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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. They aren't either clear on what they want nor do they actually commit to it once they figure it out.
  2. The questions were mostly meant to elicit wonder, but thanks for the answer.
  3. And will continue to do so infinitely. Science's job is producing indirect, fact-based knowledge. I don't think science will ever "arrive" when it comes to the nature of things. Again, that's not its job. How could that occur? It'd be like trying to capture reality in a thought. Is direct consciousness a possibility? What is it about?
  4. What's knowledge? What does It mean knowing something? Is perceiving something the same as knowing what it is? Are senses reliable? Can the senses provide direct knowledge of what something is? What is an object? What is a chair? Having set all perception and "knowledge" about anything aside, What is actually "there"? What is being there? What is? This is the domain of ontology -- metaphysics.
  5. From Instagram:
  6. May be offering some valid points under a bunch of rhetoric but sounds like a good charlatan. Careful with all the fantasizing going on in spiritual circles. It's best to ground these matters on science, not on cosmologies.
  7. That may be true, however creating one is very useful and empowering. Without a conscious life purpose, a lot of mischief can happen as pleasure and pain dictate our lives. The saying, Idle hands do the devil's work, is apt here. Watch The Trap of The Toxic Life Purpose.
  8. What specifically makes you say that? Have you actually looked into his work? He might be partial to plant-based, whole foods diet, however that doesn't invalidate the research backing up such lifestyle choice. To me he also tries to present accurate info and studies about what he's claiming. In any case I find his work very useful and inspiring. I find nutrition to be a fascinating research subject. I figured you didn't receive the notification as it was later edited to include what you said.
  9. Listening doesn't come naturally nor easily. It's a skill that can be developed. Don't assume that you already do it naturally just by hearing to another. A huge impediment to learning is filtering what comes to you through your respective cosmology -- the way in which you hold the universe to be --, whether it be psychic phenomena, philosophy, science, religion, martial arts, chi, etc. Listening as a principle is incredibly powerful and profound. It demands knowing what's there. In a communication, it demands knowing another's experience as it is for itself and not as it relates to us, which is the most common scenario.
  10. Clarify what you want out of life - create a deliberate purpose for encompassing certain activities aligned to it Commit to it Develop a vision of the necessary steps required to accomplish the results you want. Create an image of what you want in your physical environment, relationships, career, depending on the purpose
  11. @Sidra khan ??
  12. Sounds like you might be operating from the assumption that purpose is found, and this may be what is causing your suffering in the first place. A way to solve this dilemma is to question what purpose is. Is purpose found in objective reality in the same way that you find a grey stone or a tree in the forest? Where is purpose found? Purpose is the reason why an action or course of action is undertaken. Make it up! Why am I doing the dishes? Simply, to get them clean, or to practice mindfulness, say. Purpose is generated by you, not by external factors! This is a reason to be hopeful. It also means that you must take responsibility and face the openness necessary to create purpose for yourself out of nothing. Expecting purpose to "arrive" by itself at some point is based on flawed presumptions. Now, people think that, since purpose is something that they make up, that it therefore isn't the "real deal". This is mistaken. Either they're creating superficially, merely in an intellectual fashion, or they're still missing the nature of purpose. Here we're looking to generate purpose intentionally, whereas before it had been done unconsciously. In short, clarify what you want and construct a conscious purpose for your life. Ask yourself: Am I willing to commit to whatever purpose I set up for myself? What do I want to master and devote my life to? To me, What is worthwhile doing?
  13. Enjoyed reading Fragments by Heraclitus. Recommended.
  14. "When Dr. Michael Greger, founder of NutritionFacts.org, dove into the top peer-reviewed anti-aging medical research, he realized that diet could regulate every one of the most promising strategies for combating the effects of aging. We don’t need Big Pharma to keep us feeling young―we already have the tools. In How Not to Age, the internationally renowned physician and nutritionist breaks down the science of aging and chronic illness and explains how to help avoid the diseases most commonly encountered in our journeys through life. Physicians have long treated aging as a malady, but getting older does not have to mean getting sicker. There are eleven pathways for aging in our bodies’ cells and we can disrupt each of them. Processes like autophagy, the upcycling of unusable junk, can be boosted with spermidine, a compound found in tempeh, mushrooms, and wheat germ. Senescent “zombie” cells that spew inflammation and are linked to many age-related diseases may be cleared in part with quercetin-rich foods like onions, apples, and kale. And we can combat effects of aging without breaking the bank. Why spend a small fortune on vitamin C and nicotinamide facial serums when you can make your own for up to 2,000 times cheaper? Inspired by the dietary and lifestyle patterns of centenarians and residents of “blue zone” regions where people live the longest, Dr. Greger presents simple, accessible, and evidence-based methods to preserve the body functions that keep you feeling youthful, both physically and mentally. Brimming with expertise and actionable takeaways, How Not to Age lays out practical strategies for achieving ultimate longevity." --- Let's make our conclusions after we've read the book. What specifically makes you say that? Have you actually looked into his work? He might be partial to plant-based, whole foods diet, however that doesn't invalidate the research backing up such lifestyle choice. To me he also tries to present accurate info and studies about what he's claiming. In any case I find his work very useful and inspiring. I find nutrition to be a fascinating research subject.
  15. @Sidra khan the book is releasing on December 5th.
  16. Nothing external will do it. You need to get to know yourself as a character and personality. What makes you tick? Find that out and get clear on that. Explore and experiment. After trying out stuff, stick with what you like. Purpose isn't found but created. Start the process of discovering/ creating your life purpose by doing research. About the issue of motivation: you can act without feeling motivated. No need for that. Start by adopting empowering attitudes and dispositions instead of waiting around for inspiration to strike. Consider that everyone takes a shower, goes to work, etc. everyday regardless of how they feel. It's about doing it, not about being motivated or not. Again, this is something you must do, no one else will do it for you.
  17. James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  18. Change your disposition. If you approach skill-building as a learning process, as something you like to do, it becomes easier to do. You're focusing on the result instead of on the whole process.
  19. Okay. In any case I'd be very careful about making claims of being X% enlightened. It's likely that you're fooling yourself, even after genuine enlightenment experiences it can be possible. Keep up the good work.