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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. Yes, an episode like that would be great. Maybe focused on "being complete."
  2. Another benefit is how the information in a book can be well-structured, concise and condensed. Books get to the point. It's about content and substance, not fancy distractions. A book that provides value is not about entertainment. It's a matter of depth and scope. Problem is people want easy ways to consume something. Being addiction to stimulation may make reading a chore for some people.
  3. Dealing with one's stupidity ignorance is enough for introverted people.
  4. Being capable of taking action is about self-awareness rather than will.
  5. These people can't be happy as they lack integrity to an enormous degree. A presence like that is a fake front. Get laid, wealthy and famous! All you need to do is lie, manipulate and pretend! What do you have to lose?
  6. It's huge! As a culture we like to pretend that we're not that selfish. Culture couldn't be based on selfishness. Don't turn it into a bad thing -- or good either.
  7. Freedom is being able to do something and not do it. Freedom requires not being dominated by a self-agenda. Think of anger. Freeing yourself from that emotion implies the choice and the capacity to either be angry or not. Choosing to become angry would depend on what a given moment calls for, whether appropriate or needed.
  8. Probably more than you think.
  9. And yet when the novelty wears out that doesn't mean we grasp everything there is to grasp about any given subject. I'm talking about the basic stuff, whatever is being taken for granted. What does one know, really? Here's an interesting thought: boredom might be a sign of arrogance. Time to open up and contemplate.
  10. The principle of self-survival in action. The mouse perpetually striving after the cheese that can't be reached. It just appears to be attainable. I think you're communicating a universal sense of dissatisfaction. You conflate happiness with getting what you want -- survival. Being happy requires being satisfied with either, whether you get what you want or not. What is happiness?
  11. Dale Carnegie and Stewart Emery.
  12. It depends. For example, actually adopt for demonstration's sake the belief that God exists. Not only that, but that he is a benevolent being that gently watches over you. Imagine that such a being emits calming energy over you whenever you're receptive. See how such a belief can alter your experience for the better? And it's only a superficial one. Imagine what it'd be like to actually experience whatever's true. We tend to prefer making stuff up and believing things rather than acknowledging our existential ignorance. Make of that what you will.
  13. Then don't be a follower. Be a contemplator instead. The issue is when you become a follower of any teacher or teaching. Consider that members here continuously disagree with each other, including Leo. You don't have to agree with anyone nor do you need to take Leo's communications on faith in order to participate in this forum. In fact, independent thinking and personal experience are advised as they are a key part of this work. For example, most of the YT videos are still grounded, inspiring and insightful. Take what you like, ignore the rest. I don't think this is such a big deal, to be honest. Leave if you want, of course.
  14. I would bring Mbappé to Real Madrid already for fuck's sake
  15. Commitment makes up your character. Whatever you focus on -- whatever your attention and energy go to -- grows. You become whatever you're committed to. Don't take this for granted. With time, the consequences of your commitment will become obvious, whether positive or disastrous. Don't delay taking empowering actions, no matter how small they may seem. The sooner you do, the better. Contemplate: You become what you think What are you committed to? What do you devote your energy and attention to on a daily basis?
  16. https://www.facebook.com/100063613455692/posts/pfbid02VPRDKNTmPkgV9qzGHqDAdjML2sBa3UC83CB3QyDAuxfwwohcUwF5HU8LzjQsH4Jul/?d=n Analytic Idealism In a Nutshell.