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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. The truth doesn't mean anything. It just is.
  2. Texts of that nature are not needed at all when it comes to self-transformation, depends on how you use them though. With enlightenment, no, because it is you and direct, best you can do is contemplate.
  3. Okay, however keep to the question without jumping to conclusions, what you're looking for is a direct consciousness not an answer. happy contempltion.
  4. Get what self and you are.
  5. Paradoxically, even having to show up as the intelligent person might be motivated by a source assumption of being the contrary. If you assume something about yourself no matter how much external things you attain, it won't change what you're assuming. The thing is to recognize that's what you're doing and stop assuming it which is getting at the heart of the matter. I think this insecurity business goes right at the heart of what being a self is. Profound shit. But that's another topic, one that is worth personally looking into.
  6. I'm not conscious of the entire cosmos but thanks.
  7. @HMD Find out who breathes (and perceives, emotes, etc.) and then tell me.
  8. Holding that there's some "thing" might as well be a concept, too. "Concept" is also taken to be an object just as fear, joy, love or tree are. Concept is what creates and determines the experience of that "thing" for you. Without it, there couldn't be a "thing" there. In other words, our experience of everything is conceptually-based. We don't know what it is for and as itself. The "holding" itself is context which allows that "thing" to exist as itself in the first place. For example, language isn't just symbols, it is a contextual possibility that allows for the creation and existence of symbols. Without the context of language, communication, internal dialogue, math, knowledge or science can't exist. Context allows for the existence of whole worlds without which they couldn't even be conceived of; they simply wouldn't occur. Concept doesn't seem to be limited to language, and it is more than just a thought you have. For example, "self" may be a conceptually-based experience and yet it looks real and tangible for us. Concepts are imposed upon what's "real." Assumptions, a form of concept, in fact show up as "reality" for us. What language, context, experience, concept and perception are form the basics of our experience of life. It is an extremely worthwhile study which I'm currently pursuing mostly by means of personal contemplation. What is (reality) and what is concept?
  9. @Loveeee What's your experience in the matter? The way I hear your posts on this thread is that you hold the matter as a cosmology. Go after whatever's true not after what's assumed or adopted, either from an internal or external source.
  10. Don't take it on faith. For all we know it might be complete BS. Your experience is whatever it is. You feel bad about something, then acknowledge that, no reason to pretend it isn't there by adopting a belief that makes you feel good for the time.
  11. The first one. I hear some of its points but still it doesn't sound like clear communication to me. Still think selling beliefs is common. But again, not to downplay the influence of beliefs, they can be powerful. For example, "framing" is useful advice, but at the same time it lacks grounding. "If wishes were horses, the beggar would ride." What did you take of it?
  12. Let's not talk of God as if we knew what we are talking about. It's clear we don't, so better to remain honest. What is morality? The fact that it may be a human invention (do rocks care?) doesn't preclude or justify doing harmful things. It's not morality that prevents us from doing stupid things, it is our assessment that they're stupid, unnecessary and/or harmful. Actions have certain consequences. There are empowering and disempowering things one can do. And you are responsible for them. This isn't about morality but about what takes place in experience. For example, if you lie, you become a liar! As a result, your experience is diminished and your integrity broken. This point is not obvious nor recognized by many. If you tell the truth, and to the degree to which you do, you feel empowered and your self is embiggened.
  13. I guess there are no easy answers, and the process may be slow. Have an excellent product and let it speak for itself as much as possible. The challenge is of course communicating through this obstacle. How can people know that your product is great? Provide massive value to people in social networks and be of genuine service. This may in turn spike their interest in your work, make sure others have easy access to your channel.
  14. Depends on which image we come up with for what a man should be and act like. Choosing appropriate role models may be a good first step. Who do you consider to be manly? Why? Which qualities do we find masculine? Masculinity can be broadly defined. Certainly there are gentle, sensitive men that are masculine. Other qualities that come up are braveness, groundedness, maturity, authenticity, confidence, integrity, openness, expanded sense of self.
  15. Start with how you experience dating to be like: you and another living entity, what do you want out of the exchange? You approach someone that you find physically attractive and your goal is making her attracted to you. Then act in a way that's aligned with your goal as the interaction unfolds. Whenever you notice yourself getting off track, make corrections. Ask yourself: Which principles are useful for attracting females? Anyone can make him or herself attractive to certain people. Practice, the rest are excuses. Keep going, you need to push through this emotional plateau you seem to be going through.
  16. Reality is continuously giving you feedback on the consequences and appropriateness of your actions. Pay close attention and correct when necessary. Contrary to what's commonly thought, being corrected doesn't make you wrong but the other way around! Notice that correction pushes you back to the road of appropriate action (which is determined by your purpose). The mistake people make is to keep insisting on doing things "their way" when presented with feedback that such approach isn't producing the intended results. You have to become increasingly aware of your thinking, feeling and acting. What is ineffective? What works? What could be done more powerfully, effortlessly? Which principles govern any given subject matter?
  17. @Princess Arabia If you find it inspiring and it works for you, great, enjoy. Remember to be grounded.
  18. Like being increasingly honest with yourself, which kicks your ass: getting clear on your experience, motivations, feelings and actions, and of course communicating with others based on what you discover and determine to be the most truthful thing about yourself at the moment. When telling the truth is your committed goal, many challenges are going to arise out of that decision. What tends to happen at the beginning is that you realize that you actually aren't as honest as you thought, and how what's true gets relegated to second player when it doesn't serve the self. This obstacle needs to be transcended.
  19. Manipulation occurs as part of self-survival; it is producing an effect on an assessed condition. Affecting equals manipulation.
  20. First we should define what being a man/masculine is like.
  21. Intelligence can be developed.