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Everything posted by UnbornTao

  1. Do you assume that you're already open? This might actually be a sign of closed-mindedness. In order to open oneself up, what's useful are psychedelics. They facilitate you in seeing how open you can possibly get. Remember, though, that openness must be balanced with groundedness. Otherwise, you'll lose your grip on objective reality.
  2. Zooming in and out is a dynamic to be balanced. Do both, daily. Falling into one or the other is a trap. Zooming in: Immersing yourself in something. Zooming out: Removing distinctions so that the big picture emerges.
  3. Yes, they're innovative but this kind of PCs usually come with compromises. They're thick, heavy, get ridiculously hot, loud fans, negligible battery life as compared to M1, and performance drops radically unless plugged to power. This is nonsense. Even if plugged in, they can't match M1 and when they do, battery only lasts for 4 hours at best. Worse screen, webcams, etc. To be fair, many win on the graphics department. The PCs that you mentioned exemplify two half-assed jobs, versus one thing well-executed, as is now the case with custom silicon Macs. Microsoft still hasn't figured out how to adapt Windows to 2-in-1's for both use cases without bothering either one or both groups. By restricting their OS to the traditional mouse and keyboard input, Apple avoids this dilemma. I'll believe it when I see it. When it comes to efficient computing and ARM productivity, Apple is currently at the top. They have a head start over the competition. Intel misses Apple, not the other way around. As an amateur, I suspect that the x84 architecture will probably become irrelevant in a couple of decades as it is inherently inefficient, hence unsuitable for portable devices. ARM and RISC-V seem to be the future of chip design.
  4. Do you assume that masculinity is not compatible with being vulnerable and sensitive? Some men who act macho might be afraid of showing themselves vulnerable. In intimate relationships, a man is willing to acknowledge and clearly communicate what he's thinking, feeling and experiencing. Sensitivity is about awareness; it implies courage, not weakness. Appearances are deceiving.
  5. That's weird. What software? Is it the only thing stopping you from upgrading?
  6. Costs of putting off deciding what to commit your life to: being pretty dizzy when death comes.
  7. The one in the driver's seat in your life is and has always been you, whether that responsibility is acknowledged and taken on or not. What's the proportion in which you listen to others vs yourself when it comes to vital matters? Take charge of your disposition, reactions, emotional state, personal growth and learning.
  8. In order to empower your life, ground it on a principle. Principles are real, profound and effective and they have to be experienced! Just thinking about them has very little use, which is what most people do. You need to see them live, happening in front of you. Seriously contemplate a principle in order to grasp it experientially. That's the only way it will make a difference in your life. Examples of transforming life principles are integrity, intelligence, well-being, mastery, honesty, responsibility, honor, authenticity, loyalty.
  9. – Tibetan Lama
  10. Observe and choose deliberately what you put your attention, time and energy on. How do you spend your day? What do you focus on throughout the week? Does that serve your goals? Haven't you noticed how the bodies of those who sit 8 hours a day and who don't exercise accommodate to that lifestyle? What do you want your body and mind to accommodate to? As Tibetan masters say: "You become what you meditate on." So meditate on the truth.
  11. How are you empowering other people's lives? Especially the ones you live with. Also: In which ways are you contributing to their mediocrity and ignorance? Stop those. Put your efforts into helping others achieve their potential while you do the same.
  12. A fool can't appreciate, cognize nor perceive greatness. To fully appreciate the nuances of skill, intelligence, or consciousness requires being skillful yourself, to level up your game and observational and thinking skills. In which ways are you taking for granted skill and mastery in others?
  13. Open-mindedness is an antidote to dogma and ideology. Closed-mindedness is threatened by openness. So does the ego. Closedmindedness often manifests for many as arrogance and false certainty in the legitimacy of one's knowledge.
  14. Attachment is motivated by the fear of groundlessness.
  15. We can choose between making ourselves miserable or making ourselves happy. The amount of effort that it takes is the same. It is easier to be happy than to suffer.
  16. "The difference between the student and the master is that the master has made more mistakes than the student can count." Failures are stepping stones to success. Seek them out. Fail faster and intelligently. Use them as feedback. Adopt the student's mindset. Change your relationship towards failure. See them as essential towards mastery. Correcting as you go is the priciple being communicated here.
  17. Awareness is a function of mind, mind is a form of consciousness, consciousness is you.
  18. When the perceived causes of your unhappiness are resolved and yet your unhappiness remains, that's a rough revelation. You always assumed unconsciously that happiness was to be found on external factors. When looking into it, however, you realize that happiness was never circumstantially-derived. Good news!
  19. Being smart is different from being intelligent. The former is easier and mechanic. Machines can learn it much more easily than actual intelligence. Prevalent in academic circles. Rote memorization can be considered a form of smartness. The latter requires holism, awareness, detachment, and creativity. It is harder to become intelligent and come across an intelligent person.
  20. I think most people are attracted to fantasies rather than to simple honesty. What they want to hear is their inclinations and preferences being validated, not truthful communication. I assume this is one of the reasons why teachers become massively popular. Nice marketing, though.
  21. How can that be done? First, become aware of what the activity is about. What am I doing? What is its purpose? Why am I doing it? Recognize whether your participation in it is socially validated. The more socially validated, the more likely it is to be unconscious. This might indicate groupthink. Remove distinctions. In other words, adopt a meta, or big picture, perspective. Step back. Observe the situation from an unbiased, impartial, third-person standpoint. How would an alien perceive that event?
  22. We unconsciously make up and adopt conceptual worlds to inhabit and then believe them to be "real." Cognizing this activity frees you from worldviews and belief systems. It is prevalent and easier to discern in the social domain: Bring to mind a tradition or routine that is collectively followed in your culture: New year's eve Christmas Coffee drinking (the particular picture or scene that you hold in your mind) What someone who goes to the opera should be like These are all conceptual worlds we're sucked into. Each one determines what is appropriate in a given situation. They have no substance nor do they exist "out there". Without humans to interpret and make sense, they can't arise. Its existence depends on the mind conjuring up the world in such a way as to make that particular thing take place. Its nature is recognized once you stop doing it -- it is an invention, an act. It may be popular but it is a construction nonetheless. Lastly, the fact that something is constructed doesn't undermine its potential value or contribution.
  23. Self, survival and life are the same principle. Survival is much deeper and broader than how it is used in the conventional sense. Choosing what to wear as well as the constant need and impulse to breathe are survival.
  24. Yeah, well, it's pretty fun to learn, too. If what you value are privacy, security and customization, Linux may be ideal for you. It could also be considered a hobby by users who aren't tech-savvy. It's presumably a decent and more expensive improvement. Now with a notch! I've been tempted to buy $500 PC laptops several times. It's best to see a purchase like this as a long-term investment, though. Cheap PCs won't hold up very well after two or three years of intensive daily use.
  25. I always remain suspicious of dirt cheap tech products precisely because of these practices.