will lead to loss of attention very quickly. 
    This is an issue I struggle with myself and crack my head with a lot. How to talk so that you capture attention online. My main platforms are Instagram and Facebook right now but the view count is still poor so I try to optimise thre way I write, the design, the length, CTAs and all of that. 
    Knowing who you're talking to in each video and what problem are you helping to solve is likely to help 
    Good luck!

  3. Actualized.org Video Summaries!
    Actualized.org Video Summaries!
    What is Maturity? - How and Why to Develop Maturity
    Some people are mature, most people are not mature, you need to contemplate maturity from scratch. Maturity is not a matter of age, but there is some correlation. Maturity is not a binary, there are levels of maturity, and you can be mature in certain areas and immature in others. Maturity is taking responsibility rather than blaming others. Immaturity is blaming others and not doing the right things until circumstances force you to. People know the right thing at the right time, but they avoid it. Mature people know the value of hard work, of working hard for what you want, they don't want shortcuts. Maturity is about duty to others. Becoming a parent increases maturity because life is about your child too now, not just you. Being a good parent is a sign of maturity. Non-reactivity is a sign of maturity. Patience is a sign of maturity. Immature people do a lot of emotional manipulation. Facing truth is a sign of maturity. The immature person lives in illusion. Maturity is knowing the power of not knowing, being honest, taking perspectives, understanding the sobriety of others, having the ability to compromise, taking care of your health, being aware of the traps you can fall into, making long term decisions based on solid principles, admitting mistakes, apologizing, accepting criticism, leading yourself, being non-ideological, thinking for yourself, being a good role model, being a good listener, letting go, surrendering, and selflessness. Immaturity is being irresponsible, throwing tantrums, having a chaotic mind, being needy, seeking pleasure, fighting, blaming, brute force, domination, bragging, fraud, cheating, theft, and selfishness. There is a lot of bad role models and examples today that can get to you, but set a high standard for yourself and your role models. Areas you might need to distinguish the mature and immature versions of: politics, relationships, dating, sex, family relations, business, finances, investing, spirituality, morality, communication, work, society, culture, life goals, vision, etc. Immature people were raised by immature people. The ability to deal with immature people is a hallmark of maturity. To become more mature: Take ownership of things, ask yourself (where am I not taking responsibility) (who do I blame) (in what ways am I acting like a child). Stop fighting, judging, blaming and name calling. Stop creating drama. Stop chasing raw pleasure. Take on leadership roles. Learn to manage your emotions. Have an eye towards something larger in life, have a life purpose. Do philosophy and contemplation. Burn through your karma. Meet your basic survival needs and become independent. Follow the principle of right action, do the right thing at the right time. Pursue the good life. Do hard work, but not meaningless hard work. Expose yourself to experience. Challenge life. Pursue Truth. Do serious spirituality. Practice conscious relationships. Have children consciously. Learn to communicate clearly. Study developmental psychology. Practice not knowing. Leave immature people/relationships. Think before you speak. Keep your promises. Stop acting defensively. Reflect on how you were immature in the past, ask yourself. Ask yourself which mature aspects you have and which immature aspects do you not have. Wisdom = maturity. Maturity is something everyone needs to develop. Maturity gives you: Helps in relationships. Gives stability and peace of mind. Lessen conflict. More success. More satisfaction. A profound life. Mature love.

  4. Actualized.org Video Summaries!
    Actualized.org Video Summaries!
    How To Keep the Ultimate Journal (Commonplace Book)
    What is a commonplace book?
    A commonplace book is a repository of all your knowledge. Every idea that you run across that strikes you as important, striking, or inspiring - you write it down, organize it, and put it together like a personal Wikipedia. Journal usually implies one page that scrolls down and down sequentially. A commonplace book is much more robust. It’s a personal Wikipedia.  
    It’s a scrap book that contains notes, clippings, goals, to-do lists, random ideas, any lessons you learn from books, videos, insights you get from psychedelic trips, or whatever sources you’re getting your insights from.  
    Lists of quotes, drawings, diaries (intimate thoughts), personal development exercises you do, consciousness work, schematics, pictures, tables, courses, links to things you find on the internet, screenshots, screen clippings, videos, audio.  
    It’s an extension of the mind. The mind thinks in a linear fashion. The commonplace book is a dynamic web that overcomes memory.  
    Why is it so important?
    When you take all these ideas that you randomly run across throughout your everyday life and you compile them into one source and you can look through it, it’s very organized, you can scan through it, you can refer back to it constantly … it has a very powerful effect on your mind, and it organizes information in an interesting way where your mind can pick out new creative insights from all of that. It organizes all of your learning. It supercharges your creativity.  
    Who is a commonplace book good for?
    Sages, philosophers, self-actualizers, designers, artists, musicians, authors, researchers, scientists, engineers, architects, business people, students.  
    How to keep a commonplace book
    There are things possible with a digital commonplace book that are not at all remotely possible in a paper form. The power of digital is amazing Leo recommends OneNote, but I use Notion Requirements:
    Portable (Laptop with a real keyboard - not an iPad or an iPhone) System of robust tabs, sections, and categories A bunch of pages that are organized in a multi-tier structure. Search function Different rich formatting abilities (bolding, underlining, italicizing, colors, high-lighting, fonts, texts) Bulleted lists Create tables (useful) Interlinking between different pages Tagging Quickly saving and loading files Local storage (don’t use those versions) Bonus:
    Ability to make screenshots and screen-clippings Ability to insert pictures Record your own voice and audio Drawing little pictures and sketches

  5. Actualized.org Video Summaries!
    Actualized.org Video Summaries!
    The Ultimate Guide To Happiness - How Happiness Works  
    What is happiness?
    Happiness is a tricky and counter intuitive thing. The notion of unconditional happiness is a ridiculous ideal. It’s impossible to achieve in practice. Your happiness as a human is very fragile and conditional. You don’t realize how much health and happiness are correlated until your health is taken away.  
    Setting up your life conditions and situations is crucial for your happiness. Living properly is the key to happiness.
    “But Leo, isn’t living ‘properly’ subjective and relative to the individual?”
    Yes and no. If you’re living the wrong way you’ll be miserable, if you’re living the right way you’ll be happy. It’s a lot easier to make yourself miserable than it is to make yourself happy. Happiness comes from living virtuously, not from chasing pleasure.  
    “Happiness... is more often found with those who are highly cultivated in their minds and in their character, and have only a moderate share of external goods, than among those who possess external goods to a useless extent but are deficient in higher qualities” - Aristotle
    Happiness is more difficult these days because we live in an artificial environment.
    If you were in the woods (farming, hunting), your environment would have natural forces that force you to live in the proper ways — because if you didn’t live in the proper ways (good character, work ethic) you would just die. Capitalism is designed for you to constantly be seeking for solutions and never be satisfied Quick solutions, get rich quick — not how to truly find happiness and great character, this doesn’t pay  
    True happiness cannot be purchased because it is the result of a well conditioned mind and lifestyle that takes years to cultivate. True happiness isn’t a quick little solution.
    Conduct a personal investigation into the nature of happiness — both in general and what specifically makes you happy. Just like with solving math problems, there’s no real point in Leo telling you what the solutions are for happiness. You have to find them out for yourself. The observation process will teach you better than anything from what he can say. By observing yourself being miserable through your old value system and your old behaviors, you’ll eventually develop the motivation to change those things. Not all things you think will make you happy will make you happy, find out what makes you happy yourself. Distinguish between the idea of doing a thing vs. how it makes you feel. The things that make you happy depend on your personality type and your genetic temperament. Your level of development and maturity is also huge Varying levels of spiral dynamics, meet at the level you’re currently at Tips To Figure Out What Happiness You Need
    Take the Myers-Briggs Personality Test Take the Big Five Personality Test Take the Enneagram Personality Test Recognize your natural level of ambition, on a scale from 1-10 Figure out how liberal or conservative you are How much order and regimentation (conservative) do you need in your life vs. spontaneity (liberal)? How artistic/creative are you? What is your level of risk tolerance? How masculine or feminine are you? Consider how much variety you need Consider how much socialization you need Consider how much contact you need Consider how many friends you need Consider how much sex you need (how much sex drive you have) Consider how much solitude you need How much time do you need in nature? How much success do you need? How much work and career do you need? How much impact do you want to have on the world? How much of a leadership role do you want? How much autonomy do you need in your life? How much learning and intellectualism do you need? How much spirituality do you need Key Points
    You come to know yourself by observing yourself and putting yourself in a lot of differing experiences and amassing life experience and seeing how you’re reacting and responding to it It’s difficult to know yourself if you’re young because you don’t have life experience. Expose yourself to more experience to come to know yourself better and speed up the process. Fundamentally — it’s not possible to be happy when you’re fighting with yourself. Distinguish between pleasure vs. satisfaction or contentment You’re not looking for pleasure, you’re looking for satisfaction or contentment. Chasing pleasure will not make you happy. Your brain has two different neuro-chemical systems for pleasure vs. satisfaction/contentment. There’s the dopamine system and the serotonin system. Dopamine is about newness, it’s not long term. Serotonin is more consistent and stable, you don’t get as high peaks or pleasure but it gives too long lasting stable happiness. This comes from cultivating your character and living virtuously. You do need some basic level of these things (food, safer, shelter, sex, money, house) to be happy. This is just the base line, this won’t make you happy. Chasing bigger amounts of it won’t make you happy. Make the distinction between success and happiness, it’s easy to mistake these things. Happiness isn’t about what you buy — it’s about who you are and how you live.
    Happiness should be thought of as a decades long commitment you make everyday to live “the good life.” The investment that you make everyday into your own development generates meaning and makes you feel good about your life. As you mature and develop and grow up the spiral, less and less material things will make you happy (money, sex, cars, houses, women, partying, luxury boats, jets) Spirituality will supplement all these things If you get into spirituality too young you might make the mistake that these things won’t make you happy, but you don’t do any of these things but deep down you crave it and you don’t burn through your karma. Distinguish between pleasure and meaning. Most people are chasing pleasure and not consciously creating meaning in their life. You want a meaningful life more than pleasure (this generates a passive income of stable happiness) You can’t be in pleasure all the time because your mind adapts to it continuously, it’s unstable this way. Be very careful with manipulation. To pursue happiness, it’s very likely that you’ll manipulate others. List of Things That Will Make You Unhappy
    Pursuing short term goals that don’t build long term capital in your life Temporary enjoyment, nothing remaining after the experience is done Chasing pleasure/dopamine hits Chasing martial objects Chasing fame as a substitute for love Approval seeking (trying to be cool and fit in Not being in line with your top values Lying, cheating, theft, deception, exploitation, fraud, criminality Being directed to do immoral things Hurting others, like animals War, living in a violent and chaotic environment Trying to control, dominate, and manipulate other people Being bullied or being teased Being disrespectful to others and also being disrespected Being broke or stressing over money Wasting your time and your life Doing work you find meaningless Being over-worked, over-stressed, and overly busy Trying to achieve quick success on a shady foundation (get rich quick schemes) Desperation and neediness Slacking off, being lazy, being too comfortable Avoidance of work and responsibility Doing work poorly Procrastination and not taking action Doing the same thing year after year Not taking care of your chores and having a dirty house Bad health (this is a big one) Feeling helpless and powerless Being unable to control yourself Being out of control of your emotions Being in a victim mindset Addiction (porn, sex, drugs, alcohol, food - doing things compulsively) Being enslaved to someone else A lack of freedom and autonomy Joining a cult Conflict and fighting with people Abusive relationships (verbal, physical, emotional) Hanging out with negative, abusive, unconscious, and immature friends or people Not setting boundaries with people Being a people-pleaser or a doormat Fundamentally — being inauthentic Trying to change people who don’t want to change Untruthfulness, falsehood, and self deception Ignorance and lack of education Dogma and ideology Conformity and not thinking for yourself Bad forms of philosophy Mental illness - find a way to manage it. Seek out therapy, seek out books, seek out counseling, seek out group therapy High emotional volatility and drama Judgement, criticism, and blame Perfectionism Arguing, debating, and trolling (toxic social media) Hatred, anger, intolerance, and bigotry Narcissism, arrogance, and ego Emotional immaturity Regret, shame, guilt, and self-hatred Lack of love Fear, insecurity, anxiety, paranoia Lack of socialization and social skills Inability to get laid Loneliness Taking on too much responsibility Living life too strictly and in too regimented a way Indecisiveness and failure to take action Not changing a bad or wrong situation Sweeping things under the rug and running away from things and avoiding challenge. This makes you feel weak over time and erodes your self-esteem and turns into “learned helplessness” Not taking care of your hygiene Hating your physical appearance. You have to come to a point of acceptance with your physical appearance even if you’re not a handsome or beautiful person, otherwise you’re never going to be happy. It’s challenging and deserves a video on it’s own. Obligations that you don’t believe in Foolish speculative investments that make you lose all your money Chronic loud noises and acoustic chaos Promising things to people that you can’t deliver Doing impossible things. You set yourself up for things that are just simply impossible. Reality will defeat you and you just have to accept that. Sometimes you do two things that are contradictory of each other ex: launch a business on one hand and pursue meditation on the other hand, you have to pick your priorities. You don’t have enlightenment and a successful business because you have limited resources and energy, you’d be working on one or the other 24/7 Being petty, selfish, and small-minded Low-spiral development Naive selflessness Improper use of your mind Trying to escape all suffering Excessive spiritual seeking or trying to escape the material domain List of Things That Will Make You Happy
    Anything aligned with your top values Putting your talents and strengths to use Being useful and productive Things that make you feel strong and powerful Developing new skills Process of training yourself in something meaningful Play guitar, getting better at golf, math, writing, etc. Anything that makes your mind stronger Self-education (if you’re an intellectual person) Doing sports (if you’re an athletic person) Doing art (if you’re an artistic person) Being creative (if you’re a creative person) Doing excellent work. There’s a difference between work and excellent work. Doing innovative and impactful work Big projects (if you’re ambitious) Being your own boss (if you’re an entrepreneur type person) Being in a leadership position (if you want to be in this position) Helping others and contributing to the improvement of society Proper time to rest, relax, and destress Human intimacy, companionship, and friendship Deep conversations Building your own family (for those who want it) Socialization (if you’re a social person) Charity, giving gifts, being nice to people Setting boundaries with people will make you a lot happier Your top two love languages (search up five love languages) Lots of time alone (if you’re an introverted person) Anything that puts you into a flow state Being on the edge Facing difficult things and meeting challenges Flexing your muscle, being powerful, exercising your power Making the most out of your day and life Making long term investments Confidence and developing it through work and experience. The antidote to insecurity is confidence, and this is exposing yourself to experience in whatever field you’re insecure in. Exploring life and having new experiences Travel — but not escapism travel Patiently cultivating a hobby (don’t underestimate). Pick one or two hobbies that you patiently invest into. You build mastery and experience for decades by doing this. This creates meaning overtime. It pays a passive income in terms of satisfaction. Being out in nature Physical exercise It changes your brain chemicals and makes it harder for you to be depressed Good food Being healthy Taking care of yourself Treating yourself with respect Deep solitude and solo-retreats Passion, living your life with enthusiasm (difficult, not a default) and inspiration Humor, developing your humor Building your own house Not actually building your own house — cultivating the space you live in and the sanctuary where you live . Decorating it. Cleaning it up. Investing into it. Doing philosophy (if you do it properly) Developing yourself up the spiral Self-actualization Wisdom Truth, being aligned with truth and avoiding self-deception Spirituality, spiritual practice and spiritual connection Awakening Exploring consciousness Consciousness of God Meditation Psychedelics and mystical experiencing Falling in love with yourself Being good Being selfless Love and beauty Appreciation of the beauty of consciousness and reality is a deep form of happiness. Just sitting alone in your room and looking at the consciousness of your room and looking at it’s beauty. Spirituality will make you see the beauty of everything very starkly  
    A lot of these things are also a bittersweet challenge. It’s not pure raw pleasure. It’s very satisfying. After you build it up and develop some momentum, most of the challenge goes away and pays a passive income
    List of Things That Make Leo Happy
    Being creative, imagining new things, new business ideas Exploring his own mind and concentration Philosophy and truth seeking Learning new and interesting things Integrity Doing healthy things for himself Being out in nature Driving and road trips - flow state Sitting down in solitude and being completely unhurried Being his own boss Having complete creative autonomy Working on a meaningful project Doing serious and excellent work Exploring consciousness via psychedelics Pure appreciation of the beauty of consciousness Contemplating God and being aware of God Music Rain Snuggling under a warm blanket under the rain Deep intellectual conversations Thinking about his future Putting in a full day’s work and being productive Having a positive impact on society Innovation and making new discoveries Exercising his humor Digital design and graphics Good food Appreciation of female beauty, nudity, and sexuality Organizing, optimizing, and putting things in order Sitting and resting on his couch Investing in his house Reminiscing List of Things That Make Leo Unhappy
    Chronic health problems and having low energy Being on a strict schedule, having a deadline Having to do things just for money Doing work he doesn’t believe in Having a boss tell him what to do Fear of running out of money Wasting money Having to do menial chores (paying taxes, bills, etc.) Socializing and being around people for too long Having to manage people Realizing when he’s behaved in a bad or egotistical way Emotionally hurting others Being lazy or in a rut Not having a project to work on Arguing, debating, conflict, violence Smart phone addiction Chronic loud noise Over-eating junk food Having a bunch of social obligations Meditation and spiritual seeking Overworking Bad unwise investments and losing money Drama Key Points II
    Simple pleasures will make your life great. True happiness if found in organizing your documents and labeling things, for example. Spirituality has reduced Leo’s overall consciousness . . . . . . yet he still does it because his greatest joy is sitting on the couch contemplating God. Spirituality gives him the ability to recognize the absolute beauty of consciousness — being able for look at what he sees before him and realize how beautiful and miraculous it is You should tailor spirituality to your genetics, skills, and temperament Trying too hard to be happy will make you unhappy Don’t get preoccupied with the Buddhist idea of escaping suffering. Realistically, you’re never going to escape suffering — there will always be suffering in your life. It takes twenty or more years of non-stop Buddhist meditative training and most people just won’t commit to this. The deepest happiness comes from doing things for their own sake, not as means to some other end. There’s a spectrum of happiness (lower grades, medium grades, high grades, highest grades) The highest grade is consciousness, the appreciation of consciousness, and connection to God — realizing what God is and how it is structured. This is ecstasy. It rises above all form of human pleasure. It purifies you and your psyche. It changes you. Very few people have achieved this. The only way to achieve this is to be serious about God. Train yourself to maximize your appreciation of normal everyday things in life You cultivate your mind to be such that you appreciate the very ordinary things around you, and you’re not looking for something super magical or special Happiness isn’t about achieving some big goal. Stop waiting for achievements to make you happy. Be happy in the doing of your everyday life. Homework
    Create happiness journal. Contemplate what makes for happiness and “the good life” and keep a log of specifically what makes you happy. This list is cultivated over the next weeks, months, and years. Anytime you experience a little or big thing that makes you happy you write it down in this journal (cat cuddling with you, partner telling you they love you — write this down) Also make a list of the things that make you unhappy (this list can have hundreds of items) Eventually, you can look at this list and have a big picture view of what it takes for you to be happy and what is holding you back. Don’t mistake these teachings and take them for pure intellectual beliefs. It’s meant to have you explore how your own mind works. What’s true is what’s true for you. Your mind is very tricky. Your mind doesn’t want you to see everything very clearly because if it did a lot of your old values, habits, and beliefs will have to be given up (and you’re not ready to give them up because you haven’t burned through that karma yet and you haven’t surrendered to it yet) Everything you do has to be grounded in your direct experience

  6. How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    You know mating season has started when women are going out of their way to cat fish men ?

  7. How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    It's sex with a person who has the same sexual preferences like me. For example: does he like to go down on me, or finds that digusting.With this guy, he was into same stuff I am. 
    Plus on top of that - he's handsome. 
    I follow him on instagram so he expressed his authentic, goofy side to his followers and I like authenticity. And his physiche was amazing so yeah. His smile too.
    That was what originally attracted me to him. 

  8. How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    Gym and david goggins 

  9. How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    Then these books might help:
    - The Power of Shakti: 18 Pathways to Ignite the Energy of the Divine Woman by Padma Aon Prakasha
    - Sexual Energy and Yoga by Elisabeth Haich
    - Sex, Sorcery, and Spirit by Jason Miller
    - Emergence of the Sensual Woman: Awakening Our Erotic Innocence by Saida Desilets 
    - Shakti Woman: Feeling Our Fire, Healing Our World - The New Female Shamanism by Vicki Noble
    - Tantric Orgasm for Women by Diana Richardson
    - Tantric Awakening: A Woman's Initiation into the Path of Ecstasy by Valerie Brooks
    I have not read them but I have read some more directed towards men, and some these look promising.

  10. How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    How to get sexual and emotional needs met while single
    Women's Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure, read this book and you can think for yourself. It's better than the forum advice I guarantee it. 

    This also counts for men. 

  11. Why are intellectuals so dumb?
    Why are intellectuals so dumb?
    That's what universities are designed to create. It comes from a lack of holism.
    True intelligence is holistic. But universities have reduced intelligence down to technical knowledge.
    Nobody teaches true intelligence.

  12. Being a Man - Daniel Schmachtenberger
    Being a Man - Daniel Schmachtenberger
    This is powerful.
    What Daniel Schmachtenberger learned from his father about being a man:
    Work, Integrity, Motivation, Capacity:
    “See the job, do the job, stay out of the misery.” If a job needs doing, simply do it. No need to bemoan it, wish it wasn’t so, etc. All the suffering is optional. If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. Excellence is its own reward. Do the right thing when nobody’s watching. When running wire or pipe through the studs, he would make it beautiful before putting the drywall on. No one would ever see it. But he knew. Doing the best you can everywhere consistently affects you as a being. Get the big picture first. Then plan the work. Then implement. When we would get to a worksite, or before cleaning something, he would put a ladder in the middle of the space, have me stand on the top, and turn slowly taking in the whole picture, and making a map in my head of where everything was, where it should be, what I would do first, etc. ‘How much weight can you lift?’ However much needs lifted. If you ask if you can do it, you might find the answer is no. If its important, just do it. If you’re leading a team and anyone fails, you’re responsible. The leader takes responsibility for the project. And for its failures. The whole team participates in the credit of the successes. The captain gets off of the boat last. Do the initial work for free. Under promise and over deliver. Then sell the benefits of the competition/ alternatives. Responsibility is king. If I have the ability to respond, it’s mine to do. When you accomplish something significant, dont make a big deal out of it. Help others learn to do it. Master the principle of leverage and apply it everywhere. Physically and metaphysically. Learn how to use and make tools. Treat tools as extensions of yourself, which they are. You can generally accomplish more from behind the scenes, when people don’t know what you are doing. Leave every place and situation better than you found it. Orderliness is a quality of the unified field itself. Create order in any environment first. Courage, Power, and Conflict:
    If you ever start a fight, Ill kick your ass. If someone is being hurt and you don’t protect them, Ill kick your ass. The side of right always wins. Be on the side of right and don’t worry about the odds. Don’t let fear of pain or death keep you from doing the right thing. Most of the atrocities in the world have been committed by men. Power must be in the service of all. Abuse of power is the greatest crime. If someone is abusing power, over-power them. Do not allow bullies. If everyone is running away from something, run towards it. If there is a real threat, someone needs to go deal with it. Let them throw the first punch. If they go for a second, do what you need to stop the violence. If you let it get to blows, you already failed. Use the minimum amount of force necessary to stop harm. Sometimes overwhelming force is necessary. Project force if needed to avoid violence. Protect everyone from unnecessary pain wherever you can. When there was a mortally wounded animal, he would kill it rather than let it suffer. He would also do so where no one else needed to know about it. At a certain point, I went from one of the people he was protecting to learning how to kill painlessly, bury, share only what was needed, etc. Be a protector and support to everyone. Walk on the outside of the street with everyone. Open everyone’s door. Be available to help anyone. Relating to Women:
    The highest value for men is serving women, nature, and children (future generations). Worshiping at the altar – how to relate to going down on a woman. Being in love is a choice. Choose it and cultivate it. Don’t be controlled by attraction. There are many good reasons to be intimate with someone, only some of which involve attraction. Don’t hurt women. Never push for sex. Let her pursue. If my boss or mentor call, tell them I’m sleeping. If your mom calls, wake me up. Mind, Education, Psyche:
    The world is mostly crazy. Rethink everything for yourself from scratch. Traditional education and hyperspecialization is a way to make people subservient to the dominant paradigm/ system. Study the generalized principles of nature and be a deep generalist. If you don’t like the fact that the sky is blue, change your mind. Indulging suffering is a choice. Be careful, cautious, and conscious. But not scared. Careful is different than fearful. Jealousy is a type of mental illness – rid yourself of it. When reading, look up every word and concept you don’t know. What is real and what is obvious are usually not the same. See past the obvious to the real. This too shall pass. No one can actually own part of a celestial orb. Ownership is an illusion. “All that I have done, you shall do and greater as well.” Be what the world needs. Be cautious of ambition, it is generally selfish and misguided. Wholeness is the most important word. Then integrity. I am. Any other words that follow are not fully true. Don’t identify with them. Relating to People and the World:
    Win-lose mentality is evil. Don’t ever celebrate people’s losses. Always celebrate their wins. Respect wisdom, not authority. I want you to surpass me in every way. And you will. That is evolution. And you will treat those you support the same way. Spend time listening to old people. They are unique living libraries. Spend time listening to kids – they are further ahead in evolutionary time. Forgive people and help them do better. Don’t trust experts (mechanics, doctors, etc.) with vested interests. Learn the topic well enough to understand and check what they are saying. Service is the most fun hobby. Sunday mornings we would load the truck with mechanic tools and drive around finding people who were broken down (before cell phones) and fix their cars for them. Such a fun thing to do on a day off. Always tend to the animals first. Study the map of any new place you go. Always know how to navigate. Anticipate emergencies in new environments and create response plans.  Be generous with everything you have: knowledge, money, resources, affection, etc. If either of us die, we know that we love each other, death doesn’t end love, and any issue is meaningless and already forgiven. He talked with me about this a number of times. So I knew that if he died and our last conversation was an argument, it didn’t matter at all and only love remained.

  13. Why Do You Need To Be Perfect/Complete?
    Why Do You Need To Be Perfect/Complete?
    Perfection isn't what people think it is. It's about alignment, or getting out of your own way. The more conditions you place on existence, the less perfect life will be. Live unconditionally, in the flow state, and the absolute will experience its creation perfectly through you.

  14. new to original thought
    new to original thought
    @funkychunkymonkey Contemplation, Meditation & Insight.

  15. Any heavy metals in glass or wood salt and pepper grinder
    Any heavy metals in glass or wood salt and pepper grinder
    Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33086585/
    Comprehensive article about above study: https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/food/its-time-to-rethink-pink-salt-study-c-1419572

    Study: https://themeadow.com/pages/minerals-in-himalayan-pink-salt-spectral-analysis
    Comprehensive article about above study: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/pink-himalayan-sea-salt-an-update/

    Himalayan salt is touted to have about 40-80 different minerals, but funnily only about 14 of those are actually usable by the human body. So, most of the minerals in Himalayan salt are basically unusable contaminants. Also, the pink color of Himalayan salt comes from rust (iron oxide), which isn't really harmful, but it speaks to how unrefined it is. It even contains some radioactive elements.

    Here's a Reddit post someone made about all the sand they found in their bottle of Himalayan salt:

    This is also supported in my own experience with my coffee, I literally only put about a pinch of it in there and it leaves this:

    1. Electrolytes
    2. It counteracts any bitter elements in the coffee. The more salt you put, the less sharp/bitter the coffee will become. So, it can potentially balance out the flavor of the coffee

    3. In my experience, it adds a really nice salted caramel type of flavor to the coffee 

  16. Introduction to Human Psyche
    Introduction to Human Psyche
    1. thinking, fast and slow (very dense, university level, but also easy)
    2. behave by Robert Sapolsky 
    3. the principles of psychology by William James
    4. man and his symbols by carl jung

  17. Is Peter Ralston Wrong About Enlightenment Not Being A State?
    Is Peter Ralston Wrong About Enlightenment Not Being A State?
    Secret Drugs of Buddhism: Psychedelic Sacraments and the Origins of the Vajrayana, Crowley.
    I found it fascinating. 
    "The most famous and oft-cited passage by both ancient and modern commentators on the Supreme Array occurs when Sudhana meets the Bodhisattva Maitreya. Maitreya stands before a jeweled palace. When Sudhana asks about how he should carry out the course of a bodhisattva, Maitreya tells him he should enter the palace. Sudhana then asks for permission to enter; the Bodhisattva snaps his fingers and the doors to the palace open. Once inside, Sudhana sees that the palace’s interior is adorned with precious substances, many hundreds of thousands of leagues wide and as vast as the realm of space. Moreover, inside the palace are hundreds of thousands of other palaces arrayed in the same manner spread out in all directions. Miraculously, each dwelling remains distinct while simultaneously reflecting every other one and all of its objects. Experiencing this  awesome vision, Sudhana is overcome with bliss and bows down in all directions. At the moment of prostration, through the power of Maitreya, Sudhana perceives himself simultaneously in each and every palace witnessing a different scene from Maitreya’s bodhisattva course of conduct. In a single instant, Sudhana sees countless eons, realms, beings, bodhisattvas and buddhas, and hears endless teachings. In the centre of all his, Sudhana sees one palace larger than the others. Inside it, he witnesses Maitreya in his final life performing the acts of a buddha, such as going forth to homeless life, sitting under the enlightenment tree, attaining omniscience and preaching the Dharma. While Sudhana is watching the endless and simultaneous practices of Maitreya in all the palaces, suddenly the Bodhisattva enters the dwelling, snaps his fingers once more and says, Arise, Son of Good Family! This is the nature of conditioned factors. Son of Good Family, characterized by their non-fixity, all conditioned factors are controlled through the knowledge of bodhisattvas. In this way, lacking the perfection of an essence, they are like illusions, dreams and reflections."
    " In an important sense, Buddhism has always been “psychedelic.” Recall the meaning of psychedelic as “manifesting the mind.” The very first verse of the Dhammapada, one of the most ancient Buddhist texts, reads:
    The mind is the basis for everything.
    Everything is created by my mind, and is ruled by my mind.
    When I speak or act with impure thoughts, suffering follows me
    As the wheel of the cart follows the hoof of the ox. "
    Water by the River

  18. The healthiest diet
    The healthiest diet
    I think you're both right to a degree but it might just be more complicated than A or B. 
    Certain mental health issues have indeed been associated with B-deficiency and giving people B-complex might help (if that was the causative factor) although the data is inconclusive as you may see. Forest Plots are borderline statistically significant and confidence intervals remain fairly wide which tells you there is more to it (as it always is) 
    On the other hand, some people do indeed find them energising. B-vitamins are a part of the glycolysis & Kreb Cycle that help your body produce ATP (energy currency) so technically if you were long-term deficient and suddenly you get an influx of B-s in a way you are getting "back on the baseline" but for anyone long term deprived this may come across as "highly stimulating" because they've just been deficient for so long they forgot what it feels like to have energy (this is actually pretty common among guys, I've seen a  fair share of that in my practice) 
    In addition, B vitamins are cofactors in all sorts of metabolic processes including things like neurotransmitters and even certain hormones so in a way, you might just be getting back to "feeling normal". 
    And finally, B vitamins are notoriously difficult to measure because they do not hang around for too long (with exception of B12) and so most standardised blood tests are inaccurate and specific essays such as EGOT, MMA or Red Blood Cell Folate need to be acquired for an adequate tissue representation. As an example, a person who just took B12 supplement would show "normal" on Serum B12 but would show high on Methylmalonic Acid test indicating that in reality their tissue levels are depleted but the blood test only saw the circulating supplement so we can't really tell if we are looking at the right thing to begin with 
    From experience with client work, on their own, they rarely do much if not part of a larger dietary/lifestyle modification and at that point we no longer know what made the difference anymore (the major challenge with epidemiology) 
    But then who knows, there is still much we don't understand

  19. [lol] It's so obvious that humans are carnivores.
    [lol] It's so obvious that humans are carnivores.
    I just watched a very well researched video on the question "Was meat responsible for brain growth?"
    The answer that its just meat is way to simplistic. Meat could be part of the reason but probably not the main reason:
    -Eating much meat doesn't cause brain growth per se because if that were the case all carnivores would be smart as fuck which they aren't. It needed a survival benefit for brain growth.
    -One of the main reason might be that we learned how to cook food. Cooking food means our digestive track could get smaller from the easier digestible and more energetic type of food and therefore didn't take up as much energy which allowed for the growth of the brain. Despite us being far more intelligent than most animals, we need around the same calories as an equally heavy mammal.
    -Another good is reason is that humans developed a body with less muscle and more fat compared to other mammals which is energy saving and would allow for brain growth.
    -Cooking allowed two new food sources in roots and sweet grasses (predecessor of grain). The extra carbs helped us to think cause our brain runs on carbs if it isn't in ketosis and also gave us more calories which could allow for adaptations.
    -Our denture is neither the one of a meat eater, nor of a plant eater. It's a unique one that fits the purpose of eating easily digestible (cooked food).
    But now matter what the reason was back then how does this even matter for today? The question "Was meat responsible for brain growth?" can't be translated into todays question "Does meat grow my brain?". There are enough plant based fat and protein sources today to cover brain health.
    [6] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19843...
    [7] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24564...
    [8] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17439...
    [9] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26123...
    [10] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17827...
    [11] https://www.pnas.org/content/109/45/1...
    [12] https://www.jstor.org/stable/2744104
    [13] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25293...
    [14] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26591...
    [15] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NB...
    [16] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19049...
    [17] https://bit.ly/3BFMhF4
    [18] https://bit.ly/3AwY4o0
    These are not objective facts that's just your preference. 
    I like cooked starches actually. The whole grain has a healthy natural taste to it. 
    I still like many unripe fruits like bananas or apples.
    Not necessarily. A deer is very badly adapted to eat steak. But because the stake is SO MUCH more nutritionally dense than grass it will still outrank its natural food sources. Even if only 10% of the steak can get digested, that's still way more than all the grass. 
    But an animal that is adapted to eating watermelon for example compared to an animal which is adapted to eating meat. In this case these animals probably wouldn't switch their food sources because they already have very nutritionally dense food sources so the benefit to change to another less adapted diet for the benefit of getting more valuable food doesn't stand. 
    Do you season your meat? Most people put a bunch of seasonings on their meat to make it taste more like vegetables. If that's not cheating idk what is. 
    "Natural" doesn't necessarily mean healthy as I argumented before. Although I do believe that cooking various plants including grains is natural. 

  20. I'm looking for the transcognitive thinkers out there...
    I'm looking for the transcognitive thinkers out there...
    So , I was looking into higher-order cognitive functioning , and asked ChatGPT what's beyond metacognition... 
    ChatGPT said meta-metacognition and Transcognition, I've never heard of Transcognition but damn it was a revelation to a lifetime of feeling totally different from others... 
    This seems to newly emergent and it's probably likely that less than 1% of people even have this skill. Personally it seems like I've gone much of my life without encountering hardly , if anyone , that does this... But if I have to step up and form a group as a leader , then that is what will happen.  I just hope to find others and not be alone on this....but I know how hard this journey is to have this skill in this world... And I'm here for you all that are similar on this transcognitive thinking... 
    (I can't get ChatGPT to do this again in another window, so here is the transcript about it)
    "Another proposed level beyond metacognition is "transcognition," which involves thinking beyond one's own cognitive processes and incorporating knowledge and perspectives from diverse sources and contexts. This level of thinking involves an understanding of the interconnectedness of different systems and the ability to think creatively and flexibly across multiple domains."
    Prompt : Ultimate Guide on Transcognition 
    "Transcognition is a theoretical level of cognitive functioning that involves thinking beyond one's own cognitive processes and incorporating knowledge and perspectives from diverse sources and contexts. It requires an understanding of the interconnectedness of different systems and the ability to think creatively and flexibly across multiple domains. Here's an ultimate guide on transcognition:
    1. Develop a growth mindset: Transcognition involves a willingness to learn, adapt, and grow. This requires a growth mindset, which is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort and learning
    2. Expand your knowledge base: Transcognition requires a broad base of knowledge across multiple domains. Make an effort to learn about different fields of study, cultures, and perspectives. Read widely, watch documentaries, and engage in conversations with people from diverse background
    3. Practice critical thinking: Transcognition involves the ability to think critically and evaluate information from multiple sources. Practice analyzing and evaluating information, and be open to changing your views based on new evidence
    4. Embrace complexity: Transcognition involves the ability to think about complex systems and how they interact with one another. Embrace complexity and seek to understand the nuances of different systems and their relationships to one another
    5. Develop creativity: Transcognition requires the ability to think creatively and generate new ideas. Practice brainstorming and problem-solving exercises, and embrace unconventional solutions
    6. Engage in interdisciplinary thinking: Transcognition involves the ability to think across multiple disciplines and integrate knowledge from different fields. Seek out interdisciplinary learning opportunities and engage in conversations with experts from different fields
    7. Emphasize collaboration: Transcognition requires collaboration and the ability to work with others to solve complex problems. Seek out opportunities to work with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives
    8. Stay open-minded: Transcognition requires an open-minded approach to learning and problem-solving. Be open to new ideas, perspectives, and approaches, and be willing to challenge your own assumptions and biases
    9. Embrace uncertainty: Transcognition involves the ability to tolerate uncertainty and ambiguity. Embrace the complexity of different systems and be comfortable with the fact that not everything can be neatly categorized or understood
    10. Practice mindfulness: Transcognition requires a sense of presence and awareness. Practice mindfulness exercises to cultivate a sense of focus and clarity, and to develop a deeper understanding of your own thought processes
    In summary, transcognition involves thinking beyond one's own cognitive processes and incorporating knowledge and perspectives from diverse sources and contexts. It requires a growth mindset, a broad knowledge base, critical thinking skills, creativity, interdisciplinary thinking, collaboration, open-mindedness, comfort with uncertainty, and mindfulness. By developing these skills and attitudes, you can enhance your ability to think creatively and flexibly across multiple domains, and contribute to solving complex problems in our interconnected world"
    I just found this out tonight (the definition hit me like a fucking revelation ,really giving me some anxiety , and I'll be glad to talk about it more when I'm not so wound up...
    -Much love all, Kory

  21. Hi! - Recommended Reading
    Hi! - Recommended Reading
    sorry, I answered your question in a way of writing about topics I like to write about ( :
    Forgot half of your questions:
    >Do you look for these books? How do you come across them? 
    It started 20 years ago. I read hundreds of books, since I wanted to find the most efficient techniques available. You know, being a bit nuts... All kinds of spiritual traditions.
    Then I found the in my opinion highest developed meditation-system in Mahamudra/Dzogchen of Tibetan Buddhism. These guys have been doing it the longest (1000 uninterrupted years, a whole society being a Theocracy focused on Enlightenment more or less (with not so nice elements of course also), that produced lots and lots of enlightened ones over the centuries).
    These techniques were brought with a pioneering performance of the highest degree to the West with a work synthesizing the essence of dozens of Tibetan Books on Mahamudra by Daniel Brown: "Pointing Out the Great Way". Daniel Brown Ph.D., Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School.
    Later, after being already awakened, he were give 7 books for translation by Menri Trizing Rinpoche, a highly realized Being, leader of the Bon School of Tibetan Buddhism. I think these were the 7 books Menri used to get fully enlightened himself. Its like a best of the best of Dzogchen/Mahamudra, selected by a Tibetan Realizer, translated by the person most suited for that from Tibetan.
    Brown translated all these books before passing away of Parkinson recently.
    We have it all at our fingertips...

  22. The Heart of Zen Teachings: Lankavatara Sutra
    The Heart of Zen Teachings: Lankavatara Sutra
    When you don't understand you depend on reality,
    When you do understand reality depends on you.
    Bodhidharma ~

  23. What careers help the most people?
    What careers help the most people?
    Couple of ideas I can think of depending on the scale you want to have an impact. Obviously, all of these are macro categories and they can be broken down into an endless amount of jobs. None of the below are jobs per se, they are sectors which you may consider. 
    Careers in health & welness in general - medicine, alternative medicine, welness services, therapeutic services of any kind Ecology, Sustainability and Planetary Welfare - such as WWF, B-Corp, Fair Trade, Organic Soil Association .  Social Services - retirement homes, social care, homeless care, child foster care services etc Law and legal counselling services  Careers in consumer right protection of any kind - such as corporate audits, legal support for people who cannot afford private counceling Careers in consumer health protection - FDA, Water treatment, Public health guidelines etc.  Careers in public safety services - fire brigade, police department, military, paramedic services, crime & investigation, forensics Other public services - public transport & infrastructure management  Education & Tutoring in any shape and form is a humble public service with lasting impact  Farming & Food sourcing is much needed public service Missionary work Public entertainment is a gigantic sector with millions of different jobs  There is much more. Ofcourse different careers come with different salaries, career progression and satisfaction but if your sole goal is to help people and feel good at the end of a day, you can have that as a mental health coach, as a paramedic, as as an elementary school teacher or an educator or even as a volunteer in a charity shop. 
    All depends on your values, financial needs, freedom requirements and current staus quo 

  24. Going Against Spiritual Notion of Completely Escaping Suffering and....
    Going Against Spiritual Notion of Completely Escaping Suffering and....
    Yes. Fully agree.
    Bodily pain can of course still arise.
    (1) But suffering as psychological resistance to what is can fully go. (2) Especially the continued dissatisfaction/suffering cycles of the separate self can end, drowned by a current of bliss directly from the source of ones True Being. If you don't share my humble opinion, please feel invited to check that in the cases of many many enlightened beings in the history of mankind. What made them so attractive for their fellow companions? That they suffered, were confused, and sometimes a bit frustrated and not so-loving-as-possible, in the usual merry-go-round-cycle, as their fellow nonenlightened company?
    I guess these two observations/statements/claims (1) and (2) will always be a problem, and correspondendly be attacked and criticized by anybody trying to declare  some kind of stage/state/awakening/"realization"/understanding/whatever as final or superior which doesn't deliver that freedom from suffering. 
    And if not, why not be so kind and declare that ones version of the path to heaven does NOT provide that which every(!) being wants: Permanent bliss and happiness, and an end to the cycle of dissatisfaction and suffering. Or (smarter move probably) maybe add at least the announcement that one intents to someday later deliver these goodies also. 
    So ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts, and watch the onslought. I know, stupid as I am writing all of that, I can't complain.... Luckily, the video with the bear is already in the signiture, and will hopefully protect the writer of these heretic lines.
    Well, Caveat Emptor, and bon voyage!
    Water by the River 
    Not that I would recommend doing something like this, but just some idea of what Nirvana/Nirvikalpa/Cessation can do to the survival-imperative. The guy didn't even flinch or move a muscle. Warning: Can be quite disturbing to read/watch.
    Probably Britney 24/7 for a month would have gotten him anyways... 
    PSPS: I have to admit that Moksha writes much more beautiful posts than yours truly

  25. How to reduce a tempting behaviour without eliminating it
    How to reduce a tempting behaviour without eliminating it
    The easiest way is to find some better alternatives to focus your energy and time on.
    For example, if you started a business I guratantee you'd jerk off less than just sitting a home doing nothing.
    When it comes to listening to music, you just need to take breaks. Don't listen to any music for 2 weeks or a month. Then listen to it occassionally, not constantly. You can probably find an app for your phone to disable your music app for most of the day.