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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. Being so blind that one is unable to recognize his own blindness.
  2. Whatever you do, get into it, master it. Sounds too popular to have an effect, but regardless: throw yourself into your experience, don't resist it. What's the point of resisting your current experience?
  3. How you start your day influences and sometimes even sets its entire trajectory. Start your day deliberately, in a positive mood. Choose a few of the following activities, make them a habit: Wake up early and on time (don't snooze) Meditate, have a nutritious breakfast, exercise: yoga, run, swim, take a walk alone or with the dog Take a cold shower Drink lots of water + coffee or tea Journal about your goals, experiences, focus for the day Have sex Listen to relaxing music Read Practice visualizing and affirmations Above all, focus on what you want to accomplish for the day.
  4. Concepts about others prevent you from meeting the living event in front of you. It decreases your presence and disempowers genuine relating.
  5. You're extrapolating and speculating as to the end result of this work. This activity is based on your ideals and concepts, which are necessarily wrong. Intellectually, you know what this work is all about and where it leads. Experientially, however, there's a lot yet to contemplate. Ground the work in your experience instead of just intellectualizing about it.
  6. Honesty doesn't need disclaimers.
  7. There's a book titled "50 Psychology Classics" or something like that. You might find it useful.
  8. "If you don't change course, you may end up where you're headed." What path are you on? What do you spend your time, focus and energy on? Be vigilant of your first step. Where will it lead you down the road? Make sure it is an empowering destination. Change course before it's too late. If not, this is how individuals fall into toxic life purposes: negligence, complacency and lack of awareness.
  9. What systems and infrastructure do you use, either consciously or not? People tend to get stuck in ways of acting and perceiving. Set up systems and create your infrastructure from scratch. Build up your environment to be empowering.
  10. Stop giving so much attention to what the world is up to, with its ego, drama and delusion. The prevalent modern lifestyle promotes stress and distraction. Change yours. Slow down. Focus on one or two commitments in your life.
  11. Psychedelics promote radical openness and deconstruction of self, mind and existence, if done deliberately and with intelligence.
  12. In your experience, practice the following: Differentiate between perception, thought, and feeling. Do it.
  13. This work isn't about sugar-coating your own ego -- so avoid falling into self-importance. What's important is the work itself, not your personal self.
  14. Is it really true? Have you become directly conscious of it, or do you simply hold it as such (believe it to be the case)?
  15. A trap especially directed to teachers: Don't confuse having talked about a subject with actually understanding it deeply.
  16. Openness keeps you on a third-person perspective, detached from what's being observed, facilitating an objectivity that is uncommon in our culture. However, unlike being an spectator, in this case the condition can also be manipulated because you are living it, not just observing at a distance.
  17. Be skeptic about your own skepticism. Pay attention to bias that's covered up under the term skepticism.
  18. Two fundamental assumptions that science holds and defends that might not be true: The existence of an objective world; Direct knowledge into the nature of life and reality is impossible.
  19. An immediate way to increment your wealth is adopting an austere mindset relative to your survival. Reduce your needs, simplify your lifestyle, withdraw from the world. Aim to be happy with as little as possible. Then, no matter what you gain or lose, you'll be able to be happy regardless of circumstantial change.
  20. If you have to do it, no matter what, do it well. Otherwise, don't do it. When you're committed, others take notice. When that happens, new possibilities open up.
  21. Answers and beliefs undermine questioning.
  22. To become aware of conditioning, change your environment.
  23. The extent to which you're able and willing to acknowledge what's true is the degree of your "spiritual" growth.
  24. Seeking pleasure undermines the search for truth.
  25. Which desktop OS do you use and why? What do you think of Windows 11? What about Linux and macOS?