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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. Who fact-checks the one who does the fact-checking? Meta-fact-checking.
  2. Chopin, Newton. Also unusually skilled individuals? Messi, Rafa Nadal.
  3. @toasty7718 thank you, good to know.
  4. Ramana said: "Self-realization is the greatest gift that you can give to the world." Why would he say that? Seeking out the truth is independent from survival. Don't limit truth seeking to a particular lifestyle. Pursuing enlightenment can occur within and without the monastery. A supportive community and environment helps the monks focus and put all their efforts into pursuing awakening. But throughout history enlightened people has lived very differently from one another.
  5. fair, gotta acknowledge that too. @Water by the River
  6. Elon Musk's biography by Walter Isaacson is already available for preorder, if you're interested.
  7. You sound like an affiliate marketer
  8. @Breakingthewall Over-expressing can be counterintuitive, it could interfere with your discovery process. Better to open a door and leading another through it, no need to describe in detail what's on the other side prior to that. Draw one square's corner and let the student draw the other three.
  9. @Water by the River To be honest, now I find your responses annoying. They're too long. You cite too much quotes and sources. Don't oversell. Let the river alone from time to time.
  10. What about Michael Greger? I'm not a nutritionist so can't tell whether his work is solid. But hey, I find it inspiring.
  11. What a shame. It actually is very valuable.
  12. Start with an empty sheet. Having multiple enlightenments helps in this topic as consciousness allows you to look at things as if from "nothing", freed from the prevailing assumptions that often lock or limit perceptive-awareness and thinking. If you run out of techniques for generating original thinking, create one yourself! Practice this. Create a musical genre. Reinvent a basic tool from scratch -- a hat, a shoe, socks. Study the genesis of powerful creations such as Chopin's music or psychology as a field. How come Kant's work revolutionized philosophy at the time? Contemplate: What allowed their authors to make those inventions? What place were they coming from? What state of being did they access such that they could create powerfully? Master the field in which you're trying to invent something new. Use that expertise as a starting point, as a place on which to ground your creative efforts. Which are all of the known distinctions within that field? What are its parameters and assumptions? Throughout this process, when creating something new, it is necessary to set your knowledge aside. In that way, your mind becomes flexible, freed from established experience and knowledge. This step is required in order to create something new, no matter the field. As any other skill, this one can also be practiced and developed.
  13. Enlightenment is always positive. It's about what's true. Freedom and some form of healing usually arise after enlightenment experiences. Your nature is recognized to be inherently free and blissful. It isn't about insanity and the like. That might occur in one's process but shouldn't be confused with your consciousness in the matter. Intense emotional reactions always come up with intense contemplation, they are temporary and should be allowed to arise. Likewise, Beneficial states shouldn't be confused with consciousness of the absolute. Enlightenment is becoming conscious of what's already true! The truth is and has always been the case, so there's no need for fear or resistance. What you describe are activities the mind does. I'm speaking intellectually, not from direct experience.
  14. Some supplements have side effects. High doses of Vitamin D have caused me irritability and insomnia if taken late in the day. Expect the occasional unpleasant effect at times. Having said that, I'm not a doctor, just a guy on the internet. Try krill oil.
  15. How Not To Depend On Teachers - Part II. No idea.
  16. PSG and City have spent billions in the last decade with an overall net negative outcome and very little profit. And yet each season they barely reach the final, although they have been close to winning it on some occasions. If Barça is included, add Madrid too. They consistently compete well in Europe while Barca has been a disappointment for the last 5 years or so. With a modest budget compared to City, PSG and more recently, Chelsea, Real has managed to win five champions league titles in the last decade. Not bad. Madrid can go after Haaland and/or Mbappé in 2024. I don't think it will happen this year.
  17. This journal of mine is sometimes based on intellect; it is a byproduct of intellectualizing. There's no problem with that per se and provides several benefits for life but isn't powerful in a context of authentic experience. Socially speaking, pretending to know is beneficial for one's self-survival and can be fun at times as well. In any case, my intention is having genuine insight, a "real" personal and direct experience of the nature and workings of something, not in playing that social game. Intellectually, we live as if we understand much more things than we actually do. Experientially, we fundamentally don't know -- are not directly and deeply conscious of -- what anything for itself is. This is the point I'm alluding to that is not only culturally overlooked but ignored and commonly repressed, too.
  18. Ramana was one of the best teachers.
  19. About being God, what is that about? Infinite mind? I consider mind to be relative but I know it's possible you're using the term differently than I am. Could it be Consciousness, or better be called that? Not that I know (have become conscious of) what I'm talking about.