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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. I hear you making stories up. What are you experiencing for real?
  2. Wondering whether Rockstar's humor will remain irreverent and offensive on this GTA. The charm of this franchise is culture critique and pointing out absurdities and hypocrisy, among other things.
  3. As a week-long exercise, stop judging altogether. Catch yourself whenever you do.
  4. Anger is generated by you in order to protect the hurt and vulnerable person that is behind the anger. Being honest in this case would require letting yourself be the hurt and vulnerable person that you use the anger to protect.
  5. Look into your resentment. Get over this childish behavior of yours.
  6. Leaker ruined the hype imo. Interested in how the AI is going to be improved on this one.
  7. Only personal consciousness will make a difference. Get who and what you are, then contemplate what life is.
  8. Depends on what context you're using. Intellectual understanding is necessary and useful as well.
  9. No. The point is that whatever methods are useful for, enlightenment isn't one of those uses. I already said methods are helpful, but won't produce satori. You're talking about experience. It isn't about spirituality.
  10. Watching The Simpsons.
  11. @Carl-Richard Funnily enough, this was just released. Deals with this topic in a way similar to mine:
  12. Why did I find this so funny? Every noob dating.
  13. You Are Hate. Haven't looked into this yet. Maybe, buried down all the crap, you actually love everyone. You recognize "other" as integral to -- not-separate from -- you. It just might not be easy to see. To start, asking what love and pain are is a good direction to follow.
  14. May be your projection based on misunderstanding, but this is easy to say. In any case, don't fall into cosmologies.
  15. If I get rigorous with myself, a couple of "direct" ones at most. The other type, much more. They don't mean anything though, they are what they are -- an experience (of love, terror, bliss, profound wonder, union with the universe, etc). When going through them, it is easy to get swept away by them. It is consciousness of your nature. Not special at all, can occur for everyone, but likely much less common than people make them out to be. I just want to make sure we don't assume that enlightenment is an experience or a perception, even if it is an unusual, intense one. Better to leave it as an unknown that's possible for you.
  16. It's Ralph all the way down.
  17. I should have clarified that by letting them be, I meant your feelings. Experiencing things tends to dissolve them. Okay. Also stop beating yourself up, that's a start.